APR 20 - 12:56AM
Mathematistic: wtf is happening to plat?
Mathematistic: did someone figure out an ultra grinder?
jooe15: idk..
jooe15: no idea
APR 20 - 12:57AM
Mathematistic: I submitted a new deck and it's rank 15
Mathematistic: seriously
APR 20 - 12:58AM
Mathematistic: something's definitely wrong
jooe15: ya..
APR 20 - 1:02AM
jooe15: 1 hp decks back to being rare now

EirosAurora: PVP 2!
APR 20 - 1:03AM
jooe15: Why O-o
APR 20 - 1:04AM
Mathematistic: It seems that whoever this grinding guy is, he/she/it (could be a bot) has a winrate of about 30%
jooe15: Whom?
APR 20 - 1:05AM
Mathematistic: Or maybe it's just a band of people playing Pdials 24/7...
APR 20 - 1:06AM
Mathematistic: Oh and Plat is 205 now
APR 20 - 1:08AM
Mathematistic: Normally I don't visit the forums anymore, but it seems that even they are aware of the problem
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/arena-bug/plat-arena-behaving-oddly/APR 20 - 1:09AM
jooe15: I posted it in chat :S
Mathematistic: I see, yeah the frequency of plays...
APR 20 - 1:13AM
jooe15: I can understand somebody playing a ton, but that doesn't help solve why their are so many 1 hp decks
jooe15: there*
mukund135: hmm, i have a guess
APR 20 - 1:14AM
mukund135: 2 bots. one that plays and fights the good decks + auto-concedes to 1hp decks
mukund135: then another on the "main" account that simply runs through and tries to beat everyone
jooe15: ah...
APR 20 - 1:15AM
mukund135: since the 1hp decks keep winning from bot1, they get pushed up in rating and so bot2 can get them more often
APR 20 - 1:16AM
Mathematistic: Not just 1hp decks, a lot of old decks are getting uprates
jooe15: do you think bot 2 is simply a player? if so, how would we find him/her?
jooe15: it would look just like any other player
mukund135: no idea
Mathematistic: There's nothing abnormal about the winrate, the amount of plays is the wrong stat
jooe15: :/
APR 20 - 1:17AM
Mathematistic: wrong as in fishy
jooe15: Ah..
APR 20 - 1:18AM
Mathematistic: And given how easy it is to play Pdials near-optimally
Mathematistic: with a protocol
jooe15: I see...
Mathematistic: May not even be Pdials, could be Kamikaze (that explains the water mark losses)
APR 20 - 1:19AM
jooe15: Ah..