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Voting: Elements Short Story Competition (Mystery/Sci-fi/Romance) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10131.msg122945#msg122945
« on: July 24, 2010, 05:01:11 pm »
Winner: The discovery of Elements


Little Odyssey
by slovenc555

It woke up. It realised, it was trapped inside a shell. It tried to brake free, and brake free it did. It looked around and saw a beautiful world, coated in a strange orange glow. It gazed up and saw two orbs, one silver, one gold. It felt the intense heat and it liked it. It felt its wings for the first time in it's life. It tried to fly, but nothing more than the heat produced by the friction between its wings and its skin. It didn't care, it just wanted to know what it is. A sudden memory came to it's mind. It went to the nearest pile of ash and tried to eat. It coughed, as the hard volcanic ash scraped down its throat. It was agitated, and started moving it's wings with greater force than before, and the heat caused its body to burst into flames, which were hot enough to lift it off the ground.

It flew towards an unknown goal, that was closer that it ever thought. At first, it lost some height, as it wasn't used to the cooler atmosphere away from its birth place. As it descended, it saw a moving landscape of a royal blue color, and it wanted to touch such a magnificent surface. As it did, the cold from the surface transferred to its otherwise warm body and it shivered, with surprised and afraid. But it flew on, towards its goal, with the same height as before. As it looked down once again and saw a dark figure approaching, and flew away just in time, any later and a crawler of some kind would grab it.

So it flew as high as it could, from a cold and dangerous landscape to a place, where everything seemed to be made out of pure light. It landed, tired from the flight that literally lasted most of its short life and noticed, that the ground was just warm enough for its comfort. It looked around and saw regions that were a bit darker the rest of the landscape. It went to see, what are these strange places, and as it touched one of those, it shivered.

It flew away from the shining landscape and saw a weird deserted place with seemingly no life at all. It looked up towards the sky, and saw lots of creatures flying around. It went up and saw flies using not fire, but air to fly. It asked the flies to show it to a place to rest, and the flies showed it to a white fluffy structure. As it rested, it realized that those flies weren't so different at all. But before it could ask them anything, they flew away and it had to continue its journey towards it's goal. It was soon that it saw even bigger flies, some producing light, some producing fire, not for flight, but for illumination. It first saw it was flying into a ever darker twilight than too.

All the life in the sky suddenly vanished. It looked down and saw the same landscape than before, but this time there were creatures there. It went down to see them. As it came, a creature tried to attack it. It fought back, but as it looked away the creature split into two. It didn't like this creature, so it flew away. It flew over dunes, some frozen in time, some moving like for the future and some in reverse. It was confused by all this, and it wanted to leave. It saw even more creatures like the one that was attacking it.

It quickly flew over, leaving the twilight and entering complete darkness. The only source of light in the landscape it has found was the fire that let it fly. It was afraid of every single sound, expecting to be killed any second. It stopped, and the light went out. It was more tired than afraid. A sudden sound woke it up, it felt nibbling on its leg. It could not se anything it this eternal darkness, it didn't even think of flying. But because of the fear, it was shivering and that was enough to reveal the dull landscape. It thought that it saw something move, but it thought it was nothing. As it calmed down, the shivering stopped and the nibbling began once again. This time, it began flapping its wings suddenly, and that revealed over fifty centipedes going back to the shadows and the ones that were close started screaming it their last pain and died.

It was scared and went up, up as far up as it could. It arrived into space. It saw nothing but stars. It felt lonely. Soon, it saw another being just like itself. It flew towards the creature, and the creature flew towards it. They met and gestured each other. It saw an asteroid coming towards them and jumped to save its new friend, and the creature jumped towards it. It closed its eyes, prepared for a collision... And nothing happened. It just went trough what he thought was a creature like itself. It now realized, that it's new friend wasn’t anything more than a reflection, perhaps from another dimension.

It flew away, freaked out from the meeting and landed in a weird landscape. It has known, that it was near the place where the centipedes attacked it, since it was in the weird twilight it known prom it's previous journeys. It landed to rest. The ground was hot, even for it, a creature of fire, but when it looked down it saw ice. It quickly walked away from that weird spot and rested where was cool enough for it to stay. It woke up realizing that it's stuck. The ground it was previously sleeping on was now a liquid. Strange creatures were surrounding him, obviously first time they saw such a creature. It tried to fly, but it was stuck. When the creatures surrounding it saw that, they started pulling it out of the ground.

So it gratefully flew away, towards its unknown goal. It flew over a sickingly gray-greenish landscape, where it saw movement, but sensed no life at all. It landed on a round rock, to drink the lavafolw, it hasn't drunk in days. When it looked up from its object of interest, it saw that what it thought was a landscape, were moldy bones. It looked at the rock it was standing on, and saw two un-dead eyes gazing at it. It felt that he must not stay here, or it will die. But it was a long trip and it was still thirsty.

It drank a bit more and flew over bones of dead creatures to a place, it could no longer fly. It felt like it was three times heavier. It could barely walk, let alone fly. It was lucky that the terrain around it was the same color as its skin; otherwise one of the many creatures it has seen would have killed him, for they were all bigger than any other it has ever seen.

It walked for days in this hell, but finally made it to a rocky landscape where gravity was back to normal. The landscape here was dry and lifeless, so it didn't have any interest to descend. But the second sun has taken its toll and its little body was overheating. It needed a cool place to stay for a while. So it descended down, chose one of the many caves and went to rest inside. It woke up with the sound similar to the one it heard when he encountered the centipedes and started flapping it's wings to make light. It saw that it was a completely different creature. Not an aggressive creature of darkness, but a friendlier creature of earth. It had no reason to attack, so it left the cave to continue its journey.

It flew over the sun scorched lands and saw a green landscape and with curiosity descended down. It tried to land on a green, oval rock, seemingly floating above the others but fell down as the rock moved aside with a gust of wind. It realized that the rock was a part of a different structure. It heard something that seemed relaxing, until some of the same substance it encountered when it first left its home touched it. It was cold, scared and agitated, so it tried to get as far away as possible.

It came out of the scary green environment and found itself back home. Some other beings just like it were coming out of their shells, just like it did. As it saw the others it realized what it is. A Brimstone Eater, a part of a community where everyone did their job and everyone was happy.

The discovery of Elements
by Gl1tch

Tom's suit beeped rhythmically, reminding him he was alive.  Not much else did.  The emptiness of space was daunting, and where he was, there were no stars.

There were no stars!

Tom flipped around, grabbing his stabilization tether for support.  Just where was he that there were no stars?  It was like all matter was concentrated on this solar system, and nothing else existed.  And staring into the abyss, that feeling of being dead returned.  There was no temperature, no feeling, no breeze like he was accustomed to on his barn back home in Tennessee.  No gravity meant there was no down, and no stars meant there was no up.

No stars.

His suit beeped again bringing him back down to Earth.  Well, not back down to Earth, he thought with a laugh, but it refocused him.  He used his radio again.

"If there is anyone out there," he said, repeating his call for help, "anyone out there at all, I have exited the anomaly, I have arrived somewhere in space.  Please respond, over."  But it wasn't really a call for help.  Not yet.  It hadn't really sunk in just how far from home Tom really was.  Only one thing was sinking in at this point.

No stars.

Tom whistled inside his helmet, creating a chord with it's rhythmic beat.  "Well," he thought, "this has to go somewhere".  He began climbing down the cable he was tethered to.

The climb was difficult at first, as the cable was twisted around his ankle, and he got caught more than once on the carbon nano-tube cord, who's physical properties were suddenly all over the map.  It began to have a fractal-esque design, like thousands of carbon snowflakes had been stacked on top of each other, in beautiful spiraling patterns that made absolutely no sense.  Running his fingers down the cable, Tom remembered that if his suit was punctured, he'd be dead, but somehow that didn't phase him.  "No stars..." he thought, and his suit beeped as though sharing in his contemplation.

The faint pull of gravity began to take hold.  Grasping on to his cable, Tom allowed his legs sling in front of him, so that it looked like he was straddling the cable and facing downward.  The wrap around his ankle caught again, and Tom found himself entangled.  He bent over himself, with his bottom half right-side up, but his body redoubled at his waist.  This awkward position only lasted for a second, as he fell backwards, so that his upper half was now the one that was right side up, and his head was aligned with his knees.  Moving as quickly as one can in such a clunky suit, Tom grabbed on to the rope again, inadvertently grabbing on to a section of the rope that was below his ankles, and leaving him thoroughly wrapped in the rope.  Quickly fixing his ankle tangle, Tom realized he was sitting on the rope.  The cable rose up from the planet in front of him, passed between his legs like he was sitting on it, and then rose up behind him.  Lifting his left leg up and over the tether, he suddenly found himself right side up and sliding down the rope again.

Looking up at the top of the rope, he saw that the cable was still caught in the strange anomaly that had brought him here.  He assumed that it was still connected to the other side.  His suit beeped once more, perhaps angry he had called it clunky earlier, or perhaps agreeing with his idea, and Tom threw one of his flares through the anomaly.  While it wouldn't light, it was a signal.  It was the flare that gave off yellow flames.  A tentative maybe.

To his surprise, the flare he received in return was a red flare.  "What danger," Tom thought, "could be on the safe side of the anomaly?"  But Tom's thoughts were misguided, as the anomaly itself was the danger, and it quickly collapsed.  The cable was no longer taught, and now that gravity was in effect, it would no longer prevent his free-fall.  And fall he did.

Now plummeting rapidly, Tom found himself descending through the lone planet's atmosphere.  Suddenly concerned with where the other end of the rope was, he had difficulty seeing as the air whipped past his visor.  Squinting to see, Tom stared at the landscape below him.  He was approaching a vast island in an apparently endless sea of water, and he could see glorious geography similar to the rock back home.  Vast shoots of lava shot from volcanoes in violent geysers, streaming down the mountainside in such extreme amounts that the island had to be growing on one side at a visible rate.  This volcanic activity had caused many mountains, and vast deserts stretched along the globe.  Glancing in a haphazard manner, Tom noticed jungles, caverns, and a strange land of pink rock way off to one side where he could barely see it.  He had just noticed a vast swamp when he fell through a cloud.  Wiping his helmet clean, Tom saw the next row of clouds had buildings upon them, like a society living in the sky.  Awestruck, Tom saw that the creatures there were staring at the end of his rope, and one of the children kicked it comically.  But he didn't have much time to look as he zipped past, falling just to the side realizing that the whiplash from the tether would surely kill him, especially in it's new strangely thorny shape.  Tom let go of his last remaining connection to the world he came from, and began to tumble in descent.  Slowly flipping, he found himself with his back downward, and his limbs and head floating lazily behind it.  It was in this position he hit the water.  And with that extremely forceful collision, he blacked out.  As they said it back home, he began to see stars.


When Tom awoke, an angry wind blew across his face.

Wind blew across his face!

Tom sat up frantically, feeling his head.  Where was his helmet?!  He'd die without air!  Where were his gloves?!  His suit?  His radio... his......  where was he?

The angry wind blew across his face again.

Looking around, he was on a small island, stranded.  The natural foliage looked quite similar to the palm trees growing on the beaches back home, and Tom almost thought he was home, when he heard a voice.

Someone giggled.

The voice was carried on the angry wind, so Tom had no idea how far this strange giggling person was away.  But after pausing to get a sample of the soil and water, before cataloguing the tree and taking a seed, Tom had forgotten about the strange giggle.

Until the wind blew again, angrier.  And the giggle was carried on the wind again.

Concerned now, Tom looked about his tiny island.  It was more like a sand bar caused by rocky terrain nearby, so the island was tiny.  There was no seismic activity that could be detected.  As far as Tom could tell, the island had been formed because the submerged mountains caused a quiet spot in the ocean where this island was, and though the mountains were long gone, somehow the sandbar stayed.

The wind furiously tried to destroy the island.  Or was it trying to destroy Tom?  And why was the wind giggling?

And that's when Tom saw her.  Floating above the water not too far away from him was a beautiful woman, with streaming locks of hair that sparkled as the wind blew.  But the wind didn't blow around her.  No... she was causing the wind to blow!  And with a grin filled with a double row of sharp teeth, the strange woman hissed at Tom ferociously before lighting a match.

The large explosion nearly killed him.

Now blown far into the water, Tom would have bled out if the fire had cauterized his wounds instantly.  Still, he had severe burns on his stomach and arms, and several chunks of skin were missing from when his leg had hit the tree.  And far away, by the island, the strange woman burst into hysterical bouts of laughter.

A joyful wind blew across Tom's face, and he could hear the sound of her laughter dying down.  But Tom knew what the wind meant around here.  And he was scared to death of it.

He painfully did the backstroke towards the woman, trying not to cause too much exertion, but she playfully flew away, annoyed he'd escaped her pocket of flammable air.  Tricking her, he navigated so that the island was between the two of them.  When she lit the match, the gas hadn't quite made it to Tom, and instead of blowing backward, both of them were sucked in by the undertow of air and water.  Once cool air had replaced the warm air from the fire, and water had replaced the now combusted island, the floating woman found Tom right up close to her.  And so, with great difficulty, he grabbed her ankle.  She hissed and barred her teeth again, preparing to strike, but Tom was too quick for her, burying a needle into her leg.

The sedative worked wonders.

Examining the strange woman, he saw that she was humanoid except for her neck, which had extra holes for exhaling a strange chemical.  Tom placed a teleportation pad on the small of her back where she wouldn't feel it or be able to reach it, and then looked for land once more.  What he saw made him even happier.

His rope.

Draping the unconscious body on the trunk of the alien palm tree, Tom swam towards his rope to safety.  Exhausted from his wounds, Tom grabbed onto the rope to start climbing.  But he found he couldn't pull himself up and fell instantly.  He tried again, tugging once more, but failed.  He then tugged the rope twice, to check his handhold, when the rope started lifting itself.  Tom climbed just high enough to wrap his legs around the cable, and waited to reach the city in the clouds.  Below him, he heard the faint giggle of his lovely flying friend, before hearing a tremendous roar at his feet.


Tom arrived at the city in the clouds after a half hour of floating.  He'd been pulled up by thousands of airborne insects, about the size of his torso.  They seemed to be receiving signals from their leader, who had a bioluminescent abdomen.  Staring at the wonderful creatures, Tom realized that they all had bioluminescent abdomens, but their leader's light was caused by a small flame inside them, instead of a strange chemical reaction.  The creatures seemed to hesitate when the heard the roar from below, but they pulled anyway.  Eventually they carried Tom to the top, where a humongous flying antlike being greeted him.

This new insect was about twice the size of Tom, looking far sturdier than anything he'd encountered so far.  It clacked it's pincers rapidly, and Tom's rescuers flew away.  To Tom's surprise, the ant being spoke.

"You are not the nymph!" it barked.

"I'm sorry?" Tom said.

"The nymph!  The one sent to kill you"

"Well, I'm sorry to have disappointed you..." Tom said wryly, "but I'm afraid I'm still alive."

"Hmph!" snorted the firefly's supreme leader.  "I can see that.  This is no good!  You may not stay here!  You must go!  Go!  Back to where you come from!  Up there!  Go back!  We do not want you here!"

"I'm afraid I don't know how to get back.  This strange portal opened in the sky, and I fell..."

"My queen..." said the firebutt who'd carried Tom upward, "there are three theories about the intruders origin.  Some believe he is a fallen angel, or perhaps a strange aetherian man who portaled out of confusion.  It has been suggested he be sent to the aetherian temples to get this sorted out...."

"No good!" said the firefly queen.  "Entropy!"  And with that, strange flying beasts grabbed Tom by his arms and flung him off the cloud.


Tumbling downward to his doom, Tom saw he was flung towards the pink rock he had seen from afar.  And, to his horror, he saw he was going to be rescued.  By another nymph.

Panicking, he saw the strange pink nymph grab him.

"There there ma boy," it said, "Mommy's here now."  It then promptly kissed him.

Startled, Tom shoved her away.

"But Mommy!" said the nymph, "I want to PLAY!!!"  She shrieked the last word, beginning to cry.  But as quickly as the crying began, it ended, and the nymph dove towards the ground, pounding Tom into the surprisingly soft soil.  But the nymph's mood swings struck again, when it shouted "Stay here, I'll protect you!" before kicking Tom in the groin and flying away oblivious to him.

Tom was very confused.

He was even more so when several large wolf creatures charged toward him.  They were foaming at the mouth as though rabid, and they looked albino, like a thick layer of pink skin covered their whole body.  And when they reached Tom, he heard a fierce shriek from his Nymph friend, and the wolves promptly began tending to his wounds.  "Away with you!" shouted the first sane voice Tom had heard on this planet, and quickly the strange pink beings walked, or flew, away.  A man dressed as a gladiator in cyan robes peered down at Tom, smiling.

Tom realized he was insane.

"No no!" said the warrior, "you aren't insane.  Let's get you home."  The warrior lifted Tom up and started sprinting towards the sound of buffeting wind, way in the distance.

It was a strange pink portal, occasionally closing and opening, causing the buffeting sound.  The being set Tom by the portal, smiled once more, and handed Tom back the teleportation pad he had discretely placed upon the warrior's back.  Not knowing what he was doing, Tom walked into the portal.


"TOM!" cried his shipmates, running over and hugging him, for he was mysteriously back on the ship.  "Are you okay?!" one asked.

"Errr, yea, I guess.  That was the weirdest thing that ever happened to me."

"Did you get any data?" asked one of them, excited.

"Yea, loads, it's all right... here?"  Tom felt his suit, which was now empty of his samples.  The teleportation module said no pads were calibrated.  In fact, he found all of his pads back in his suit.

"I... I guess not."  Tom said, slipping his thumbs between his thighs and belt.  "But I've got all kinds of things to tell you.  And... you guys will think I'm crazy, but I've got the strangest idea for a card game..."

Simon's Story
by Hobnob5000

Simon was a Rustler. Every day was the same for him. Wake up, photosynthesise, go for a walk, photosynthesise, go back to sleep. He had no friends, but he didn't need them, he was content with his solitary life. There was only one problem with his life: the scarabs. They were cowards, afraid to attack on their own, but when they were in a group, they bullied him, pulling on his leaves, biting his tail, and so forth. That was, until the fateful day.

One day, when out on his daily walk, a bright light seemed to appear out of nowhere. Now usually, Simon would have ignored this and continued walking. But there was something odd about this light. It seemed to draw him towards it. As he got closer, he realised all the trees and objects around him were becoming bioluminescent, even the dragonflies were now flying around with glowing tails. As Simon got closer to the source, he realised that his leaves were sucking in the light without him even willing them to. As they did, he felt pure power surging around his body. What could this be?

As he advanced further, the light started receding. There was definitely something inside the light, a humanoid figure, appearing to manipulate the light, extending, shaping, channelling it.
"Hey!" shouted Simon, hopefully trying to grab it's attention, "Hey you!"
The being seemed to take no notice. It just floated there, manipulating the light.
"HEY!" yelled Simon, and he picked up a stone and threw it at her. It wasn't a very hard throw, but all of a sudden, all hell broke loose. The figure started screaming, and the light surrounding it seemed to be absorbed back into its body, before exploding outwards, knocking poor Simon off his feet. The figure was still screaming.
"Hang on!" shouted Simon, as he struggled to make his way towards the figure. It took every ounce of his strength, but he eventually got there, and touched his leaf against the figure. She immediately stopped screaming, and fell to the floor, with an ominous glow around her.
"Are you ok?" Simon asked.
"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks for that, I would have died if I had stayed like that for much longer"
"No problem" said Simon, who appeared to be blushing. There was also a strange feeling running through him, a nicer feeling than anything he had ever experienced. "So who are you?"
"I'm Eleanor, a Light Nymph from The Realm."
"Whoa, a Nymph? No seriously, a real Nymph?"
"Yes. Now I need to go, there's plenty for me to do. Thank you... what was your name again?"
"Oh, it's Simon."
"Bye Simon."
Simon didn't sleep well that night. The thought of Eleanor kept running through his mind, her beautiful face, her lovely voice, the light she emitted. She seemed perfect, why did she have to go?

The next day, Simon grudgingly got up, and went to the usual spot where he photosynthesises. When he got there, to his dismay, there were Scarabs leering at him. But it wasn't just Scarabs. For behind them, was a huge creature that seemed to be making more Scarabs as he watched. Simon sighed, and turned around to find another spot to get his energy, when he found his escape route blocked by more Scarabs. One of them advanced.
"Nowhere to run, eh? Trying to coward out. Well lemmie tell you something. You aren't getting away this time. Brothers, it's time to feast!"
And then they were upon him, attacking all parts of him. One was biting his foot, another scratching his face. Soon, you couldn't see him under a horde of green bugs. He was in agony, one of his leaves was ripped to shreds. He began to give up hope, he wasn't going to survive this. Anything could be better than it. A light began to bathe the area, covering all.
"And that's an Archangel coming to take me to heaven..." he thought. Suddenly though, the Scarabs were backing off, looking up at something in the sky. Simon looked up too, and  saw the most beautiful sight of his life. 12 beautiful beings, lead by Eleanor, the White nymph. And all were looking particularly angry at the Scarabs.
"You think you can attack this poor Rustler, after he has done nothing to you?" bellowed a stony brown nymph.
"Maybe we should teach you a lesson" shouted a watery blue one. She raised her arms, and it started raining. Heavily. The ground was quickly covered, and rose quickly. Soon, the Scarabs were struggling to swim. One of them jumped up to take a bite out of one of them, but was burned up by a red nymph. The Pharaoh leader tried to throw a punch at one of them, but in mid punch, he started decaying, and died. Soon, no more Scarabs were attacking, they were struggling to survive.
"We will let you live on one condition. You leave Simon alone." bellowed .
"Wha-whatever. Please, let us go!" cried the Scarab who initially challenged Simon. And at a wave of the Watery Nymphs hand, the waters receded. Immediately, the Scarabs ran off into the surrounding woods.
"Guys, you - you saved me..."
"It was Eleanor's idea," said a Purple coloured nymph. "She sensed your troubles, and sent off to help you. Naturally, we followed suit.
"Simon, I know we only met yesterday, but...." She then burst into tears and went down to hug Simon. Suddenly, he was bathed in a light. Not normal light, and not like the light from yesterday. He could feel is tail growing, his leaved extending, his bill lengthening. He was no longer a Rustler.

He was a Leaf Dragon. The Light Nymph floated down.
"I never should have left you. I will stay by you forever."

And that she did.

On the way home, they were both eaten by a grue :P

The Women of Chaos
by zac333

There are many tales of small strange beasts, or large mythical creatures in this world. This is only one of the thousands. Many years beyond our current point in time, a group of scientists, known as Zanz Corp., were researching a mystical power in an underground laboratory. This strange power was illuminating from an ancient artifact dug up many miles away. A relic, of sorts. The Zanz Corp. didn't believe that this power was anything to fear. No longer did the people of this world believe in fairy tales, make-believe stories that children fell asleep to. This was a brutal, cold world that only let science lead themselves into the future. Some people say that this is regrettable, as without a faith or belief, nothing could truly, morally advance. Unfortunately, the people of Zanz Corp. didn't care for anyone but themselves. As one of the leading scientists, known as Scared Girl, carefully placed this relic in a large round tube filled with a thick gelatinous material, she closed and locked the electronic lid. She then proceeded to raise her thumb, signaling her friend Jmizzle7 to send several volts of electricity to the gel. Suddenly, in a burst of light, appeared an older, beautiful woman with a skull tattooed on her arm. He hair was floating as if she were standing in a spring breeze. Her head lie in one arm, her face muffled into the shoulder of her dark grey gown. Amazed, Scared Girl released the woman from the tube. "Who are you?" demanded Scared Girl, "And how did you get in that object?". Little did Scared Girl know, this Woman did not like being yelled at. Her eyes sparkled and glowed with a bright dark-purple light, and before you knew it, Scared Girl was shot across the room by a beam of light. She wriggled, paused, and her movement had ceased.
                   It was at that moment that Jmizzle7 had thought the worst of poor Scared Girl, but that was the least of his worries. In a blink of an eye, the glowing purple woman looked up at Jmizzle7. He quickly slammed his fist on the red emergency button, locking all doors and windows. The woman was locked away, and away from him. That was all he had worried about. A small group of Scientists, Icybraker Puppychow and Gl1tch, jumped at the alarm. "What does that m-mean?!" Icybraker Shuttered.
"I don't know, but calm down.." said Puppychow softly, "..You'll be fine."
Gl1tch remained silent. It was a scary silence, as not only was he quiet, but he was frozen. He was just in a blank stare. Icybraker shook him, then realized something had happened. Looking past Gl1tch's frozen body, he saw a bruenette woman in a brown tattered robe. Her eyes glowed dark brown, and before you knew it, Puppychow halted all movement as well. Icy, feeling brave, Looked about, and found a fire shooter. In a bolt of fire, the woman was hit and killed. Icybraker rushed to his friends' sides, making them drink a strange blue liquid. All of a sudden, they sprang back to life.
Gl1tch gasped, "Uh! What...What happened?!"
Puppy followed with, "You froze. Then I froze. Then..I'm not sure..."
It was Icybraker's turn to fill in the gaps. "That woman, over there. I killed her. She somehow froze you, but I got her with a fire shooter. I gave you both the healing blue liquid."
In utter disbelief, Gl1tch burst out with, "Thats insanity! Impossible! A bunch of damned lies!"
At that moment, they all went silent. Gl1tches rage soon ended, when the Red haired woman with the burnt gown appeared behind him. Then Puppychow and Icybraker soon followed him. They had died. Jmizzle was left alone with these insane women, all alone. No escape. Just survival.
                   Jmizzle7 quickly realized this when he had made his way to the security room, and saw more crazy women all over the laboratory. He paused, as he heard the breath of someone behind him. It was a glowing pale woman with a bright-white and clean dress. She spoke to him,
"Jmizzle7. Do not fear. I am not like those others. The golden one and I are not your enemies."
"What do you mean, golden one?"
"She is like me, but she has different abilities than I."
"Where is she?"
"That is my fear. I have lost her in this maze of metal and electricity. We're running out of time! We must find her!"
Jmizzle7 nodded, grabbed his map, and set out with the pale white woman. Many minutes of searching, avoiding the others, and running about, they had found the golden woman. The three decided they must defeat the others to escape. The golden woman closed her eyes, and said,
"The Black Dress Woman is behind that door", and she pointed forward. Then, strangely, an odd metal ball with a small hole in it fell from nowhere. He picked it up, and moved onwards to the room. She turned quickly and spit a strange acid at him, luckily missing. He aimed the ball at her and it shot out lightning, killing her on instant. After many more predictions and strange items appearing, all were dead but the three. At that moment, Jmizzle got an impulse. He turned, and quickly used lightning on the golden woman. She lay collapsed on the floor. Dead. The white woman began crying, sobbing at what Jmizzle had done. He realized he made a mistake, and tried to apologize. It was too late, nothing could revive her. Then, from nowhere, the white woman began glowing. She floated into the air, and swooped down for a devastating strike on Jmizzle. It was at that moment that Jmizzle had shot up, looked around, and heard a familiar voice. It was Scared Girl. She said,
"The test is complete, Jmizzle. Thank you for your participation. We now know that this drug causes mental hallucinations, and violent impulses. We can now fix this and put it on the market."
"What? It was...a chemical test? It was all a dream?"
"What about the crazy women?"
"All figments of your imagination."
Stunned, Jmizzle began laughing uncontrollably. He laughed until he could no longer breath. He could not regain his breathe, and died of a heart attack. This was the end, for Jmizzle. Later, the drug was enhanced and produced on the market. They named it "Mizzalto", in honor of Jmizzle7, who died for it.


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Re: Voting: Elements Short Story Competition (Mystery/Sci-fi/Romance) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10131.msg122946#msg122946
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2010, 05:01:51 pm »
The Loneliest Otyugh on the Elemental Plane
by SunnyGreens

There was once a little Otyugh, lonely and sad, looking for someone to love. He searched and searched but all he found, were Massive Dragons and Graviton, bullies all. The lonely little Otyugh wailed, “Oh, how lonely I am! No one loves me here, so I will search elsewhere.”

So over the lava fields, and through the caldera, the lonely little Otyugh searched for someone to love.

“Oh Ruby Dragon, Ruby Dragon! Do you love me Ruby Dragon?” asked the lonely little Otyugh. “I am sorry little Otyugh,” the Ruby Dragon replied, “but the flame that burns brightest, burns shortest. I have no time to spend with one so small as you.” To which the Otyugh said, “But I love you Ruby Dragon, every bit of you! Why, your bright fires and brimstone add such zest to your personality. How bold! How piquant! Come, Ruby Dragon, let me kiss you goodbye then and be on my way.”

And the lonely little Otyugh was lonely once more.

So over the reflecting pools, and through a bought of madness, the lonely little Otyugh searched for someone to love.

“Oh Abomination, Abomination! Do you love me Abomination?” asked the lonely little Otyugh. “I am sorry little Otyugh,” the Abomination replied, “but mine is a fickle mistress, ever changing her mind. My love today may turn to hate tomorrow, only to fade into indifference the next.” To which the Otyugh said, “But I love you Abomination, every bit of you! Why, you are like a dozen in one, each with its own surprise. So exotic! So alluring! Come, Abomination, let me kiss you goodbye then and be on my way.”

And the lonely little Otyugh was lonely once more.

So over the swamps, and past the sepulcher, the lonely little Otyugh searched for someone to love.

 “Oh Flesh Recluse, Flesh Recluse! Do you love me Flesh Recluse?” asked the lonely little Otyugh. “I am sorry little Otyugh,” the Flesh Recluse replied, “but I adore meat above all else. Flesh, dripping, raw off the bone.” To which the Otyugh said, “But I love you Flesh Reculse, every bit of you! Why, is that a side of ham lodged within your abdomen? Such glamour! Such taste! Come, Flesh Recluse, let me kiss you goodbye then and be on my way.”

And the lonely little Otyugh was lonely once more.

So over the screeching gorge, and through the wretched wood, the lonely little Otyugh searched for someone to love.

 “Oh Vampire, Vampire! Do you love me Vampire?” asked the lonely little Otyugh. “Why yes, little Otyugh, I love you so very much, every bit of you! Why, you have such a beautifully beating heart. Such verve! Such vigor! Come, lonely little Otyugh, let me kiss you…”

And the lonely little Otyugh was lonely no more.

Moral of the Story:

Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.
(Albert Einstein)
There is no remedy for love but to love more.
(Henry David Thoreau)
There is no love sincerer than the love of food.
    (George Bernard Shaw)

Love in the Abyss
by Kurohami

Detective Greeph is deeply troubled by the case: the captain of the giant frog army named Remo Mont had died during a flooding of the Feral Canyon. Frogs are granted the ability to swim a long long time ago by The Creator, so how did the captain die? It is a mystery worthy of someone like Greeph to solve.
  From the intelligence gathered from the high ranking members of the giant frog army, the captain was behaving rather strangely for weeks before his tragic death in the bottom of a flooded canyon. It is hard to tell whether that have something to do with his death, but Greeph has no more clues about the case other than this; so he decides he should visit the Frog captain’s family for further clues.
  The captain’s family owns a cozy little den in a muddy pond, where mosquitoes and damselflies flew every day when dusk descends, it has everything a frog would dream to have; it’s a paradise. Greeph slaps on the front of the den with his front paddles. That’s when he heard sounds of mourning inside. After a few moments, a grief struck old female frog stepped out of the den to greet the detective.
“Hello, madam, you are?”
“I am Mrs. Mont, Remo’s mother.” said the old frog.
 I am detective Greeph, I am investigating your son’s case, and I need you to assist me in my investigations.
“Not right now, Mr. Detective, sir, we are about to held his funeral. The criminal doctors just sent back his corpse.” said Mrs. Mont, sobbing in between words.
“Alright, do you mind if I attend?” Greeph asked politely.
“Not at all, not at all, you are most welcome to attend his funeral, detective Greeph.” said the old frog.
Greeph set out with the Mont family, walking along side Mrs. Mont, with Remo’s two brothers bearing the coffin.
“So, Mrs. Mont, have you noticed anything unusual before Remo’s death? I mean it’s hard to imagine a tough frog like him dying from a flood, he is the most physically adept frog around.” asked Greeph, as they hopped along the wet, muddy forest floor towards the ancient frog monument.
“Something unusual? Well, nothing really. I mean, he’s kind of depressed, and somewhat desperate about something, but he is like that all the time, too much stress from his work, I suppose. Nothing exceptionally strange, really.” said the elder frog.
“Oh, have you ever talked to him about that? About his moodiness?” asked Greeph.
“Urrrgh, we’ve tried before, all of us did,” said Mrs. Mont, gesturing towards the two brothers carrying the coffin, “but he wouldn’t tell us anything, and he often get mad us for asking, and told us that he is working with top secrets that we have no business to ask about, so we gave up eventually.”
“Oh, okay. I should have expected that from a military family.” said Greeph apologetically
  After a little while, they have reached the monument where reputed giant frogs are buried for generations. The brothers set down the coffin in a well decorated pond, and retreated to join their mother and Greeph. There was a moment of silence as the four mourned for the brave captain who had passed away, leaving behind such mysteries to be solved.
  Out of the corner of his eyes, Greeph saw something bluish moving among the bushes somewhere behind him. With a lightning fast backward somersault Greeph leaped towards the bushes. A blue abyss crawler streaked out of the bushes and zoomed into the woods. Greeph followed without a thought, keeping hot on its tail. That thing is really fast, despite being the best tracker for miles, Greeph is barely able to keep up with it. Hopping from branches to branches, Greeph managed to keep the crawler insight. After a long and tiresome chase, the crawler zoomed into a large lake and disappeared into the abyss. Greeph swam around the lake, still not giving up hope, but the crawler did not surface. Despite being a good swimmer, Greeph could not dive very well, he lost the crawler.
  Pissed off, Greeph got out of the water. It’s no go going back to the funeral; it’s probably over by the time he gets back, so Greeph set out to the criminal medical examination office located at the other side of the forest.

Greeph marched into the medical examination office and greeted his old friend Laurence with a curt nod.
  “So, what have you found out from examining the corpse?” Greeph got straight into business.
  “It’s quite interesting indeed.” said Dr. Laurence and he gestured for Greeph to sit, “it is determined that the manner of death is indeed drowning. However, from the physique of Remo, it is speculated that he should be able to stay in the water for a very long time, and his leg muscles should easily overpower the strongest waves in that flood. It is very unlikely that he would have drowned in that flood, there’s a strong suggestion that other factors might be involved. His brain activities and hormonal levels were also at abnormal levels at the time of his death, so I speculate he might have been under some kind of influence, like a drug.”
  “A drug? Surely you should be able to tell from your tests whether Remo was induced with some kind of drug?” asked Greeph.
  “Not necessarily, there are quite a few known drugs that could volatilize very quickly and become untraceable, and we don’t know every kind of drugs in the world.” said Dr. Laurence grimly.
  “Who do you know in this region that could utilize such a drug?” asked Greeph.
  “The water faction is famed for their mastery in alchemy. There is a good chance the flood was caused by them too.” said Dr. Laurence.
  “Hmn ... Very suspicious. I caught an abyss crawler spying on us when I attended Remo’s funeral, but it got away.” said Greeph, deeply absorbed in thought.
  “Really? How long ago was that?” asked Dr. Laurence with growing urgency.
  “Not long, I came here right after it got away.” answered Greeph, “Why?”
  “I think we could still trace it, I have developed an apparatus that could trace living creatures by the particles they leave behind, but only if the trail is still fresh.” said Dr. Laurence.
  “Even in the water? It dived into a lake when I lost it.”
  “Yes, even in the water. Now we better get going, before the trail disappears.” said Dr. Laurence urgently, “take me to the place where you last saw it.”

  Dr. Laurence took a sample of particles from the bushes where the abyss crawler have soar through with great speed and started analyzing it with his little apparatus. Greeph watched over his shoulder attentively, though he hardly understands the variety of numbers and symbols on it.
  “Okay, I think I have found the trail, lock, here you go!” said Dr. Laurence, handing the apparatus to Greeph, “just follow the trail on that screen and you’ll eventually found the crawler, if you are traveling and a greater net velocity than it is of course.”
  “You are not coming with me?” asked Greeph in surprise.
  “Aren’t you always a lone wolf when working on cases? And do I look a tracking expert to you? I provide you with the weapon, you use it, that has always been our partnership, hasn’t it? Now get going.” said Dr. Laurence rather bossily.
  “Alright, I was just asking.” said Greeph and he took the apparatus and set off.
  Not long after, he arrived at the lake. He attached the SCUBA gear and dives head long into the lake.
  Deeper and deeper he dived, until light is no longer penetrating and everything is enveloped in darkness. Soon, the trail led him to the bottom of the lake, and he swam through an underwater tunnel, towards the darkness and unknown.
  Greeph turned on his flashlight rather unwillingly; he knows it would forewarn the crawler of his arrival. He swam in the seemingly endless underwater tunnel for hours. Finally, he saw the abyss crawler behind a rock. The moment they locked gaze, the abyss crawler fled. It soars through the water like a dark blue arrow, fleeing deeper into the tunnel. Greeph followed, his legs thrusting with all his might. With the apparatus in his hand, he would not lose the crawler this time.
  The underwater tunnel is like a labyrinth, with many branches that he could have otherwise gotten lost without the tracker. After what seemed like another hour of tracking, he felt the elevation increasing—the tunnel is bending upward towards the surface. Knowing his target is getting desperate, he accelerated. After another hour of painful swimming, the trail is becoming more and more solid, he’s close now.
  Before he knows it, a pale beam of light appeared, the surface is near! Swoosh! Greeph zoomed out of the water and landed with a thud. He saw the tired abyss crawler crawling behind some bushes. He hopped towards it. It seems to have lost all the strength to run away.
  “You can’t run any longer, you are finished. Now, answer my questions. What do you know about Remo’s death?” asked Greeph menacingly.
  “It’s not my fault! I swear, I never meant for it to happen!” cried a weak feminine voice.
  “Not your fault? That’s not enough, tell me more! What did you do to him?”
  “I didn’t murder him. I didn’t want him to die! I loved him!” wailed the weak voice.
  “You loved him?” said Greeph, mouth agape, deeply puzzled by what he just heard.
  “Yes, and he loved me too! He said we were going to be together forever! But he couldn’t stay underwater for too long, he just couldn’t.” the little voice is cracking.
  Greeph is shaken by the story that is pouring forth from the female abyss crawler. So, that’s what happened!
  Remo and July met on the battle field between the water minions and the life forces a year ago. They were both swept up by the flood caused by the elemental manipulator of the water faction. To prevent from being tossed above by the waves, they instinctively grabbed on to each other. After floating for half a day, they finally washed ashore on a neutral land. The experience has developed a deep affection between the two tender beings, at the time they didn’t know what it was. They parted, ashamed of what had occurred, they returned to their own faction without telling anybody what happened. The war ended after series of battles. A peace agreement was reached between life and water factions. Then, Remo remembered the abyss crawler who spent an afternoon in the waves with him, and he developed a mounting desire to see her. Remo searched at the boundaries between water and life every time he is free from duty. Finally, the two met at a lake shared by the two factions. They spent the day together, telling each other tales of their own side rebuilding after the war. They soon fall madly in love. To avert from the eyes of on lookers, they set their dates under the depth of the lake. Unfortunately, Remo cannot breathe underwater, and he had to surface every now and then. Then July proposed for Remo to try a breathing potion they have developed that could enable Remo to breath underwater. Remo drank the potion and his lung was instantly filled with lightness. They dived deep into the abyss, embracing in romantic dances. At that moment, the world has stopped around them, and to them, only each other mattered. In the middle of the ecstasy of their joyful frolicking, Remo’s potion’s effect failed, he suddenly found himself short of breath. July become frightened and urged him to surface immediately, but Remo refused, knowing that he could not make it to the surface, he embraced July and they held each other tightly until Remo left the world with a smile on his face.

by johannhowitzer

Luka... where are you?  I can't find you.
   I never gave a second thought to what to eat for dinner before.  The galley always had
the same options, and like most people I had my usual.  Now and then I'd mix it up, but it
was always on a whim, never pondered.
   Put me in the same room with this girl, though, and I was frozen.  Lobster?  King
crab?  Calamari?
   “Otto says y'ain't seen yer folks in nigh on a year now, Font.  Not getting along?”
   Answer in the affirmative and you've speared yourself in the foot.  Deny it and you
prove it's true.  So... stalling.
   “Yeah, don't make my sides leak.  You gonna order?” I said.
   “Done it, love.  Nerves playin' you fer a fool, put the burnin' menu down and talk to
me.  I keen for this and yer still dumbfaced?”
   Why is there never any room for subtlety?  But she had a point.
   “King crab, I hear it's to die for.”  The waiter cracked a slight grin.
   “That's a first, Font.  And it's upside down.”
   Handing over the menu, I let out a long breath and leaned back.
   Luka giggled.  “On a date'n lookit you.  Heard you's a big ladykiller in yer School
days, were them rumors just hearsay?”
   “School was different.  All soldiers, not classy, no different for the ladies.”  Looking
away, I took a long sip of what I assume was water.  “What is this, filtered?”
   “I'm classy now?  Fontaine, I 'spected eats but not a show!”
   “I have high standards.  Women in School were easy, and only halfway pretty.”  Ah,
there it is, hard to see in scarlet cheeks but I got her to blush.
   “P-pretty, me.  You charmer.”
   Silence, but she was playing with her hair.

   “Dad... died last year.”  She instantly recovered.
   “Oh, Font... I'm so sorry.”
   “Done my mourning, don't be walking on clamshells, please.”  Pause.  “Mom gets
frantic every time she sees me, like I'm gonna step on a depth charge tomorrow.”
   “Ain't fair, you know that could happen.”
   “But I stay away so she can have some peace.  She gets a letter every so often, just so
she knows I'm alive.”
   Silence again, she's looking out the window.
   “'S gonna change right now.  A mum deserves t'see her boy least three times a year.
You'n me, we're going, don't say no less y'want me to walk.”
   “Now who's not being fair.  Can I think about it?”
   “Shoot, a year ain't no more for a day.  Take the 'ole burnin' week.”  Another pause.
“Talked yerself dry?”
   Didn't notice my shoulders had tensed up until I relaxed.  “Peace talks aren't going
well.”  A decade had passed since the Antipodean War, and the attempt at a cease fire by
the diplomats of Chronopolis.  We hadn't heard from Infernus or his lieutenants until they
showed up unarmed at our gates three months ago.
   “It don't mix, that's why.”
   “I heard Glundarg got involved.”
   “That's news!  They doin' pokin' their big fat noses here?”  Fear in her eyes, the first
time I'd seen it.
   “They're poking their big fat everythings.  Council suspects conspiracy, as always.”

   Our food came, followed by choice remarks about the quality of the water, and choice
replies.  I started to pick at the left claw.  “My CO thinks we could be shipping out within
the month.”
   I'm sure it was only a minute but it felt like we ate in silence for thirty.  Just like mom
at dinner.
   “I'll keep writing to mom, I always do.”
   “This ain't recon or salvage, Font.  Could be war, like in history class.”  Burn these
pauses, why can't I say anything right?  “Should see yer mum and set it right, 'fore you go
lose yer second chance.”
   “I'm not going to die, Luka.  I'm ballistics, we have the lowest mortality rate.”

   I've only seen it happen once before, but you never forget it.  One second we were
mincing our food and avoiding eye contact, and the next the galley was swarming with
ash eaters.  They came out of the air, which meant someone was messing with Time
   Luka got up first and jumped onto the table.  I stood on my chair and started the
incantation for an icebolt, but was too slow, the chair burned to cinders under my feet.
When I stood back up, she was gone.
   Several militiamen patrons had formed a ring a few yards away and I ran to join them,
first grabbing a spear from behind the bar.  We were quickly surrounded, but some of the
men must have been infantry, because the galley was secured inside of five minutes.
   “Did you see a redhead in a dress run off?”  I asked the man who had taken charge.
   “Only about six of them, unless you'd like to be more specific.  Most the people who
took off ran out the back.”
   With no more than a nod of thanks I hopped over the bar and found the back entrance.
The street was a sea of confusion, a handful of our Dragons in the air.
   Luka... where are you?  I can't find you.
   A couple streets over I saw a squad of Glundarg Firemasters.  We'd been stabbed in
the back, not just by those who pretended to seek peace, but also the mediators!
Chronopolis was notorious for staying out of disputes like this.
   Running down the street calling for help, I passed an alley and flew face first into...
Luka!  Picking ourselves up, we ducked into the alley.
   “Font, where'd they come from?  I'm frighted!”
   “Doesn't make sense.  How'd they get down here?  Time and Gravity I can see, but
Fire elementals fizzle out.”
   “Doesn't burnin' well matter, does it?  What now?  You gotta pr'tect me!”
   “Yeah, some date this is turning out to be.”
   “Yer still crackin' wise with firebolts flyin' about?  How about--”  Her chest
perforated by a stray firebolt, she slumped into my lap, eyes still open.  I'd seen people die
a few times, but they were soldiers, or in a hospital bed.  To see such beauty destroyed so
violently was more than I could take.  I flew into a rage, my vision clouded red, the
knuckles around my spear white.
   A squad of Firemasters entered the alley.  My spear found two of them before I was
subdued, my face pressed into the scaly road, and Luka lay still before my eyes.  Never
lovers, but after School got out she became like a sister.
   I never told them anything, doesn't mean they didn't take weeks trying, until my lips
were cracked so deep I couldn't speak.  So instead I write, from deep in an infernal prison.
   Luka, where are you?  I can't find you.

From Twelve to Tears
by Kuroaitou

Tracy Chu held the fast forward button until she saw a glimpse of herself leaving a confined white room with a tub of water. She let go of the button and sighed, staring lifelessly at the video; one of the remaining relics of the world was being tested in a small laboratory… and it was destroyed three days ago by a terrorist.

“Dr. Chu.” a blond woman said behind her, awkwardly pausing before continuing on. “We need you now.”

Tracy watched as a jagged pink-tinted blade was slowly lowered towards the water, where she noticed that sparks already began to fly off the sword without any electric current being applied to the weapon beforehand. As it neared the tub of water, the liquid began to shift colors and swirled violently into a whirlpool, splashing and partially floating into the air, ignoring the basic laws of physics and chemistry. Suddenly, a small bolt of lightning jolted outward from the water to the device holding the blade, and the water began freezing, evaporating, and mutating into different substances. Steam erupted from the water’s surface upon contact with the tip, and a small explosion of fire spewed from the hilt towards the ground, leaving a trail of sand and soot. Two red lights flashed on the side of the screen, and the blade was hoisted up swiftly. A small leaf sprouted on the tip of the blade and fell gracefully onto the edge of the tub; as soon as it made contact, the tub shattered in pieces, spilling out all of the contents onto the floor. An extreme flash of light was emitted towards the camera, and then it cut out to complete darkness before the video ended to a blue screen.

“Chu.” The woman stated in a more impatient tone of voice.

Tracy stood up and turned around, taking note of the shorthaired agent glaring at her. She brushed her lab coat, adjusted her glasses, and responded, “Linda, you know how I feel regarding torture.”

Linda picked a thread of lint off her suit and retorted back, “Then you should know how much torture he inflicted upon you and your colleagues after destroying nearly all of your research, as well as killing some of the brightest minds in the world.” She cleared her throat, “Obviously, being restrained in a controlled environment is considered ‘torture’ for someone who managed to bomb a museum, incinerate two government facilities, and destroy a damn Buddhist temple.” Tracy looked away in guilt, forgetting that several of her ‘friends’ were transformed into piles of ash and scarred flesh.

A door swung open; two guards wearing hazard suits and wielding assault rifles entered, taking position at opposite sides of the exit. Linda left the room quickly, and Tracy followed, glancing at one of the soldiers – everything appeared to be black and white.


Layers of mist permeated the cell. A thermometer was hung on one side of the room, reading a little lower than 30 degrees Fahrenheit in red. Each wall carried a mirror, and one soldier was stationed at each corner of the room pointing a tranquilizer gun at the restrained individual in the center being sprayed by chilling water. The soldiers themselves wore insulated vests, helmets, and boots to resist the cold, but the man in the center shivered endlessly, his hands and feet already turned lavender. He had no hair and was shirtless. His scars ran up and down his toned body from head to toe. Each gnarled line led itself to a different area of his body, and each scab appeared to be in the form of a random yet symmetric shape. His face was blanketed with these scars, but the most bizarre aspect of his face was of his eyes – he had no pupils or even an iris. They simply radiated an orange glow.

“Tell us your name.”

The man looked up, turned his head from one mirror to the other, only wincing in pain when he tried to look behind him. Another voice repeated the same demand in an angrier manner, and all he could do was scream and fight his bonds. He spit a ball of flame at one of the mirrors in frustration, but it ended up dissipating before his eyes, leaving behind a small ring of smoke. Ventilation gates opened up inside the room, and soon, clouds of mist flowed inside; the man shivered once more, looked at another mirror and flashed his teeth before letting his body and head dangle towards the cement.


“We might need a translator.” A scientist remarked. He scribbled something on his clipboard before pressing the OFF button on an elaborate keyboard. Afterwards, he swiveled his chair towards another area and began hitting switches in a designated pattern. From orange to yellow, each key lighted up as he flipped them the opposite way.

“Or you can probably ask better questions, Jeffrey.” Linda leaned back towards the wall, sighing.

Tracy looked at both of them before looking through the window. Who was this man? How did he get here? And why was he destroying these weapons that were discovered through excavations?

“Well, the only thing we do know about him is that he’s somehow capable of spontaneously combusting objects, and that his internal body temperatures are so high that his DNA should be decomposing, yet he’s still stable.” Jeffrey drew a line through a paper on his clipboard, flipped the page, and began reading again. “If it weren’t for our security, he might have destroyed the last out of the twelve as well.”

“You mean the glorified Taser?” Linda asked.

“…Yes. The blade of ‘aether’.” Jeffrey corrected her. He trailed off about how the weapon was found inside a unique capsule that had led to discovery of the other ancient artifacts, and how each one represented a different substance or idea. There were twelve in total.

Tracey noticed a soldier in the room picking at his neck before readying his weapon again. In that moment, the entire building shook and the lights above them flickered – as she looked through the window again, the man was staring up into the ceiling, as if he was relieved.

A computer-generated voice stated: “Security breach on level D.”


“You have got to be kidding me.” Linda said, pulling out a pistol and readying herself. Before she headed towards the exit though, unknown words reverberated within the observing room, and as Tracey turned around, she found herself staring into the icy-blue eyes of an old man wearing robes. Linda took aim and fired, but saw the bullet stop mid-way towards the man; transparent teal plates emerged from the space between them, and the stranger lifted his hands. He discharged a ball of lightning from his hands towards the agent, shocking and knocking her out instantly. Jeffrey leapt from his chair and started sprinting frantically towards the window out of fear, but upon nearing it, saw another robed individual literally fly through the glass without even breaking it. The creature removed its cape away from its face, revealing the face of a black crow – as Jeffrey stumbled backwards, his pants had started to darken around his groin, and he fainted.

Tracey turned back at the person behind her with the oval plates surrounding him, and saw him glaring at her. She closed her eyes and took a final breath, only to hear a gentle, but echoing voice.

“Please. Do not fight me. We just want to take back what was given to you accidentally.”

Tracey looked up and saw him extending his hand towards her. She hesitated, but slowly extended hers as well, only to her gunfire within the cell. Turning around, three soldiers were lying on the floor with what appeared to be spears of ice embedded in them, while one of them was completely frozen, encased in a block of ice. A woman knocked onto the glass with curly cerulean hair that flowed in the air, giving a soft smile. Her long dress was braided endless into different patterns, covering the majority of her body up. She apparently waved at the blue-eyed man inside the observing room, and opened her eyes to reveal what appeared to be sapphires. Tracey looked back, and saw the crow-person kneel towards the monk.

“I am Aetheric. You may call me ‘Eric’ for short. The woman and man within the cell are Aririus and Terofuze.” Eric looked into the glass and shook his head, while the woman, Aririus shrugged her shoulders and began poking the chained man, aggravating him. “I knew I should have asked one of my other siblings to come here.”

“W-what… exactly are you, E-Eric?” Tracey stuttered, swallowing in fear.

Eric turned to her and beckoned the crow to keep watch over the two within the cell. “I… suppose it would be difficult for you to understand who, or what, I am. However, I will explain everything and ensure your safety should you lead me to my Electrocuter.”

The crow-being ran past her and phased into the cell, drawing a small sword. Tracey nodded slowly, and opened the door. As she stepped into the hallway, she realized that the hall was flooded, but the water was going away from her wherever she stepped. Eric moved beside her, and began following her as she robotically walked down the hallway. When they turned the corner, two security guards pointed their weapons at the both of them and sent a barrage of bullets in their direction, only for them to be stopped by the transparent teal plates Eric had created earlier. A spiral of light blue energy wrapped around his body, and he began launching multiple bolts of electricity at the guards, electrifying them each time until they fell onto the floor unconscious.


“In my world, I am what you would call an ‘elemental’.” Tracey looked at him before he raised an eyebrow at her, and she continued her path. Eric continued, “One of my kind was skillful enough to have taken precious artifacts from his enemies, but found himself bored when no one could effectively stop him. Out of curiosity, he managed to enter this hostile realm of creatures and began dispersing the weapons to see if there was someone who could wield them as successfully as he could, but instead, they remained buried and unused, or placed into containers as treasures. When our Oracle had foreseen your treasures transformed into lethal devices, we needed to stop your potential destruction.”

“You mean, the weapons at the museum?” Tracey pressed her lips and began searching for what to say as she neared the room. “I don’t believe we were going to make more weapons out of—I mean…”

“You were studying how to handle a weapon that could transmute the elements. Discord – the chaotic properties, if mass produced, would be enough to decimate populations of your kind, if I recall.” Eric assumed.

Tracey tensed up, but realized the accuracy of his judgment. “I don’t understand why that man couldn’t have just taken the weapons back instead of creating so much destruction.”

“Terofuze lacks subtlety,” Eric blurted out, but quickly corrected his statement, “…these weapons are not tolerated by some of my brethren, as they were used against him and his family countless times over.”

“You have family?” Tracey inquired.

“In a way, yes.” Eric answered, before releasing snapping his fingers. Another guard came sprinting behind them, but a huge spider had blocked his fire and shot a web into the guard’s face before fiercely assaulting him, and Tracey dashed away towards the final hallway where the ‘blade of aether’ resided. He went on to say, “While we’re not related by blood, all twelve of our ‘families’ are essential to the balance of our world.”

Tracey entered a 7-digit code before the metallic door slid open. She turned and saw Eric stride past her, stopped, and he then resumed walking towards the encased weapon after asking, “It appears that you don’t have any family left, do you?”


He grabbed the weapon and conjured a small dark blue ball that expanded into the same small teal-colored transparent plates as he had before, shielding himself from the barrage of lasers and bullets coming from within. As Eric left the room, Tracey heard one bullet fired toward her direction and felt someone pinch her left shoulder blade. When she turned, Linda was barely standing up, shaking, and pointing the weapon clearly at her face. The agent pulled the trigger again, but the empty barrel echoed. Eric clapped his hands together and a large amount of aquamarine energy swirled around him; tearing his hands apart, a leviathan with claws and fangs hurled itself towards Linda. When the dragon was finished, it phased into the ground, and the only part remaining was a bloodied hand clutching the gun.

The two other elements appeared around the corner after glancing at the hand. The man with the scars, or Terofuze, muttered something in a language she couldn’t hear. Glimpsing at herself, she realized her coat had been bloodied- no, she was bleeding to death. Lowering herself, Tracey fell to her knees, and then lay on her side, looking up at the three of them.

“She’s not going to survive either.” Terofuze hissed. Eric looked away and opened a portal into a blurred vortex of clouds and light. He looked at Tracey with forgiving eyes, but decided not to say anything.

“Wait!” Aririus demanded. “What if we can bring her back to Vitiel to heal-?”

“No, we cannot.” Terofuze flatly refused. “She has no power, she’ll die there within days.” He jumped into the portal, igniting his entire body within the process and gleefully yelling.

Eric turned to the portal, then back at Tracey. “Would you be willing to leave this world for one that would welcome you?” Aririus gasped at Eric’s question, and shifted her eyes onto Tracey, who slowly nodded before shutting her eyes. As the world became quieter, Tracey heard a few words before falling into a deep sleep:

“Do not save her life. Give her a new one.”


She found herself on a cloud, unable to feel the majority of her body. However, within a few seconds, she realized that she was wearing some sort of silk dress and was barefoot. Where was she? Was she dead? How did she come to be?

Unable to solve these questions, she began crying out of fear, only for her tears to mix with the space around her. A woman wearing the same clothing as she did had materialized in front of her, with different facial features and teal-colored hair. The teal-haired woman came to lift her up, and wiped her tears away before fading away.

“My queen.”

The woman turned around and saw someone she recognized – Aetheric. Beside him stood Aririus; both of them were smiling.

“We need you now.”


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Re: Voting: Elements Short Story Competition (Mystery/Sci-fi/Romance) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10131.msg123004#msg123004
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2010, 05:53:52 pm »
I voted for myself (learned that lesson last contest), but luka was my second favorite.

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Re: Voting: Elements Short Story Competition (Mystery/Sci-fi/Romance) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10131.msg123014#msg123014
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2010, 06:07:30 pm »
I voted for myself (learned that lesson last contest), but luka was my second favorite.
Here, here. (Or is it 'hear, hear'?) I kind of wish I had more votes, just because there are at least 3 stories that I love. :D (Luka included)


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Re: Voting: Elements Short Story Competition (Mystery/Sci-fi/Romance) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10131.msg123087#msg123087
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2010, 06:56:58 pm »
I gave everyone 2 votes so that authors can vote for something else as well. I also reset the poll.

Offline Glitch

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Re: Voting: Elements Short Story Competition (Mystery/Sci-fi/Romance) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10131.msg123088#msg123088
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2010, 06:57:57 pm »
What would we do without you.  =)

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Re: Voting: Elements Short Story Competition (Mystery/Sci-fi/Romance) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10131.msg123090#msg123090
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2010, 07:00:15 pm »
I gave everyone 2 votes so that authors can vote for something else as well. I also reset the poll.
YES! ^_^ Thanks SG~

(I wish my writing skills were as engaging as some of these other stories. :()

Re: Voting: Elements Short Story Competition (Mystery/Sci-fi/Romance) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10131.msg123095#msg123095
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2010, 07:08:34 pm »
Do not sell yourself short, Kuro.  Believe you are capable, and always work to improve.  "Perfection is unattainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence."  ~Vince Lombardi

Thanks for the kind words!  I didn't really bother to read the other entries before the deadline, but now I see I'm up against some stiff competition.  Glitch's reminds me a little bit of the story from the game "Braid," easily one of the most creative games I've ever come across.

Winner or runner-up, this has been well worth the experience.  I didn't have any inspiration when I started, but as I began writing, the words kept coming and the story wrote itself (wish I could bottle that lightning), and the competition has already produced a story I am very happy with - that's enough reward for me!  Not to mention there were many "happy accidents" (to quote the late Bob Ross), things I didn't plan that turned out to work surprisingly well.  Which is always really fun to see.

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  • Awards: 1st Trials - Master of LifeElements Short Story Competition WinnerPoetry in the Spirit of Elements
Re: Voting: Elements Short Story Competition (Mystery/Sci-fi/Romance) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10131.msg123418#msg123418
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2010, 11:12:13 pm »
Wow.  Surprisingly few people have voted.


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Re: Voting: Elements Short Story Competition (Mystery/Sci-fi/Romance) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10131.msg123446#msg123446
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2010, 11:35:29 pm »
I figure I'll read this while improving my defend your castle score and give some mini reviews on where my votes are going

Little Odyssey by slovenc555

A lot of errors with grammar and such which can be excused considering it might not be your first language but it does kill the atmosphere in my head sometimes, also it seems like it has a deeper meaning than what I can see (just seems like that kind of story) but it's to deep for my to scratch at it, I think it would've been better to just make the story of it' live presuming they hardly live for long (like a mayfly) and then have it die at the end (maybe one of the other stories does that though).

The Discovery Of Elements by Gl1tch

Took a while to get started and it left a hell of a lot of questions such as "why was he collecting samples" and stuff like that. Also things that end up being dream or in this case unconcious images always annoy me because they never happened so what was the point in reading it. I think a more developed planet rather then random areas of space would've been better and sending creatures (nymphs) randomly after him could've done with some explanation, especially considering they only asked where he came from after he had survived.

Simon's Story by Hobnob5000

A bit short but as long as the content's there it's fine. the ending was extremely obvious but I can't see why all the nymphs would decide to help out and why did they kill the Pharaoh as he'd done nothing wrong. I have no idea why the light nymph was so sympathetic, it surely should've seen other creatures be attacked and done nothing (circle of life) also I can see why simon fell in love (or whatever) but why did the nymph? But the ending (last line) was great.

The Women Of Chaos by zac333

Great beginning, I often see the problem in movies and books where the beginning just doesn't have enough action to keep me interested in it so I don't really get into it but this was the best beginning of the four stories I've read so far, unfortunately, the problem with this was that it sort of dwindled it began great but the action just seemed to die away. I think the "women" could of done with being named (i.e. nymphs) rather then not making them sound special you just made it sound weird when you said mad women rather than nymphs which I think would've been more engaging.

The Loneliest Otyugh On The Elemental Plane by SunnyGreens

Like someone else said it seems more poetic than a story and probably would have more of a dramatic impact as a poem. It's small and repetitive so i don't have much to comment on and these are some of the qualities which make it seem like it should be in poem form. There's one point I'm not sure on but I'm assuin it did happen despite it not really fitting in but at the end with the vampire did the vampire eat the otyugh if not then you should've chosen a different creature than vampire if so it could've done with something more obvious and some description of the vampire's hunger.

Love In The Abyss by Kurohami

The main problem is was switching between past and present tense so you need to make sure you settle on one before you begin writing otherwise it becomes annoying for the reader, I think past tense would be the best to stick to personally. I don't think you should've used infinity signs as the end of a paragraph as I thought they were lonely paragraphs for a reason to give a bigger effect on the reader but it seems like they were there just to end the paragraph so I'd suggest just not having anything there or adding a line, the history of the two should be old by the abyss crawler because the detective suddenly working out what had happened exactly was weird so just have the abyss crawler recollect what had happened. Nice ending with the embracing of each other.

Re: Voting: Elements Short Story Competition (Mystery/Sci-fi/Romance) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10131.msg123712#msg123712
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2010, 04:24:05 am »
I think probably the low tally of votes so far is due to the fact that many people may not be willing to read eight fairly involved short stories in a sitting.

Offline Glitch

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Re: Voting: Elements Short Story Competition (Mystery/Sci-fi/Romance) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10131.msg123733#msg123733
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2010, 04:50:10 am »
The Discovery Of Elements by Gl1tch

Took a while to get started and it left a hell of a lot of questions such as "why was he collecting samples" and stuff like that. Also things that end up being dream or in this case unconcious images always annoy me because they never happened so what was the point in reading it. I think a more developed planet rather then random areas of space would've been better and sending creatures (nymphs) randomly after him could've done with some explanation, especially considering they only asked where he came from after he had survived.
Excellent points.  I'll be sure to improve upon my backstories in the future.  +karma for such a helpful review.

