Delriech, thanks for the Earth/Air catch. I have no idea what I was thinking when I suggested Gravity.
That said, I still think that switch Earth for Air is better for balance, even if it does mean losing Flying Weapon.

And I would like to encourage ScaredGirl to actually sit down, think about, and address all of these objections rather than simply ignoring them and playing dictator.
"What if you just have a deck that's pillars and damage spells so that their permanent control doesn't do any good?" doesn't do crap for us when the only damage spell we have is Ice Lance, and they have both Fire Lance and Syphon Life -- the faster Lance and the Lance that keeps you alive -- in addition to all of the permanent control.
And those of us who say "Good can heal!", keep in mind: they have just as much access to SoG as we do -- only we can't take it away from them once played. There's not much by way of healing that can keep up with that option, and 5/6ths of us can't possibly pack enough Light quanta to make Miracle a passable option.
I'm not complaining -- I'm more than willing to participate with the rules as given -- but that doesn't mean that they don't deserve to be examined, especially when there's a general consensus that they're not balanced.
Remember how you want things to be
fun? Fun is NOT "let's play a game where one team has 80% of the advantages and the other team has to rely largely on luck and surprise to get by".
I don't even know that I'm right on this count. I could be overlooking something significant. But if I am, I encourage you to enlighten me rather than just telling the Good team to buck up and play along regardless of what seems like come critical flaws in the structure of the event.
And casthegamer, you never picked an element. I'd like you to join the Acolytes. Our war room is finished, and soon the forces of Good will receive their invitations to our chamber in the Deep.
Will you be there?