New Mechanic:Creating & Playing Heroes!What Heroes are?Heroes are like creatures, but with the following differences:
* They're already on the field when the game starts, occupying the top-left creature slot.
* They enter the game delayed and immaterial with the active ability "Awake: remove Delay and Immortality, used only once, this ability costs the same quanta with Heroe's playing cost". After using "Awake", they become vanilla creatures (like Werewolves do). Of course, "Awake" has no quanta cost.
* They can't be sacrificed (because they're so unique and in order to prevent abuse with Immolation) and behave like Chimera when targeted with PU or Fractal or Mitosis. However, if PUed by opponent they replace opponent's Hero with yours, though no death effects are triggered. They're affected by the rest of CC effects normally.
Editing your Hero.At the deck editing screen, there will be an "Edit Hero" button next to Mark selection button which would allow you to edit your Hero stats. Like Marks, you can have only 1 Hero at a time. There, you can edit a number of things:
* Heroe's element: Your Hero can be any of the 12 elements and his/her cost is always in-element. His/her image is also changed according to the element chosen.
*Heroe's Stats: Your Hero starts with an atk|hp of 0|1 and playing quantum cost of 0. You can increase its attack and cost by 1 or increase its hp by 2 and its cost by 1. Of course, you can follow the opposite procces by reducing its atk by 1 or its hp by 2 and decreasing its cost by 1. However, a Hero cost and stats can't go below 0 or above 75.
Examples: A 4|5 Hero costs 6

, a 7|3 Hero costs 8

, a 1|0 Hero costs 1

but dies at the end of your first turn and a 74|3 Hero costs 75

and probably never played...
Why Heroes should be added to the game?Because they offer new possibilities. If someone doesn't want to play with a Hero, he/she just leaves it as a 0|1 delayed & immortal creature which can be "Awaken" for free in the next turn and just sitting there, while someone may create a strong yet expensive Hero to act as an OTK. Furthermore, it helps at bad RNG because you always start with a Hero and it is cool having a unique creature, isn't it. Also, it seems easy to be coded (you already start some fights with a pet given by the Oracle, so the coding is in the game) and buffs a few UP & UU cards; more certainly:
1) Alfatoxin is buffed, cause you already have a cheap critter to poison and create a Malignant Cell army.
2) Butterfly Effect is buffed, cause a low-attack Hero provides a sure target.
3) Many buffs become less situational.
4) Flooding becomes more powerful as a potential Hero slayer, since it easily kills an Awaken Hero (Heroes don't start at middle but at the corner of the field).
5) Catapult is buffed for having an extra possible fodder to launch.
Example Card:Heroes would also be introduced as playable cards, replacing any hero players already may have.
| |
NAME: | Otherlands Champion
| ELEMENT: | Other
| COST: | 2
| TYPE: | Hero
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | Replaces your current Hero. All quanta sources act as Quantum Pillars and all cards cost Other quanta.
| NAME: | Otherlands Champion
| ELEMENT: | Other
| COST: | 2
| TYPE: | Hero
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | Replaces your current Hero. All quanta sources act as Quantum Pillars and all cards cost Other quanta.
ART: | ScaredGirl (modyfied by Arthanasios)
| NOTES: | When Otherlands Champion is played, it replaces the slot and image of your Hero but still uses your original Hero stats and cost (it also enters the game delayed and immortal with the active skill "Awake", except if the previous hero was already awaken). Furthermore, your hero has the passive ability "Otherlands", which makes ANY quanta producers (including permanents, creatures and spells at both upped/unupped form) played/used by BOTH players to behave like Quantum Pillars and any card cost Other quanta (colorless cost). That means even Pillars|Towers of every element (including Quantum Towers) will behave like Quantum Pillars, creatures like Fireflies produce 3 random quanta each turn and spells like Immolation and Nova produce only 3 random quanta. Moreover, every card keeps its original element, despite of costing Other quanta instead, but beware; any quanta consumption absorbs ALL your quanta instead (so you can't abuse it with Fractal or Miracle). Of course, "Otherlands" affect both player hands and field. The upped version is the same, with the only difference the quanta producers behave like Quantum Towers instead, producing 3 additional random quanta by the time they're played (including quanta producing creatures, permanents & spells). The "Otherlands" is activated at the end of Otherlands Champion's owner turn, meaning your opponent will harvest its benefits before you do (needed as a balancing measure for an extreme card like this). If Otherlands Champion leaves the field, the "Otherlands" effects stops and all cards and quanta sources behave normally.
| SERIES: | You're Our Only Hope