Read WELL the warden's skill:

Delay the target creature and attack it unless it is airborne. Now, unbuffed warden has 0 attack, so usually wardens just delay target creatures; but if warden is buffed it damages the target creature (unless it is airborne).
For example, a buffed warden with 10 of attack power will deal 10 damage to a target creature.
Sopa + warden is a well known and pretty effective combo.
That makes sense... even if it wasn't "well known" to me. That said, I think my confusion isn't due to sloppiness for if you "Read
WELL" there is a logical contradiction and it's really a question of which card takes priority, SoPa or Warden. SoPa says: "Your Creatures do not attack." When Warden uses it's ability, it "attacks." There's some implied slippage for in the SoPa text it really means "do not attack [the Elemental/player]," but the card says "do not attack." After SoPa is clicked and disappears, then Warden's "Guard" skill causes it to attack and there's no logical conflict, but while SoPa is up - both cards do not have true statements.
In any case, thanks for the clarification.