Alright, a bit of comments.
Entry 1: nice and clean, but I prefer sharp borders and it's text space is definitely too little.
Entry 2: mine, vote for it!
(kidding). I know, art's definitly not on par with other borders, but I hoped to get at least another vote thanks to the ideas I had - mainly, the lateral tag and the inclusion of Weapon damage and Shield damage reduction.
Entry 3: Definitely good looking, but I don't think we need color text.
Entry 4: A nice idea, but colors are a punch in the eye. Ewwww! I like the external border's design though.
Entry 5: Lateral band is nice, the rest not really. I really dislike the upgraded icon.
Entry 6: Nice exercise, but I'm all for modernism.
Entry 7: Nice idea, very clean, but... How do you use all that space? O.o at least use a bigger picture...
Entry 8: I hate that black border.
Entry 9: Not really my favourite design, nice ideas, but the color tones are not the best.
Entry 10: I hate that black squares.
All in all, I voted for 2 (of course) and 1, but I don't mind 3 winning.