I must say I'm dissappointed by some cards. Sometimes I think newbies shouldn't have right to vote (No offence newbies), because they don't understand the game balance and mechanics.
Shard ideas were supposed to be usefull in every element, but with some advantages for 1 of the 12 elements, not only used by only one specific element.
Knowledge - moomoose good idea implanting spell damage into shard, but elemental bonus was not so good.(uninteresting)
Freedom - I voted for this. It's good idea usable by every element and favoring

. Just it's quite complicated before you actually use it - Does it stack? Does it affect opponent's creatures as well?
Detachment - skill TU for

. And only usable in darkness
Resilence - Maybe good idea but it's not simple (Not that I don¨t understand it, just it's too complex)
Intuition - Usable only in

Determination - Quite good. Bonus is insignificant (If inflicts only 2 damage once)
Balance - Quite good. OP in Blackhole deck. - total quanta denial
Restraint - very good but without water creatures it's weak. However if standard 2 turn freeze was raised it would be OP with water creatures