- Fishing Hole | Fishing Hole -
This card completely ignored the picture, as it depicts no place to fish....
The ability would be decently fun, but is also really weak... unless you got a squid, you couldn't use its ability outside of a trio or rainbow and, on top of that, most water creatures have low attack. (0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9)
25% is way too low a percentage for how much this card costs to play and use.
Fun 4/10
Playability 1/10
- Temporary Shelter | Temporary Shelter -
The picture is well used on this one.
When I first read this card, I thought it meant the owner of the creatures gains HP, but the description says otherwise. +2 health to creatures at the expense of not attacking seems very weak. It could be used as a decent counter to some decks, but in comparison to SoP, it doesn't give any attack and only works on vanilla creatures and creatures can't use it the first turn they're put out.
Fun 3/10
Playability 4/10 (can be used as a decent counter)
- Forest | Forest -
Very uninspired name.
You didn't put in the description if the effects stack, making it hard to really determine the strength of the card; so I'll assume it doesn't stack.
I can see this card being used a lot. The bonus in attack and health combo'd with the smaller creatures would give Life a nice extra punch. Life creatures are generally underquanta'd for their stats, so boosting them even more can make them very lethal. Also having evasion could make them a nice contender. The biggest problem is that monoLife is very weak to Dimensional Shields and Wings, and since you'd be playing mostly Life creatures with this, you wouldn't many options for other cards, possibly just duo'd with PC. The unupped version is pretty weak though.
Fun 7/10
Playability 8/10
- Illumination | Illumination -
Shine bright... so it works. Yay for one of the few Light cards.
Mass boost to healing. Heal now restores 30HP. Does it round up or down?
The biggest thing I don't like is that it's in the same element as Sanctuary. That'd give the player 6HP/turn, for 36 total a turn. Duo it with SoG and you have a whopping amount of healing.
Fun 5/10
Playability 8/10
- Dark Forest | Black Forest -
This card title ignores 75% of the picture (including the center portion). I'm not sure how a nice calm forest setting with a cottage would inspire damage.
Haven't we seen this card a lot before? ... In many different elements in the CI&A section?
Life doing damage based on healing.. This should very much be a darkness card.. it even has 'Dark' and 'Black' in the titles. This card would take a very dedicated deck to make it work. You would need numerous healing sources. 6 of these and 6 Sanctuaries could do up to 36 (72 for upped). It would make for a very annoying deck.
Fun 5/10 (for you, not your opponent)
Playability 8/10
- Dense Forest | Dense Forest -
That forest doesn't look too dense to me...
What is the percentage chance of a creature becoming invisible? If it's high, this card is borderline playable.. if it's low, this card would never be used.
Fun 3/10
Playability 2/10
- Hidden Bunker | Hidden Bunker -
The name can fit.
When it's hidden, I assume it becomes untargetable by abilities and your opponent, like Burrow? It also doesn't attack? Or is the creature completely gone and you use the ability on the Hidden Bunker to put it back in play? The usage of this card would be very limited.. maybe in a Pandemonium duo?
Fun 2/10
Playability 3/10
- Empty Thicket | Empty Grove -
Name works.
By itself, it seems like a decent idea, but when combo'd with other cards, it can become a little too powerful. Dims, healing, and this can equal lots of turns of no damage. Usually with Dims, you don't put creatures down while they have their chain going. This card would force them to do so or pay for it for up to 18 turns. It'd have to have a floating effect, like Santuary, or you could Deflagration it, put down a bunch of creatures, and then put another Empty Thicket up. The cost makes it difficult to play, but stall decks can usually handle higher costing cards.
Fun 4/10
Playability 6/10
- Guardian Shrine | Guardian Shrine -
Name works.
This card does a lot, but none of it particularly well...
Hourglasses are a better Reverse Time counter and Eternity is better deck out protection. So you can just play those plus Fate Eggs and duo Time with something else.
Fun 3/10
Playability 3/10
- Peaceful Cabana | Peaceful Home
Name works, since Cabana could mean Cottage or Cabin.
This is a card that would take a bit of playtesting to see its full effect. Dumping your hand, then filling it up would probably be too powerful, especially if you drew the cards immediately.
Fun 5/10
Playability 7/10
- Hidden Grove | Hidden Grove -
Good name.
It's ability to stop AoE is good, though any random targeting, by you or your opponent would remove this card, leaving all the creatures open to damage. This card stopping yourself from targeting seems like it'd limit your options too much, while only being an even card tradeoff with your opponent.
Fun 3/10
Playability 5/10
- Forest Clearing | Forest Clearing -
Great name.
Flooding protection. The cost is good since this card is really hard to use and requires a lot of creatures to be effective. It provides protection starting with the 6th creature, meaning you already have 5 creatures out... If you don't have an advantage by then, you may need to rethink your strategy, especially since this doesn't protect against AoE. The animation could be cool though.
Fun 3/10
Playability 2/10
- Paranirvana | Nirvana -
Name is fine.
The wording could be a little better, like: 'Creatures can heal past their maximum health while this card is in play.' It probably wouldn't see much play since it's not really good at what it does. If some other cards were added to the game, then maybe.
Fun 4/10
Playability 3/10
- Sunlit Grove | Sunlit Grove -
Name is good. I'm not sure how being in a well lit are will help with evasion.
A Life card that gets around shields would be a welcome edition. Though you did just copy/paste the shard onto this card a say they don't stack. What's the evasion %? With the percentage being low, this card would see moderate play, when PC is not an option.
Fun 4/10
Playability 4/10
- Forest Cottage | Forest Chalet -
Name is genius!
The card is epic! (It's my card btw)

Fun 10/10
Playability 10/10
- Break in the Foliage _ Break in the Foliage -
Name is good.
For Light creatures, the evasion would be the thing most sought after. It'd help avoid Antimatter, Reverse Time, Freeze, and Basilisk Blood, among other things that hurt high cost creatures.
The buff in attack for the upped one is decent, for RoL/Mitosis deck. Needing Light every turn really hurts the card.
Fun 7/10
Playability 6/10
- Cursed Forest | Cursed Forest -
Could've fooled me.. I guess that's why it's cursed.
Mitosis Devourer on a stick? Too strong. Devtosis' weakness is killing the creatures before they can spawn more. This needs repeatable CC and PC to stop effectively.
Fun 9/10 (only because it's so strong)
Playability 10/10 (again, because it's too strong)
- Hideout | Hideout -
Just like when we were kids, eh?
*Looks at text of Sanctuary*
Hey, why not give Life another healing permanent? Now you can duo Sanctuary with Hideout and make your opponent cry. And Earth doesn't need a healing card like this, otherwise Stone Skin becomes too strong.
Fun 8/10 (sanc clone)
Playability 9/10 (in a lot of ways, better than Sanctuary)