You are right about one thing. I shouldn't have complained about it AGAIN publicly. About half year passed, and it is still
the same, and it makes me always angry when I look at the arenas.
www, it isn't SoD decks alone. They are just a mean to abuse the ranking system in arena. The problems are:
- only minus 40 score for a loss;
- number of wins matter more than win/loss ratio;
- as you get a higher position/score you get more points for a win;
- unneeded thumbs up system (why including sympathy into a system which should value good decks?);
- arena generally played by newcomers and they will get often beaten by those SoD decks.
All these together will mean that you can have tons of losses (see Sapart at #3 - he was around #200 for years,
but the sudden change in economics propelled him to the top), while scraping in a few random wins with T1 SoD.
The only change happened in SoD decks that they became a bit more aggro, having Light Nymphs or Dragons, too.
Someone even used Hope, while toros applying his usual vader sadering. Add the stupid filler accounts which
effectively killed bronze arena (new decks quickly getting NEGATIVE scores and disappearing from the top500
What confirms its usage is that its usage is allowed.
Because of this quarantine situation there were a lot of archived materials in the television from earlier Olympics.
It was fun to relive those moments. Ofc there were bitter memories as well, but there was something that outright
shocked me. 2004 Olympics France vs Hungary women handball. We had quite a good lead for most of the match,
but eventually lost mostly because the French side started playing more aggressively. After the match there were
short interviews. The French team had a Hungary-born player, so they asked her as well about their victory.
She said (not word by word): we saw that the referees today allow the more aggressive play, so we played by
that and eventually won.
So, yes. The usage is allowed. That is what disgusts me. The referee is complacent and allows brutal play?
OK, let's do that and win! By this reasoning the banking system is totally cool, everybody should do the same.
What bugs me is you talking on you high horse about compromising for the greater good and implicating everyone who does not follow suit has a flawed character.
Nobody is perfect. In my view they are imperfect because cheesefest winning is more important them
than playing fairly. It is very common that people who play together something (be it a board game or sports)
agree about not cheesing.
It pains me how you don't understand me. Online games show the flaws of human behaviour they reflect societies perfectly.
It isn't the first time for me to experience this. For example I played Diablo II for years. That sort of elitism, where the
level 95+ players thought they are some sort of deities who has the rights to maintain the resources of the game. They figured
out unwritten rules just to maintain their status quo. Won't tell you examples, because dunno how much you know about the actual game.
And if you understand me (but react like this) that's even worse.