gg Rohlfo. It was close, and when I saw yours I was like: Damn, I should've thought of that.
A lot of these were really close. Good luck everyone who moved on. Better luck next time for those unlucky enough to be beaten by a few votes.
gg. Truth is I had loads of ideas (well, 6 to be precise), really hard to choose, and some you may yet see hit the smithy once I finalise them....I was so close to doing this idea instead I even had the card uploaded and ready:
There was a really obvious reason why this card wouldn't be that great which is why I changed it in the end but can't remember what it was lol
My third favourite idea of mine was to do a creature which caused a nova when it died, who knows how these would have done instead of what I did...
In general I think this war is great for coming up with great ideas