Thanks for the congratulations everyone

oh no haters
Well, I'm just going to say one thing: I hate randomness. I really do. If I had to pick a Top 5 of my least favourite cards in EtG, Mutation, Fate Egg and Dusk Mantle would probably be among them. One thing however that you learn when you play for Team Entropy for 2 Wars or just are a smart person is that not everything that says random has randomness in it.
Discord "randomly" scrambles the opponents quanta pool. What this means is that it totally kills any mono or duo deck that hasn't taken a specific counter.
Chaos Seed inflicts a "random" effect on a creature. What this means is that it's an extremely efficient tool for killing creatures with 2 or less HP.
Fallen Druid produces a "random" mutant every turn. What this means is that the opponent either kills it or will soon face an invincible army, regardless of what exact mutants are created.
Pandemonium inflicts a "random" effect on every creature. What this means is that it will still kill enough to charge up your Bone Wall.
There are on the other hand also cards that are extremely random in gameplay, but where Zanzarino wasn't so friendly to put the word "random" on them.
Scorpions require you to draw a two card combination in which neither piece doesn't do anything without the other.
Silence has a very strong effect... If you manage to power it out on turn 1 otp with the help of Towers.
Black Hole has a very strong effect, but only if you managed to randomly draw a Discord before.
So please before you bash my card, think about the meaning of randomness, and try to find out what's really random about a card. That is all, thank you very much.
Ps: Thanks to everyone who voted for my Shard!