So blueberrymania and I were playing a duel. He's using a Diss Shield and I'm using Flying Morning Glories. When my Morning Glory was in the weapon slot, it would subtract 7 life from him and 0 Entropy quanta. But after his turn was done, his life would go back up to where it should've been, but the quanta didn't go down like it should've. After that, I flew 1 Morning Glory and had 1 in the weapon slot. The flying Glory would be absorbed using up 3 Entropy quanta. But the Glory in the weapon slot didn't absorb any entropy quanta. When both Glories were on the field, then everything worked as it should.
Beginning of my turn

After my turn

Beginning of my next turn

Beginning of my turn

After my turn

I suppose this may just be a desync bug. But in case it isn't, I wanted to report it.