Have you any constructive criticism to offer, beyond "you all suck"? Otherwise you are only cutting us all down.
None of us would have been the wiser if you simply hadn't voted, and I doubt any of us will lose any sleep over not getting a vote from you - you're sounding very arrogant right now.
I hold true to the short notion given by Zanz at the start of the game and have yet to see any literature that seems to hold to that detail.
He didn't post in the competition entry topic... what notion are you referring to?
I never said you suck. If you were a candidate for a writing competition outside of this and I said I didn't like what you wrote would you think I said you suck?
It's an opinion poll not a measure of skill in an official measure of writing. I would have said nothing more than I disliked all the stories but you asked why.
The Zanz entry I refer to is at
www.elementsthegame.com when you play the game everyday. It has an explanation of the world where the player is an elemental and the creatures of the world are at its behest. Nothing I've read seems to stick to that at all and I'm quite sick of the Human Magicians running around casting magic. Its a dislike of mine regarding elements literature.
none passed my standard
You must have pretty darn high standards here, some of the content written by people is of a very high quality
Depending on what I measure, I do. I'm often branded as an Elitist (sometimes with either Jerk or and Cruel depending on which end of my elitism the person branding me is). I don't mind, when asked to measure I do it honestly. The praise I give is true and earned.
I hold true to the short notion given by Zanz at the start of the game and have yet to see any literature that seems to hold to that detail.
He didn't post in the competition entry topic... what notion are you referring to?
I would assume he meant Scaredgirl
No, I meant Zanz.
Wow. It amazes me that you have the nerve to come here and basically say all these stories suck. I think they are very good quality but that's irrelevant really. Even if they looked like they were written by a 9-year-old, you should still have some respect towards people who spent their time writing these stories. They were never intended to be added into Elements lore. They are just for fun, and use Elements as a theme because.. well, this is Elements forum.
Never said suck anywhere.
Never referenced 9-year olds.
Just said that I didn't like them all and rather than favouring one over another chose to abstain.
I don't know how the rest of the world measures things, but when I pick up a paper in the morning and find nothing I like, the paper doesn't suddenly get considered to suck.
When I say I liked none of the stories in regards to their Elements Connection or as stories, its what I meant "I did not like them" nothing more.
There is no sudden malice to the authors or anything else, just a dislike by me to the stories.
I don't like Harry Potter or Twighlight but their sales dictate they are far from sucking.
I expected that if anyone considered that my opinion was of some great measure of talent that they would ask for advice and if they considered me just a regular like everyone else that their reaction would have been "Ok, he doesn't like my story, but I didn't lose his vote to someone else". Instead I get a backlash suggesting I am arrogant and am treating people like children.