Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Report In-game Issues => Confirmed Issues => Topic started by: zac80 on January 11, 2010, 05:46:25 pm

Title: Unburrow removing immortal status, but not the icon.
Post by: zac80 on January 11, 2010, 05:46:25 pm
I've used Quintessence on an Elite shrieker, and in the opponent's turn it got poisoned. Yes, immortalizing preceded poisoning. One possible cause of this glitch could have been that just after immortalizing and before poisoning, I've accidentally burrowed the shrieker. After I've unburrowed it, checked some other website, and when I got back, it already had the poison counter. Anyone has ever experienced similar things?
Title: Re: Immortal creature poisoned
Post by: YoYoBro on January 11, 2010, 06:28:27 pm
Maybe immortalizing+burrow=disimmortalizing?
Title: Re: Immortal creature poisoned
Post by: jmizzle7 on January 11, 2010, 06:30:42 pm
Let me guess... Was this in a PvP match?
Title: Re: Immortal creature poisoned
Post by: Delreich on January 11, 2010, 10:08:46 pm
Might perhaps be that unburrowing made it targetable again? If this wasn't pvp, that is...
Title: Re: Immortal creature poisoned
Post by: zac80 on January 12, 2010, 12:20:28 pm
No PvP! It was against the halfblood Shadtis.
And no, burrow did not disimmortalized the creature.
Successive screenshots below:.
Unfortunately the burrow/unburrow was not captured.

Title: Re: Immortal creature poisoned
Post by: YoYoBro on January 12, 2010, 01:19:50 pm
Maybe the immortal symbol stays there but the unmaterialization happens? Graphic bug?
Title: Re: Immortal creature poisoned
Post by: Delreich on January 12, 2010, 10:56:50 pm
Maybe the immortal symbol stays there but the unmaterialization happens? Graphic bug?
That was what I meant, though it would be a functional bug, not graphical. Unburrowing shouldn't make the critter targetable if it is immaterial.
Title: Re: Immortal creature poisoned
Post by: jmizzle7 on January 12, 2010, 11:06:12 pm
Actually yes, I'm pretty sure that's what happened. Burrow is exactly the same as immaterial status, but it is temporary. When you burrowed the Shrieker, the temporary immaterial status was applied to replace the permanent immaterial status. So when you unburrowed your Shrieker, the status was lifted and the immaterial status was lifted. This is pure speculation on my part based on my understanding of the mechanics behind the two status effects.
Title: Re: Immortal creature poisoned
Post by: YoYoBro on January 12, 2010, 11:14:28 pm
Title: Re: Immortal creature poisoned
Post by: stinky472 on January 13, 2010, 08:38:53 am
From what I've encountered, almost all of these glitches happen in pvp, not against AI, which comes down to a desync issue with pvp clients. Probably your use of quintessence didn't register for the other client. The game is especially buggy this way.
Title: Re: Immortal creature poisoned
Post by: jmizzle7 on January 13, 2010, 11:06:59 am
From what I've encountered, almost all of these glitches happen in pvp, not against AI, which comes down to a desync issue with pvp clients. Probably your use of quintessence didn't register for the other client. The game is especially buggy this way.
Look at the screenshots. He wasn't playing a PvP game, but against the level 5 AI called Shadtis.
Title: Re: Immortal creature poisoned
Post by: zac80 on January 13, 2010, 01:14:25 pm
jmizzle7, you're right. Indeed that is what's happening. I've tested it in the trainer:
turn 1: summon Shrieker
turn 2: unburrow it and apply Quintessence
turn 3: burrow it
turn 4: unburrow it
turn 4.5: AI immediately froze the creature, even if there is a second, 'naive' Shrieker around (as the screenshot shows).

Title: Re: Immortal creature poisoned
Post by: jmizzle7 on January 13, 2010, 07:51:29 pm
Thanks for the detective work. Added to known bugs.
Title: Re: Immortal creature poisoned
Post by: stinky472 on January 14, 2010, 10:05:56 am
Look at the screenshots. He wasn't playing a PvP game, but against the level 5 AI called Shadtis.
Oh I'm sorry, I posted the reply before I saw the screenshot.
Title: Re: Unburrow removing immortal status, but not the icon.
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on April 19, 2012, 06:03:59 pm
A bit of a necro, but this bug is still in the game:
Title: Re: Unburrow removing immortal status, but not the icon.
Post by: blahs15 on August 27, 2012, 02:58:45 am
So I discovered this bug while playing with a shard golem deck. (a long while back)
I was trying to burrow my immortal golem so that I could try to SoW the golem then unburrow it to get a total of +8 dmg.
Needless to say, I found out that I could SoW the golem while it was burrowed.
But then I couldn't SoW the golem even after it was unburrowed.

Later, I did some more investigating on this bug. Here are some things I found:

So, when a creature is immortal,
burrow it --> can not be targeted, period.
unburrow it --> still has immortal mark, but is essentially mortal.
Can no longer cast SoW on it.

When a creature is immortal AND is SoWed,
(does spell dmg)
burrow it --> can not be targeted, period. Still does spell dmg and has SoW mark.
unburrow it --> still has immortal mark, can be targeted, but not by SoW. But STILL does spell damage
Title: Re: Unburrow removing immortal status, but not the icon.
Post by: Fluttershaun on September 07, 2012, 01:38:01 pm
What's even more odd is when a creature that has been "unimmortalized" in this manner is targeted with TU, the copy is immortal and can be targeted with SoW.  ?_?
Title: Re: Unburrow removing immortal status, but not the icon.
Post by: blahs15 on September 08, 2012, 02:15:37 am
What's even more odd is when a creature that has been "unimmortalized" in this manner is targeted with TU, the copy is immortal and can be targeted with SoW.  ?_?

ahhh yes. I actually tested out the exact same thing, but was too lazy to get the screenshots posted.  But yea, the copies are immortal once again!
Title: Re: Unburrow removing immortal status, but not the icon.
Post by: rob77dp on May 05, 2016, 06:20:38 am
WAAAY back necro here -- scold me if need be and delete the post if admins see fit.

However, I figured this was a better place for me to post a gif/video of this bug instead of starting a new in the main thread area...

Evolved Graboid is now a Shrieker with Quintessence applied then Shard of Wisdom then burrowed --> in the video is hover to show "invulnerable" status then unburrow and hover to show no more status