Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game
Elements the Game => Events and Competitions => Competitions => Topic started by: YoYoBro on January 24, 2010, 05:08:15 pm
This is the poll for the http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2128.0.HTML (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2128.0.HTML) competition. You can vote for up to three cards, and even change your vote in case you change your mind. These are the images of the cards.
The poll will run for 4 days.
Competition is over
Remember, this competition is about the CARD IDEA, NOT THE ART!!! A poorly drawn card should be voted if it has a nice effect, and vice-versa!!
The following entries are in chronological order:
1- Fear
2-Add Pillar
3-Kitsune Trickster
4-Dark Matter
10-Main Gauche
11- Spellbreaker
15- Good News
16-Wolf/Elite Wolf
19-Dryad/Druid of the Thorn
21-Static Electricity/Static Field
22-School of Piranhas/School of Jellyfish
NOTE: The cards summoned by this card are SEPARATE from this.
23- Rampage
24-Crusader/Elite Crusader
25-Quantum Scales
1) some images don't work; go to the locked topic to see better images.
2) can you vote for your own? :P Not that I will; I already voted. But can you?
1) some images don't work; go to the locked topic to see better images.
2) can you vote for your own? :P Not that I will; I already voted. But can you?
1) Fixed the images.
2) Yes you can, and yes your should. That is if you want to win. Because I can tell you that the other guy will vote for his own idea.
I give my vote to crusader; it will finally make Light an important element! Well besides Miracle...
+I really really love the art and ability.
SG, what are we going to do in case more cards have the same number of votes?
I'm suggested a new poll, where you only have the top cards to choose from in your voting.
Lol, I was supposed to vote for myself? Hmm... that makes sense. Too late now. :P
I'm suggested a new poll, where you only have the top cards to choose from in your voting.
I was just going to say that. Maybe run that second vote for only 1-2 days.
Lol, I was supposed to vote for myself? Hmm... that makes sense. Too late now. :P
You can change your vote. Or at least you should be able to. If not, then YoYoBro needs to change it (it's not a default setting).
Why only one vote? I figured we'd get three...
Why only one vote? I figured we'd get three...
Yes, that's a good point. We need 3 votes. I'll fix it.
Are we allowed to campaign for our own cards?
Are we allowed to campaign for our own cards?
Yes, you can and should talk about your cards. It's important to explain the voters why you made the card the way it is.
By the way.. any kind of bribing, "you vote for me, I vote for you", and all other kinds of shady actions are strictly forbidden. Lets keep the vote fair.
(everyone gets 3 votes now)
Everyone should pick lockdown >.> its a nice card, helps shut everything down other than drawing a card and quanta production for a bit.
And by the way, isn't 7 days a bit much?
I mean, arent we just trying to decide which cards move on?
Or is this the final showdown?
And by the way, isn't 7 days a bit much?
I mean, arent we just trying to decide which cards move on?
Or is this the final showdown?
This is the final battle.
Hopefully everyone who posted those small images will now see why it was a bad idea. Gamers are visual people and having a tiny card is a huge disadvantage. I'd be surprised if any of those small images get to top-3. No matter how objective we try to be, in the end everyone likes the things that look good.
Hopefully everyone who posted those small images will now see why it was a bad idea. Gamers are visual people and having a tiny card is a huge disadvantage. I'd be surprised if any of those small images get to top-3. No matter how objective we try to be, in the end everyone likes the things that look good.
Well the better it looks, the easier it is to visualize it, don't you agree?
But there are some pretty awesome cards in here, with crappy pictures.
Righto. I believe that my idea (Kitsune Trickster) is one of the more innovative ideas out there, as it will give the game an extra dimension of Mind Games to play. Currently there isn't much 'trickery' to play on your opponents. All the remains unknown is your foe's hand, and even that won't last long with precognition. So to keep your opponent guessing, more 'tricks' are needed. And who is more cunning than a fox?
The purpose of this card is to get your foe to waste valuable creature control on a seemingly powerful creature only to find their effort wasted on a ruse. This is useful as a distraction while you get another card set up. Need to get your lava golem powered up, but don't want it to be Otyugh chow right away? Play the kitsune and have your opponent panic trying to get rid of the 'dragon' that just appeared.
As a bonus, the card is not destroyed upon death, but 'escapes' as a sort of emergency Reverse Time on itself to put itself back in your deck. Note that this doesn't count as a 'death' and therefore won't give any death-bonuses to Otyughs, Vultures, or Bone Walls. And since it's not destroyed, your opponent won't know when it'll return, or what as. Play the kitsune and another powerful cards and try to have them guess which one is real! As a side benefit, you could also prevent decking out by killing it yourself repeatedly, in the same fashion as Eternity is used.
So in short, this card would be useful, make the meta-game more interesting, and let all the pranksters have some fun!
Yeah. I used Paint.NET and the font didn't have any awesome shadow effects...no matter.
An upgraded Main Gauche, called an Elite Main Gauche, costs 3 Generic quanta, but otherwise stays the same. Isn't it ingenious? I think it's ingenious. Vote for it. :P
Righto. I believe that my idea (Kitsune Trickster) is one of the more innovative ideas out there, as it will give the game an extra dimension of Mind Games to play. Currently there isn't much 'trickery' to play on your opponents. All the remains unknown is your foe's hand, and even that won't last long with precognition. So to keep your opponent guessing, more 'tricks' are needed. And who is more cunning than a fox?
The purpose of this card is to get your foe to waste valuable creature control on a seemingly powerful creature only to find their effort wasted on a ruse. This is useful as a distraction while you get another card set up. Need to get your lava golem powered up, but don't want it to be Otyugh chow right away? Play the kitsune and have your opponent panic trying to get rid of the 'dragon' that just appeared.
As a bonus, the card is not destroyed upon death, but 'escapes' as a sort of emergency Reverse Time on itself to put itself back in your deck. Note that this doesn't count as a 'death' and therefore won't give any death-bonuses to Otyughs, Vultures, or Bone Walls. And since it's not destroyed, your opponent won't know when it'll return, or what as. Play the kitsune and another powerful cards and try to have them guess which one is real! As a side benefit, you could also prevent decking out by killing it yourself repeatedly, in the same fashion as Eternity is used.
So in short, this card would be useful, make the meta-game more interesting, and let all the pranksters have some fun!
Woah there buddy boy. Are you saying that if I waste a gravity quantum on that card, using my Otuygh, it won't work?
Thats a bit too oped in my opinion.
I voted for Crusader (since I had a bit of input into it), Inevitable (since it's a nice effect), and Static Field, because that's another innovative idea.
Please vote for my card, Crusader! It's an original idea of mine, but the version that I submitted is the result of a collaborative effort by other players.
Crusader would be a good creature in practically any deck. He is definitely a Light creature, with the ability to call on the Heavens to enhance his fighting abilities by channeling the power of equipped elemental weapons. His ability also enables Light to work in tandem with other elements instead of being a 'loner' element. Finally, a rainbow deck could possibly benefit by including a Crusader, as a Quinted Crusader could easily target an Eagle Eye or Eternity, posing a huge threat to the opposition. Thanks, and happy voting!
Please vote for my card, Crusader! It's an original idea of mine, but the version that I submitted is the result of a collaborative effort by other players.
Crusader would be a good creature in practically any deck. He is definitely a Light creature, with the ability to call on the Heavens to enhance his fighting abilities by channeling the power of equipped elemental weapons. His ability also enables Light to work in tandem with other elements instead of being a 'loner' element. Finally, a rainbow deck could possibly benefit by including a Crusader, as a Quinted Crusader could easily target an Eagle Eye or Eternity, posing a huge threat to the opposition. Thanks, and happy voting!
I liked Crusader a lot, it's already got my vote :) I hope it wins.
When I look at card ideas, I always look at how versatile the card is and how many different kinds of decks I can build with it. I hate cards that require card X or Y to be present in order to be effective.
One thing I also don't like is random events, especially if the card is something else than Entropy. Card games are already about luck, and having these random effects makes even more luck based which is not good.
I like innovative things but I don't like too complex things.
Here's what I picked:
1st - Loki
This is definitely my favorite. I like it because it's innovative and opens up TONS on possibilities. It has Entropy written all over it. And the fact that the ability costs Darkness (like Steal) is a nice touch. A very good card imo.
2nd - Crusader
This card looks way too overpowered to me. It's not as cool as Loki because it requires weapons to be in play (limits deckbuilding) but it's still a pretty cool card.
3rd - Desolation
This is a very simple card but I like it. It's definitely what Elements needs, and Death was a good choice for a card like this. Very nice.
I probably would have picked Abrasax as 3rd but, like I said in the thread, I think the ability should costs Entropy.
"School" cards fail because the other cards are not here. One card per contestant like I said in the rules.
There were other good cards as well but all of them were missing something imo.
EDIT: In case you missed it, everyone can vote THREE TIMES
When I look at card ideas, I always look at how versatile the card is and how many different kinds of decks I can build with it. I hate cards that require card X or Y to be present in order to be effective.
One thing I also don't like is random events, especially if the card is something else than Entropy. Card games are already about luck, and having these random effects makes even more luck based which is not good.
I like innovative things but I don't like too complex things.
Here's what I picked:
1st - Loki
This is definitely my favorite. I like it because it's innovative and opens up TONS on possibilities. It has Entropy written all over it. And the fact that the ability costs Darkness (like Steal) is a nice touch. A very good card imo.
2nd - Crusader
This card looks way too overpowered to me. It's not as cool as Loki because it requires weapons to be in play (limits deckbuilding) but it's still a pretty cool card.
3rd - Desolation
This is a very simple card but I like it. It's definitely what Elements needs, and Death was a good choice for a card like this. Very nice.
I probably would have picked Abrasax as 3rd but, like I said in the thread, I think the ability should costs Entropy.
"School" cards fail because the other cards are not here. One card per contestant like I said in the rules.
There were other good cards as well but all of them were missing something imo.
To be honest, I agree with you on Loki, and I would normally choose him but; the fact that I must swap a perma with the opponents, kind of intimidated me.
To be honest, I agree with you on Loki, and I would normally choose him but; the fact that I must swap a perma with the opponents, kind of intimidated me.
You gotta think outside of the box a little. The ability to swap a skeleton with a dragon, or a pillar with a Pulverizer, is pretty powerful. After all, what is your opponent going to do with an Amethyst Tower? Entropy already has synergy with Darkness (Lycanthropy), so this fits and expands an already present niche in Elements. The ability cost is exactly the element it needs to be. Overall it is a great card.
Yes, Crusader needs a weapon in play to become more powerful, but that is the tradeoff for the potential power it can have. You could even use a Long Sword just for the ability to give it +5/+2. Sure, there will be times where it will be "just a creature", but the situational aspect of Crusader is much less than the situational nature of, say, Purify.
To be honest, I agree with you on Loki, and I would normally choose him but; the fact that I must swap a perma with the opponents, kind of intimidated me.
You gotta think outside of the box a little. The ability to swap a skeleton with a dragon, or a pillar with a Pulverizer, is pretty powerful. After all, what is your opponent going to do with an Amethyst Tower? Entropy already has synergy with Darkness (Lycanthropy), so this fits and expands an already present niche in Elements. The ability cost is exactly the element it needs to be. Overall it is a great card.
Yes, Crusader needs a weapon in play to become more powerful, but that is the tradeoff for the potential power it can have. You could even use a Long Sword just for the ability to give it +5/+2. Sure, there will be times where it will be "just a creature", but the situational aspect of Crusader is much less than the situational nature of, say, Purify.
Actually I was thinking it would have been a bit more categorized as in; you could only switch weapons with weapons, shields with shields and etc etc.
Creatures, I obviously understood the entire " take a skeleton and give me a pumped up water spirit".
Seemed like I did think differently. And seriously, if that's what his ability would in the end really do, then hell yes.
I actually didn't choose Loki because I thought it was OP. I mean, it's basically a creature with steal AND an instant kill spell all rolled into one. Sure, you need some skeletons or something as an added cost for the instant kill, and you need a pillar for the steal effect, but other than that, it's only 2 dark. In fact, the instant kill aspect is more like "Steal a creature!" versus just "kill that creature!"
Seems OP to me :).
I still can't see several of the images.
Dark Matter, Epidemic, Silence, Main Gauche, INevitable, Good News, Wolf, Dryad, Static Electricity, Rampage, School of Piranha, Crusader, and Quantum Scales...none of those show up as even having an image posted under them.
I actually didn't choose Loki because I thought it was OP. I mean, it's basically a creature with steal AND an instant kill spell all rolled into one. Sure, you need some skeletons or something as an added cost for the instant kill, and you need a pillar for the steal effect, but other than that, it's only 2 dark.
Seems OP to me :).
I should have clarified the rules a bit.
We are not supposed to take into consideration how overpowered a card is. If I said something like that earlier, just ignore it.
This is not about balancing the game, we are here to brainstorm and have new ideas. ALL cards can be balanced with changing costs, etc. There's no point in shooting down a good idea only because you think it's overpowered.
In my earlier post I said I think Crusader is overpowered. That was just me thinking out loud because I think the card is really OP considering how cheap it is to play. That however had nothing to do with my choice and I think the idea behind the card is great.
Oh. Well then.
If some restrictions were put on it, for instance:
"Target creature will swap with a weaker creature on the opponent's board, and target permanent will swap with a cheaper permanent on the opponent's board"
This would refer to attack power and casting cost, respectively.
With those restrictions, I could see that card being great :). But I'm not changing my vote, since I still like Inevitable and Static Field more. As to Crusader, since I helped, I'm staying with it.
O.o Someone else voted for Main Gauche?
Well, thanks, whoever you are.
Main Gauche opens up new realms of strategy, blocking every weapon from annoying Arsenic to devastating Fahrenheit.
Darn that crusader, I thought I had a better chance than that. :( Oh well, at least I'm in third right now.
I'm assumimg Crusader would have a Lobby type effect builtin so it can only have Endow or the weapon's ability?
Endow is intended to function the same way that Lycanthropy does, and is worded similarly. It can be used only once.
Looks like J's idea is getting more and more popular :) gz Jmizzle, as always :)
I was too busy to submit my "ion cannon" card, which was the "good one" (epidemic was just a thought) but, well, it will be for the next card idea event :)
I don't ask anyone to vote my card. Just think what it could mean in a deck build to get quick control of the table. You use a freeze, then spread it amongst your enemies. Or an adrenaline, you can instantly apply it to 3 random creatures by playing a single card. And so on for all statuses (but immortal, cuz immortal creatures are untargetable). Then decide what to do :)
Woah there buddy boy. Are you saying that if I waste a gravity quantum on that card, using my Otuygh, it won't work?
Thats a bit too oped in my opinion.
Well, the Kitsune would be removed from the field, but wouldn't be destroyed (as it returns to your deck). And it's not a copy of a strong creature like Twin Universe, but it LOOKS like one at first glance. It's a minor threat that disguises itself as a stronger one.
Not that it matters, it seems no one likes it enough to vote for it. And I thought I had something with this too...
Well, the Kitsune would be removed from the field, but wouldn't be destroyed (as it returns to your deck). And it's not a copy of a strong creature like Twin Universe, but it LOOKS like one at first glance. It's a minor threat that disguises itself as a stronger one.
Not that it matters, it seems no one likes it enough to vote for it. And I thought I had something with this too...
The problem with it, as we discussed in chat, is that it would be very easy to know its just a trick. At the very least we would see it only do 2 (or is it 3? ^-^) damage versus the 15 damage it says it will do since it's imitating a ruby dragon.
I actually really like your card idea, PhantomFox. There were maybe 4-5 cards that really stood out, in my opinion. Unfortunately, we can only vote for three, so some have to be excluded. I wouldn't give up on your idea even if it doesn't do well in this particular competition. Keep on tweaking and try to make the card text be as specific as possible. I think some people didn't vote for your card just because it is difficult to understand exactly what it does. A little simplicity can go a long way.
Main Gauche is up to 3! I'll be happy if it reaches 4 like the rest of 'em :D
...aaand crusader is up to 12. Nice.
Kitsune is a very nice idea; it just needs some tuning to make it more sneaky and still require less coding.
Some fine tuning could be done, and I think the card could be cobbled together from existing abilities. Perhaps the kitsune could do actual damage corresponding to the disguise turn 1, but now I might be grasping at straws. Oh well, congrats to the eventual winner.
I'm glad to see that the distribution of votes is very even among all thecards (Except one glaring discrepancy :P). That's nice.
Yeah, like a Self Reverse-Time and such. A very viable possibility that'll add some flavor to the game
Drat. Somehow I missed that the important part of School of Piranha would be left out of the competition. That seems silly if the goal is to brainstorm and come up with new concepts -- you effectively just eliminated ALL transformational and summoning cards from the contest. :(
Glad to see Glitterdust is up with the rest of them. Even if it isn't the most innovative card in the world it would still be useful to have in the game (though maybe less so now after 1.18's changes?).
Gah... Crusader is going to take first place.
OK, propaganda... Everyone should vote for Inevitable/Doomed. Its damage cannot be blocked by ANYTHING, AT ALL. Hence its name, Inevitable. 6 of those cards can deal 30 absolutely unavoidable damage to your opponent every turn. With Precognition, you can make a very powerful Mono-Time speed deck.
Re Crusader: In what way does a crusader align with the elements? All the other creatures are of an elemental nature so the crusader seems odd to me.
The Artwork that was used for Crusader was done by Jason Engle and that current image I beleive is licenced to the Warlord CCG.
The idea of a creature weapon is somewhat nice, but we already see that with Animate weapon and in a more limited nature Immortals/MorningStar, SapphireCharger/Titan, Vampire/Stileto, Pufferfish/Arsenic. Do we need a creature who can steal all these best effects away from these creatures?
Does this make Crusader Innovative or a revolutionary idea?
Easy fix to the art: I already credited the artist when I submitted the card. If it's a serious problem, I will change the art, because I'm not about to pay somebody for the art I used to illustrate a concept I came up with. I'll use a stick figure if I have to.
If you don't like my idea, don't vote for it. :)
Easy fix to the art: I already credited the artist when I submitted the card. If it's a serious problem, I will change the art, because I'm not about to pay somebody for the art I used to illustrate a concept I came up with. I'll use a stick figure if I have to.
If you don't like my idea, don't vote for it. :)
The art is just an image I got off of google images, so credit to whoever did that picture.
lol @ the credit there. I'm Sure Jason is thankful for that.
But really, can you answer the questions I put forward? Maybe there is something you see that I don't when you created the idea. From the actions and notery from other posters it seems they just like a blingy new powerbox. Jason Engles art does that to a lot of people, in fact I started playing Warlord CCG simply because of his art for Ter-Soth. But in a game sense I want to know how you see it fitting in.
For my Card Quantum Scales, I hear and read complaints that the game only favors Monotype or solid Rainbow decks and its very hard to find a ground in between that is effective without being a demigod or better. So my Card was designed to try and fill that hole with as little duplicant cards and be useful to a majority of decks without replacing something that already exists or being the required card for all decks. Elements in Alchemy, Astrology and Religion all seem to work in ebb and flow and have a balance between them, light vs darkness etc. A symbol of Balance is the scales, and it is a permanent so that was figure for my effect.
But with Crusader I don't see it. Can you explain to me your vision?
Why is a Human in Armour, on a Crusade a Light Elemental Creature?
Why is copying the power of my opponents Arsenic a Light Elemental Effect?
I edited the post in there so it reflects who did the art. I didn't see who did the art when I found it the first time, so thanks for finding that for me. In all seriousness, I never intended to steal anything, and if I have broken a law, please show it to me, because I am not entirely familiar with how a copyrighted piece of art should be handled when it is so freely available like this. Clearly we all need to learn about this if it really is serious, because it was stated in the card idea contest rules that the art didn't matter and it was okay to borrow an image. I eagerly await your reply.
My vision for the card came in stages. At first I wanted to make a creature called "Shield Bearer", a sort of squire type that would "equip" a shield, destroying the shield and freeing up your shield slot, allowing you to have two shield effects simultaneously. But I felt that would be ridiculously overpowered, so I made it so that when he equipped the shield, he gained the gravity pull status as well. I was content with that for a while, as it made a sort of living meat shield with defense, but I didn't like how it made your own shield slot useless, so I decided to go in a different direction.
I started reading the description of each element and found the description of the Light element.
Light elementals dispense blessings and befriend angelic and righteous entities. Light elementals can exalt their creatures, heal them, or deal damage to death and darkness elements.
I revisited my Shield Bearer and thought about making it equip a weapon instead. Having played this game since the beginning, my first thoughts were about Flying Weapon, as you mentioned. I tried to see if it was possible to create an ability that behaved like a warrior equipping a weapon, while avoiding a "Flying Weapon on a stick" type card. Since Light is all about boosting/exalting its creatures, I figured an ability like "Endow" would be fitting. The ability fits with the flavor of the Light element because it is like the Crusader is calling on the power of the gods to channel the power of the weapon to enhance his fighting abilities.
Why is copying the power of my opponents Arsenic a Light Elemental Effect?
That is actually a good point. I didn't even think about the choice of element when I reviewed Crusader.
Light is not a good choice for Crusader. In fact it's probably the worst choice because stealing things is not "good" or "pure".
Darkness would have been a much better choice.
That might even be enough for me to chance my vote. :)
I edited the post in there so it reflects who did the art. I didn't see who did the art when I found it the first time, so thanks for finding that for me. In all seriousness, I never intended to steal anything, and if I have broken a law, please show it to me, because I am not entirely familiar with how a copyrighted piece of art should be handled when it is so freely available like this. Clearly we all need to learn about this if it really is serious, because it was stated in the card idea contest rules that the art didn't matter and it was okay to borrow an image. I eagerly await your reply.
Technically every time you use someone elses image it's stealing. Whether or not you credited the artist is irrelevant, it's still just as much "stealing" as it is if you didn't credit the artist. Otherwise I could just copy-paste entire websites, use the text and images on my own website, and just add a line of credit on the bottom.
You guys are right about adding the artists name. We have to change that rule asap. Even though it doesn't change the situation legally, we should still give the artist credit. I'll add a line of text on the card template.
Also maybe there is some fantasy-art website that we could make a deal with. We can use their images in our card ideas, and we include the name of the artist and a link to the website in every single card. I'll have to look into that.
Who said anything about Crusader "stealing" a weapon? It doesn't destroy your opponent's weapon. The Crusader becomes divinely imbued with its power.
Isn't debating about use of the image somewhat irrelevant when the rules specifically state:
- You can use Google image search (or anything you want) to find a picture for your card as this competition is only about the idea, not the art
I think since it was extremely clear that jmizzle7 wasn't laying any claim to the image in any way (in fact he did explicitly note that the credit should go to someone else, which was more than anyone else in the competition did, in addition to the implicit assumption that card art in this thread was not original) you'd have a hard time getting anywhere beyond serving a DMCA takedown notice. It's not like the art is going to end up in the final game, after all.
Who said anything about Crusader "stealing" a weapon? It doesn't destroy your opponent's weapon. The Crusader becomes divinely imbued with its power.
Well, I see this kind of "copying" as Darkness or Entropy ability.
Arsenic for example is an evil weapon that spreads poison. And what about Vampire Stiletto? I don't see a noble creature of Light doing anything like that.
I think since it was extremely clear that jmizzle7 wasn't laying any claim to the image in any way (in fact he did explicitly note that the credit should go to someone else, which was more than anyone else in the competition did, in addition to the implicit assumption that card art in this thread was not original) you'd have a hard time getting anywhere beyond serving a DMCA takedown notice. It's not like the art is going to end up in the final game, after all.
Yep. With copyright there is the theory and the reality. In theory we are evil thiefs who are all going to jail. In reality nobody cares and nothing is going to happen.
As long as you don't..
1. Try to make money with it
2. Claim it's yours
3. Refuse to remove it if asked be the artist
.. you will be fine.
For those interested in law, here is an article about fair use (http://www.copyright.gov/fls/fl102.html) and copyright.
I have a great respect for these artists so their name should be mentioned for sure. This should have been done since day one and it's my fault we didn't do it. I have updated the card template and from now on the artists name has to be visible or the image will be removed.
I could see that copying is an Entropy/Darkness thing. I still think it can work within the Light element, but I totally understand where you are coming from.
I could see that copying is an Entropy/Darkness thing. I still think it can work within the Light element, but I totally understand where you are coming from.
If the ability cost Darkness it would have been perfect.
It's just like crusaders in real life. They were supposed to have this divine "just cause" (and probably thought that themselves) but the reality was quite different and some evil things were happening.
I could see that copying is an Entropy/Darkness thing. I still think it can work within the Light element, but I totally understand where you are coming from.
If the ability cost Darkness it would have been perfect.
It's just like crusaders in real life. They were supposed to have this divine "just cause" (and probably thought that themselves) but the reality was quite different and some evil things were happening.
Right. Well, there's no such thing as a perfect card idea before it goes through the process, eh? :)
Besides, if zanz decides to use any of these ideas, I would certainly expect him to make changes to reflect his vision for his game.
EDIT: I think the ability cost as Darkness quanta would be pretty dang cool.
I could see that copying is an Entropy/Darkness thing. I still think it can work within the Light element, but I totally understand where you are coming from.
If the ability cost Darkness it would have been perfect.
It's just like crusaders in real life. They were supposed to have this divine "just cause" (and probably thought that themselves) but the reality was quite different and some evil things were happening.
Right. Well, there's no such thing as a perfect card idea before it goes through the process, eh? :)
Besides, if zanz decides to use any of these ideas, I would certainly expect him to make changes to reflect his vision for his game.
EDIT: I think the ability cost as Darkness quanta would be pretty dang cool.
True. But since this is a competition, all ideas are expected to be complete and should be rated as complete ideas. What Zanz does with these ideas is irrelevant to this competition. Game balance is not important because that's not related to the idea itself, but the card should make sense and fit the theme.
Loki managed to do it perfectly imo. Entropy is the best element for that kind of card and the fact that the ability costs Darkness is a nice touch and makes perfect sense.
If there's any problem whatsoever with card art, I'll remake the image for it.
If there's any problem whatsoever with card art, I'll remake the image for it.
I'm way ahead of you..
I hereby give Zanz the right to use this image in any way he wants.
I edited the post in there so it reflects who did the art. I didn't see who did the art when I found it the first time, so thanks for finding that for me. In all seriousness, I never intended to steal anything, and if I have broken a law, please show it to me, because I am not entirely familiar with how a copyrighted piece of art should be handled when it is so freely available like this. Clearly we all need to learn about this if it really is serious, because it was stated in the card idea contest rules that the art didn't matter and it was okay to borrow an image. I eagerly await your reply.
Argh, lost my Original reply.
Image owned by WarlordCCG, Phoenix Interactive and Hasbro.
They have rights because the Idea was submitted with the image that :
- The idea or variation of the idea not be used or implemented
- That if implemented that they may recover gains aquired from the use of the idea
- If dividends can not be directly evaluated from the use of the idea, claim ownership of the product or development of the product in which the idea is used.
This in an extreme case should the companied wish to take action but if so could claim Elements if the idea is used.
In regards to the personal use of the image for gain, it has been mentioned that the image has added to the apeal of the idea and you will gain a prize for the winning of this competition. Personally I don't care. I just posted the artist name because it wasn't creditied earlier and people wanted to know. It will never have a hope of getting into the game because the image is previously licenced to another game.
I reply to the actual card idea in another post.
If there's any problem whatsoever with card art, I'll remake the image for it.
I'm way ahead of you..
I hereby give Zanz the right to use this image in any way he wants.
*Hahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahha, falling on the floor out my beanbag still laughing*
Lmao SG :) your art FTW :)
Anyway, FYI, that card's art is from a MtG card, and I have that card. So I can probably check who the artist is :)
My vision for the card came in stages. At first I wanted to make a creature called "Shield Bearer", a sort of squire type that would "equip" a shield, destroying the shield and freeing up your shield slot, allowing you to have two shield effects simultaneously. But I felt that would be ridiculously overpowered, so I made it so that when he equipped the shield, he gained the gravity pull status as well. I was content with that for a while, as it made a sort of living meat shield with defense, but I didn't like how it made your own shield slot useless, so I decided to go in a different direction.
I started reading the description of each element and found the description of the Light element.
Light elementals dispense blessings and befriend angelic and righteous entities. Light elementals can exalt their creatures, heal them, or deal damage to death and darkness elements.
I revisited my Shield Bearer and thought about making it equip a weapon instead. Having played this game since the beginning, my first thoughts were about Flying Weapon, as you mentioned. I tried to see if it was possible to create an ability that behaved like a warrior equipping a weapon, while avoiding a "Flying Weapon on a stick" type card. Since Light is all about boosting/exalting its creatures, I figured an ability like "Endow" would be fitting. The ability fits with the flavor of the Light element because it is like the Crusader is calling on the power of the gods to channel the power of the weapon to enhance his fighting abilities.
No more talk about the Card image eh. Back to the IDEA.
Is the crusader a human, an Angel, or something else?
Why is endow anything more than just a blessing?
Still don't get why a Crusader would have Arsenic or Discord or Lobotomizer effect.
I'm CONVINCED that even though crusader effects reminds me of stealing/copying it MUST be light. For both cost and ability cost. A "crusader" just doesn't fit darkness/entropy. The name should be changed if you want some dark creature (Mercenary Crusader, Dark Crusader, Dark Paladin, Demon Knight etc.)
Anyway, Jmizzle, why don't you just change the effect so that it can only target your weapon?
Lmao SG :) your art FTW :)
Anyway, FYI, that card's art is from a MtG card, and I have that card. So I can probably check who the artist is :)
Actually its a Warlord Card and I have it. Its Called Uriels Armor
Lmao SG :) your art FTW :)
Anyway, FYI, that card's art is from a MtG card, and I have that card.
Actually its a Warlord Card and I have it. Its Called Uriels Armor
So.. you both have the same card, only one is from MtG and the other from Warlord?
I smell something fishy here.
Lmao SG :) your art FTW :)
Anyway, FYI, that card's art is from a MtG card, and I have that card.
Actually its a Warlord Card and I have it. Its Called Uriels Armor
So.. you both have the same card, only one is from MtG and the other from Warlord?
I smell something fishy here.
He doesn't have the Card.
Check the Gatherer
Forum code won't accept a link because the link has brackets for tbhe criteria value.
I was sure it was some kind of white magic the gathering card.. I have like 800 cards, so I can't be CERTAIN, but I was 99% I had it.. maybe you're right tho :O the picture was so familiar.. maybe it was some really really similar card I had?
I was sure it was some kind of white magic the gathering card.. I have like 800 cards, so I can't be CERTAIN, but I was 99% I had it.. maybe you're right tho :O the picture was so familiar.. maybe it was some really really similar card I had?
I have 80000+ magic cards and been collecting since revised, only 16yrs or so and never seen anything that I would confuse. If you can take the time, find this similar card for me, it intrigues me.
Quick question: Is it possible for voters to suggest slight modification to the cards presented (and are the card makers allowed to make amendments at this stage?), or must we take the cards as they are?
Quick question: Is it possible for voters to suggest slight modification to the cards presented (and are the card makers allowed to make amendments at this stage?), or must we take the cards as they are?
Scaredgirl said earlier that you could campaign for cards.
If you have a suggestion on implementation/direction of a card, I say go for it.
The competition is about the Idea, not a final product.
Contestants can't actually change the presented card tho so image good or bad, wording good or bad, they have to play on with.
Let's see:
Fear - Brings something new to the game but I don't like it in Darkness (Element has loads of good stuff already) and I think we should exploit the abilities we have, before tinkering with triggered abilities.
Add Pillar - Could use a "sexier" name, but it is definitely a card to consider that is easy to add and might add value.
Kitsune Trickster - The random creature part has been done sufficiently. I want to see more novelty.
Dark Matter - Sorry, but Black Hole is already in development and that card just collides with it.
Glitterdust - I really want options against immaterial dudes that exceed "just play more lifegain". I don't know, if Air is the best element for the card, but I want to see the concept done.
Desolation - I miss spells that attack the opponent's deck and I am inclined to vote for Desolation just because of that (and because of the well-calculated cost). However, I don't like the effect in Death. Maybe Time?
Wisp - Looks like a nice card to play and I want to see the "attack your owner" bit done sooner or later. However, the 0/8 doesn't match the name of the card.
Epidemic - These strong random effects look more at home in Entropy. Besides, the card is worded too vague to be considerable. Counts poison as status?
Silence - MonoLight is close to playable and this card might give it the final push. I'd hate to play against it but it could make a welcome addition to the metagame.
Main Gauche - Very nice weapon but the Element is off. Earth shouldn't be known for finesseful parrying maneuvers.
Spellbreaker - Nice, simple and efficient. I can imagine, voting for this one.
Lockdown - Interesting and maybe the last card needed to give MonoDarkness the final push to stardom. Only (but sizeable) No-Go is the name. You should never name a card just after its function on the field.
Inevitable: The "unshieldable" damage looks nice... until writing this made me realize that this is basically momentum ;)
Loki: Repeatable stealing brings a lot of power. The card is good but I am afraid that it would decide too many matches on its own. So far, no single card has that much potential and it should not have.
Good News: Cute, but the effect is too small and too situational for me to consider building it into a deck.
Wolf: Too vague - Is "Friend" a random creature? Also, I am not sure whether Air is the right place.
Phoenix: I assume that you can only spend the quanta immediately and that it is mandatory. In that case, definitely conceivable.
Gamble: NO! We shall not reduce Elements to a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors. Next!
Dryad: I miss cards that give boni to other creatures, so this is a welcome addition. One of my favorites.
Abrasax: Fun idea and why not? There are other concepts that are more important to push, though.
Static Electricity: You should add something about the effect not being cumulative. Besides that: Very interesting concept.
School of Piranhas: But uhm... what IS a piranha?
Rampage: Lacks a casting cost.
Crusader: Its a shame that it is not going to work with Morningstar, isn't it? Couldn't you just have phrased it with "your weapon"?
Quantum Scales: Interesting fixer for Rainbow. But I just happen to want to push the other decks a bit more for now.
Counts poison as status?
If you know the difference between statuses and skills, the wording isn't vague.
You should never name a card just after its function on the field.
Poison. Freeze. Congeal.
Cute, but the effect is too small and too situational for me to consider building it into a deck.
Actually, the effect is quite powerful. And 90% of decks are build around creatures with a skill.
But uhm... what IS a piranha?
... you are joking right?
Crusader: Its a shame that it is not going to work with Morningstar, isn't it? Couldn't you just have phrased it with "your weapon"?
The effect doesn't say "your weapon" exactly because it isn't supposed to work only on your. Read previous comments, the morning glory issue has been discussed further.
Quick question: Is it possible for voters to suggest slight modification to the cards presented (and are the card makers allowed to make amendments at this stage?), or must we take the cards as they are?
Scaredgirl said earlier that you could campaign for cards.
If you have a suggestion on implementation/direction of a card, I say go for it.
The competition is about the Idea, not a final product.
Contestants can't actually change the presented card tho so image good or bad, wording good or bad, they have to play on with.
Actually no.
The cards have to be reviewed the way they were when the competition ended. (images you see on the first post of this thread)
This was a competition that had a clear deadline. Any changes after that deadline are forbidden. Campaigning and making changes to your card are two different things. Sure we can and should discuss about how we can improve these cards but that shouldn't be a factor when giving your vote. So if the card owned "fixes" his/her card in these discussions, that should not affect your vote.
Does this breach the Stolen ideas rule?
Quick question: Is it possible for voters to suggest slight modification to the cards presented (and are the card makers allowed to make amendments at this stage?), or must we take the cards as they are?
Scaredgirl said earlier that you could campaign for cards.
If you have a suggestion on implementation/direction of a card, I say go for it.
The competition is about the Idea, not a final product.
Contestants can't actually change the presented card tho so image good or bad, wording good or bad, they have to play on with.
Actually no.
The cards have to be reviewed the way they were when the competition ended. (images you see on the first post of this thread)
This was a competition that had a clear deadline. Any changes after that deadline are forbidden. Campaigning and making changes to your card are two different things. Sure we can and should discuss about how we can improve these cards but that shouldn't be a factor when giving your vote. So if the card owned "fixes" his/her card in these discussions, that should not affect your vote.
What do you mean when you say "actually no"?
What did I say that disagrees with what you said? *scratching head*
If someone suggests that my idea is good and how it could work in the game is ok isn't it?
Its ok if I say suggest that you vote for Crusader as the idea might be good as the fill in for an Air card as a "Winged Archer", a Celestial with the Sniper ability of Eagle Eye if you have Eagle Eye to copy.
If there's any problem whatsoever with card art, I'll remake the image for it.
Thanks, that would be awesome. I sent you a PM about the art for it while the contest was going on, but I didn't hear back, so I consulted the ever-so-controversial Google Images. ;)
Does this breach the Stolen ideas rule?
Of course not. They only have the same name. Card effect is totally different.
What do you mean when you say "actually no"?
What did I say that disagrees with what you said? *scratching head*
If someone suggests that my idea is good and how it could work in the game is ok isn't it?
Unless I misunderstood, you said that contestants can make revisions of the ideas they submitted. That's incorrect. There was a deadline and all submissions and revisions done after that deadline are invalid.
We can talk about how the cards could be improved, but that should not be a deciding factor when you vote. You have to vote for the original versions.
Well, now that my card idea broke the forum, I'll go on the record and say that the debate over it totally gave me an idea for a "set" of cards. Fun! :)
If we're talking about effects that are wholly original I guess that's Glitterdust out then. I took the name from a DnD spell that does something very similar (illuminates invisible creatures). Just because something has been done before (in MtG, no less, the game that has explored every card idea under the sun ten different ways) doesn't mean it wouldn't be a good addition to the game.
If we're talking about effects that are wholly original I guess that's Glitterdust out then. I took the name from a DnD spell that does something very similar (illuminates invisible creatures). Just because something has been done before (in MtG, no less, the game that has explored every card idea under the sun ten different ways) doesn't mean it wouldn't be a good addition to the game.
I agree with Daxx. It's impossible to create something truly original when building a CCG. Just because MtG invented the 2/2 for 2 doesn't give it the exclusive rights to "vanilla bear" creatures across the globe.
If we're talking about effects that are wholly original I guess that's Glitterdust out then. I took the name from a DnD spell that does something very similar (illuminates invisible creatures). Just because something has been done before (in MtG, no less, the game that has explored every card idea under the sun ten different ways) doesn't mean it wouldn't be a good addition to the game.
Don't worry about it. MtG has thousands and thousands of cards. I'm pretty sure that 99% of all the card ideas on this forum (and this competition) have already been done in MtG is some shape or form. And if we take other CCG's into the mix too, the number is probably 99,99999999999999%. (um.. now that I actually read your post, that's exactly what you said too. :))
When I talked about "do not copy", I merely meant that do not copy card ideas from this forum.
Of course if the idea is identical (or very close to identical) of some other idea, then it might be disqualified. Glitterdust however is such a generalized idea that it can't be considered copying. It's like saying Heal is plagiarism because it heals creatures.
I think plagiarism shouldn't be considered here because of the reason SG just exposed. And it becomes 100% if we include other popular games like Yu Gi Oh..
Well, now that my card idea broke the forum, I'll go on the record and say that the debate over it totally gave me an idea for a "set" of cards. Fun!
Post them, I'm curious :)
If there's any problem whatsoever with card art, I'll remake the image for it.
Thanks, that would be awesome. I sent you a PM about the art for it while the contest was going on, but I didn't hear back, so I consulted the ever-so-controversial Google Images. ;)
I know, I replied to you in chat, you must've missed it. :)
Before voting, I'd like for all card makers to justify how their card specifically contributes to a Mono-Deck of their card element. Bonus points if you can make out a combo with existing cards from your specific element.
Personally, I would like new cards to strengthen their respective elements to create stronger Mono-Decks, so I will be casting my vote(s) based on how much it helps its own element. I know this may be unfair to a few of the cards with an activated ability requiring quantums from another element, so I'll have all of you card makers answer some questions I have for all the cards so that you may attract someone else's votes.
Here's questions for all the cards. (If any of them are already answered in previous posts, just point me to the page and I'll look it up.)
1) Fear: Does the effect lasts until end of the turn or does it last until I play a creature?
2) Add Pillar: Is this card a spell or a permanent? If its a permanent, do you activate its ability like any other normal ability of Weapons/Creatures? If you don't does it randomly decide which cluster to add a Pillar to?
3) Kitsune Trickster: Does "primary" means the element of your mark? If so, is the creature which this card transforms into randomly selected? Or does it copy a creature already on your field when you play it? And does it copy the creature's ability as well?
4) Dark Matter: Just to clarify, is it 5 Quantums of any type in your possession, or 5 Dark Quantums in your possession?
5) Glitterdust: Just to clarify, does this include creatures on your side of the field as well?
6) Desolation: Does "delete" means remove from the game or send to the graveyard/discard pile?
7) Wisp: Would that be "33% to attack its owner", "33% to attack opponent" and "33% not to attack"? In the event it attacks its owner, would Shield cards have any effect on that attack?
8) Epidemic: By "status", does it includes both negative effect like poison and positive effect like momentum/adrenaline/immaterial, or does it only replicate negative effects? If a creature has more than one "status", does the card copy all "statuses" the creature has? Also, does "3 random creature" include both yours and your opponent's creatures?
9) Silence: This means the opponent cannot summon creatures, cannot use a spell card, and cannot put pillars/shields/weapons into play during his next turn, yes? I am assuming by "playing" you meant activating cards from the hand, and it does not effect the activation of card abilities already in play before this card is used.
10) Main Gauche: Would this card block Weapons which are turned into Creatures via Animate Weapon?
11) Spellbreaker: Am I right in assuming that all Spell cards played by your opponent will have their effects changed into "Deal 3 damage to Spellbreaker"? If so, what happens when Spellbreaker gains the Immaterial status? Would the Spells' effect not be changed, or does it permanently alter all your opponents' spells into "Deal 3 damage to Spellbreaker"? (via Quintessence or Anubis.)
12) Lockdown: Since you didn't mention anything about Weapons, I'm assuming Weapons will still do damage under Lockdown. Does "ability" include passive abilities such as Firefly's Bioluminescence, creatures affected by Luciferin, Malignant Cell's ability to "reproduce", and the "ability" of Pillars and Towers to produce Quantums at the end of turn?
13) Inevitable/Doomed: I am assuming its ability does not require the creature to attack, and would go through all Shield cards, and even Sundial? Will its ability be affected with Vampire status? Or will Vampir status only applies to the card's attack?
14) Loki: Do you get to choose which creature/permanent to take from your opponent as well? And can you choose this card as the card to be exchanged with your opponent? Also, must you exchange creature for creature and permanent for permanent? Or can you exchange creature for permanent and permanent for creature?
15) Good News: Can you activate more than one "Good News" per turn? And does it include passive abilities, like Bioluminescence and Malignant Cell's reproduction ability? What about one-time use ability like Dejavu? Do I get to use Dejavu multiple times?
16) Wolf/Elite Wolf: What do you mean by summoning a "friend"? Do you mean "friend" as in another Wolf, or is it a totally different card independent of this card, like Firefly Queen's ability?
17) Reborn Phoenix: Is this ability a one-off, or does the phoenix reborn everytime it is killed? If the Phoenix dies with an ability (Like Momentum, for example), does the reborned Phoenix retains that ability?
18) Gamble/Gambit: What made you create this card in the first place?
19) Dryad/Druid of the Thorn: This card could have been a damned good card if only Life element creatures gets the effect and allow the +x/+x part to stack. My question is did you consider that when you were making this?
20) Abrasax: Why Fate Egg? There are a number of other creatures for Time which you can choose from.
21) Static Electricity: Does that include passive abilities like Momentum and Vampire?
22) School of Piranha/Jellyfish: I am assuming this includes returning the card back to hand/deck, and the stats for the summoned creatures are exactly the same as the one leaving play? Though I gotta ask, does "leave play" includes being mutated into another creature?
23) Rampage: The most straightforward, and potentially most powerful card suggested. My only question is, are you allowed to play this card multiple times in a turn?
24) Crusader/Elite Crusader: If it gains the Weapon's ability, would you be paying the exact cost of activating the Weapon's ability as well? (3 Time for Eternity, 2 Aether for Lobotomizer, etc.)
25) Quantum Scales: What do you mean by "balances 10 quantum between elements"?
Gamble was created to randomize the game a bit
Yay! Debate!
- You should never name a card just after its function on the field.
- Poison. Freeze. Congeal.
These are no problem because there the effect is named after a concept that easy to imagine. With "Lockdown", you have a card name which is hard to create an image for. Do you lock the opposing elemental into some kind of cage for one turn? Naming a card after the colloquial term for a deck concept doesn't add flavor to the game.
- Cute, but the effect is too small and too situational for me to consider building it into a deck.
- Actually, the effect is quite powerful. And 90% of decks are build around creatures with a skill.
Ok, my fault. I was going through the cards pretty quick and for some reason thought that this was a spell... ah well, my vote is cast and my three favorites would have exceeded the real card as well.
- But uhm... what IS a piranha?
- ... you are joking right?
I am not. I don't know, what the abilities of a piranha are. What is its power/HP? What is its casting cost?
- Crusader: Its a shame that it is not going to work with Morningstar, isn't it? Couldn't you just have phrased it with "your weapon"?
- The effect doesn't say "your weapon" exactly because it isn't supposed to work only on your. Read previous comments, the morning glory issue has been discussed further.
I am aware that it is able to use an opponent's weapon as well. Probably I should have said explicitly that I would have liked the Crusader better if he sticked to his own weapons. I know that the real Crusaders spent a lot of time pillaging before they went to the actual Crusade but I thought that Elements used the idealized version of the term :p
24) Crusader/Elite Crusader: If it gains the Weapon's ability, would you be paying the exact cost of activating the Weapon's ability as well? (3 Time for Eternity, 2 Aether for Lobotomizer, etc.)
Yes. It gains the exact ability.
I am aware that it is able to use an opponent's weapon as well. Probably I should have said explicitly that I would have liked the Crusader better if he sticked to his own weapons. I know that the real Crusaders spent a lot of time pillaging before they went to the actual Crusade but I thought that Elements used the idealized version of the term :p
Well, it's more of a channeling effect than a "pillage your village" thing where he beats up on your opponent and steals his weapon. As a warrior of light, he has the divine ability to channel the elemental power of any weapon into his own. It's a kind of spiritual gift, so to speak.
: / crusader already has a HUGE lead over the rest of the cards, just give the title to jmizzle7 and vote for the runner ups
There is still hope for the other guys xD
About you, silken, I thought you meant you didn't know what a piranha was IRL :P that's why I was.. astonished xD
Oh, and Epidemic only includes the target creature's controller creatures, replicates all statuses and yes, both positive and negative ones.
Yep. The picture is also nice. I voted for it. :D
Main Gauche up to 8, just 1 behind 2nd place. It's useful to block out any Fahrenheit decks. You know those Arsenics? Yeah, me too. Block them out with this shield. Also deals 1 damage a turn, just like a regular dagger would.
If there's any problem whatsoever with card art, I'll remake the image for it.
Thanks, that would be awesome. I sent you a PM about the art for it while the contest was going on, but I didn't hear back, so I consulted the ever-so-controversial Google Images. ;)
I know, I replied to you in chat, you must've missed it. :)
Ah. I definitely didn't get that. ::) What did you say?
Phew, still tied for second. GO MY GOD OF MISCHIEF!
If there's any problem whatsoever with card art, I'll remake the image for it.
Thanks, that would be awesome. I sent you a PM about the art for it while the contest was going on, but I didn't hear back, so I consulted the ever-so-controversial Google Images. ;)
I know, I replied to you in chat, you must've missed it. :)
Ah. I definitely didn't get that. ::) What did you say?
Next free moment I have. However, there's a bit of a queue by now! :p
We might have to make the voting time a bit shorter. One week is way too long, although I think it was me who originally suggested it :)
3-4 days is probably better.
Please vote for my idea (Static), in case any of you haven't noticed yet, aether has been seriously nerfed since the last update (immortals are now affected by shields). My idea is meant to regain some power for mono-aether decks. Since none of the aether creatures has any ablilities for themselves, static will not affect their own deck by much, also the idea ties in really well with lob. as it has a chance for creatures to fail their abilities. Oh and lastly I WANT A PERMANENT FOR AETHER >.<!!!
I'm too competitive for my own good. Perhaps I overshot myself trying to come up with a new idea, but I'm still slightly upset. However, I will answer some questions:
1) "Random creature has been done before" It takes the APPEARANCE of a random creature, it's not a Fate Egg.
2) "What's the Primary Element?" Your mark
3) "Does it keep abilities?" The appearance of them, but it's just a disguise. The Kitsune is a distraction but not a real threat.
11) Spellbreaker: Am I right in assuming that all Spell cards played by your opponent will have their effects changed into "Deal 3 damage to Spellbreaker"? If so, what happens when Spellbreaker gains the Immaterial status? Would the Spells' effect not be changed, or does it permanently alter all your opponents' spells into "Deal 3 damage to Spellbreaker"? (via Quintessence or Anubis.)
You are correct on your initial assumption. If it is quinted, it will still take damage and die. It exerts itself to stop the spells, and eventually dies from exhaustion.
Right now Crusader is in the lead, with Loki and Inevitable behind. I'll be glad if my own card can make the second/third place.
For those that haven't voted yet: Please vote for Crusader! It's currently in the lead, but please keep it up there by casting your vote!
Jmizzle has no mercy :D
It would have been interesting to see what the results would have been like if there were no images, only text.
We have to improve the image quality in the next competition so that there won't be cards that look better and have an unfair advantage. After all this competition is supposed to be about the idea, not the art.
Crusaded might have still won because it is a pretty good idea, but I'm sure it would have been a closer battle.
Sg, I have an idea.
Since card images built with the template are much more looked at than plain text, what about a contest where the card image is left blank? Or filled up with a gradient, or just a single color.
Before voting, I'd like for all card makers to justify how their card specifically contributes to a Mono-Deck of their card element. Bonus points if you can make out a combo with existing cards from your specific element.
Air has no useful way of dealing with Immaterial creatures. It does have Fog Shield which can help, but this is a better counter because it allows you to use air's abundance of creature control on them (Owl's Eye, Thunderstorm).
Mostly this isn't designed explicitly to promote mono-decks as it's a support card - though it could be very useful in one. It's more designed to promote people taking Air in duo- or trio- decks.
The element choice could even change; I chose Air partly because it fits the theme of the card and partly because Air needs some better support cards right now.
5) Glitterdust: Just to clarify, does this include creatures on your side of the field as well?
As written, yes.
Sg, I have an idea.
Since card images built with the template are much more looked at than plain text, what about a contest where the card image is left blank? Or filled up with a gradient, or just a single color.
I thought about it at first but that would make the competition boring. It's nice to have some pictures to go with the idea. Sometimes the picture even helps you to understand the idea faster.
I'm collecting a list of links to some very cool art websites as we speak. When we have the next tournament, people can just use one of these links to get an image (or find one themselves if they choose so). This way everyone has a quality image.
This is probably a good place to start: http://www.fantasygallery.net/ (http://www.fantasygallery.net/)
Also I'm adding some link to galleries by individual artists, like Jason Engle.
Before voting, I'd like for all card makers to justify how their card specifically contributes to a Mono-Deck of their card element. Bonus points if you can make out a combo with existing cards from your specific element.
Personally, I would like new cards to strengthen their respective elements to create stronger Mono-Decks, so I will be casting my vote(s) based on how much it helps its own element. I know this may be unfair to a few of the cards with an activated ability requiring quantums from another element, so I'll have all of you card makers answer some questions I have for all the cards so that you may attract someone else's votes.
Here's questions for all the cards. (If any of them are already answered in previous posts, just point me to the page and I'll look it up.)
25) Quantum Scales: What do you mean by "balances 10 quantum between elements"?
The problem with this competition is that the idea is neutered down to what you see on the card. That was Scaredgirl's condition. This is not what happens in a real think tank for card design (well in any that I have participated in anyhow) but is what the voting is suppposed to be based on.
Here is a link to my original post for the submission section.
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2128.msg22903#msg22903 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2128.msg22903#msg22903)
The card is not generally useful for a mono-type deck unlesss you need a particular quantum to fuel your activated abilities. It will guarantee access to all quantum types but you will be having your mono quantums distributed which may be a disadvantage at the same time.
For dual / trio / rainbow decks, after you have spread your first lot of quanta you are at an advantage because you are now guaranteeing any quanta you require albeit in limited amounts when compared to long term Quantum Pillars. This limits the use of Farenheit, Drain life, Fire Bolt etc, but they should be restricted as they are designed for monotype decks.
The Balancing effect is an absorbing of your current quantums and then returning them to you so the quantums are spread evenly amongst all elements if possible. Mechanics are somewhat unknown as I have not and would never pull apart the game code to see what makes it tick. So to make the idea easily implemented, it absorbs 10 quanta then triggers a nova burst.
if you have any other queries I'd be happy to answer.
SG, just one question: how about multiple accounts? I din't read all posts in this discussion, but is allowed more than one vote fo IP adress???
Just to express my opinion, the answer is NO.
SG, just one question: how about multiple accounts? I din't read all posts in this discussion, but is allowed more than one vote fo IP adress???
Just to express my opinion, the answer is NO.
Multiple accounts are strictly forbidden in the forum rules.
Our forum software restricts you from making more than one account per IP, and if you get caught using two IP's and two accounts, both of those accounts will be permanently banned.
2) can you vote for your own? :P Not that I will; I already voted. But can you?
yes i can vote my own. you should really get that fixed. i voted for dark matter, thinking has a simmilar name as anti matter, so i voted. than i realised it was of my own creating... lame if you ask me.
2) can you vote for your own? :P Not that I will; I already voted. But can you?
yes i can vote my own. you should really get that fixed. i voted for dark matter, thinking has a simmilar name as anti matter, so i voted. than i realised it was of my own creating... lame if you ask me.
Making the poll so that you cannot vote your own idea is a much longer and complex process than you would think.
I suggest everyone just uses one vote to vote their own creation, then nobody gets an advantage. It's not "lame" if everyone gets that +1.
One other easy solution is to make votes visible so that you can see what everyone voted. But this not an optimal solution because some people want to keep their votes a secret, and they should have that right.
Oh, and if you voted your own creation "by mistake", you can always change you vote. :) You can change it as many times as you like until the voting closes.
lol I voted for my own and see no problem with it. The poll is good as it is, 3 votes is great.
lol I voted for my own and see no problem with it. The poll is good as it is, 3 votes is great.
Yes, when we agree that everyone votes their own creation, votes will balance each other out.
If we agreed that you cannot vote your own idea, some people would still vote their own idea and get an unfair advantage.
I agree with SG. I think pretty much everyone voted themselves. In the next events I'll organise, I think I'll pose more difficult challenges (maybe some restrictions on the art type, for example) this much entries, so that auto-voting is less important, if at all.
I agree with SG. I think pretty much everyone voted themselves. In the next events I'll organise, I think I'll pose more difficult challenges (maybe some restrictions on the art type, for example) this much entries, so that auto-voting is less important, if at all.
You cannot have any restrictions in an idea competition. :) The more simple the rules are, the better.
The current voting system works perfectly well and there is no need to change it. People who have a problem with it, probably just don't understand why self-voting is not a problem. When everyone gets that +1, it's like nothing happened. And if nothing happened, where is the problem?
People who submitted their ideas, get one less vote but that's not a big deal because they are biased anyways. Most of them won't vote for their biggest competition even if they think the idea is good. :)
The problem with this competition is that the idea is neutered down to what you see on the card.
SG, I mean restrictions like:
"Draw the best art which represents dragons"
Ofc this is just a stupid example.. that way we don't have 800 entries, 75% of which get 1-2 votes.
I'd just like to say, no offense to the creator, that I'm appalled that people are voting for a card as extraordinarily overpowered as Loki.
Can't you see the absurdity in playing a Darkness/Entropy deck that can give it's opponents a big ol' Antimattered Vampiric Dark Dragon in exchange for their innocent little 8/13 Otyugh?
The card is seriously hideously nasty, especially with decent combat stats on top of that utterly game-dominating ability.
Think about it. You could seriously give your 0/1 Momentumed Fate Egg mutants to Miracle and get his 18/18 Golden Dragon in return. Or give a Sundial to Rainbow in exchange for an Hourglass. Or give an Unstable Gas to Seism in exchange for a Titanium Shield.
Loki is the Mayor of Crazytown.
The problem with this competition is that the idea is neutered down to what you see on the card.
Well, there are two sides to this.
On one hand I agree completely. This competition was only about the IDEA, and everyone knows jmizzle got tons of extra votes because of that very cool picture by Jason.
On the other hand jmizzle spent some time to make the idea look perfect. He used the template, made both non-upgraded and upgraded versions, and inserted a very nice picture. It's called marketing and it works, even if it's not "fair".
All other contestants could have done the same thing but they didn't. I'm sure now everyone knows what the deal is, and when we have the next competition, all ideas will look more like the one jmizzle7 submitted.
SG, I mean restrictions like:
"Draw the best art which represents dragons"
Ofc this is just a stupid example.. that way we don't have 800 entries, 75% of which get 1-2 votes.
Oh, ok. :)
I'd just like to say, no offense to the creator, that I'm appalled that people are voting for a card as extraordinarily overpowered as Loki.
Having ideas and balancing the game are two different things. Idea guy has the ideas and game designer (Zanz) makes it balanced. This competition was about the idea.
It's very easy to balance cards in Elements because if everything else fails, you can always simply up the cost.
Holy cows... good job, guys. I come back to the forums after a couple of hours and this thread literally doubled in size. Nice.
And I see Crusader is still at the top. :P
Main Gauche has 9 - not completely out of the running, but it's safe to say that it's not going to win any prize. Still - this is a good idea, no? It blocks weapons, and only weapons, dealing 1 damage per turn. It cannot block flying weapons or "Crusaders" :P
And Loki is SUPPOSED to be the mayor of Crazytown. He's Loki. :P
Well, I certainly hope that people voted for my card idea because of what it is, not because it looks cool (even though that can help, as SG suggested). Of course I'm not going to submit an idea that looks like crap, but let's be honest with ourselves here... Why is my idea the only one that people complained about with regard to copyright, when there is a frame from the Lion King with no credits attached?? The idea is the centerpiece for voting, not the art. Art is just the aesthetic that brings an idea together, and I spent time and energy on my card to make it look as professional as possible. That's just how I do things.
On a brighter note, I really like a lot of the ideas in this competition. Nearly all of them would be useful, but some just seem like they "fit" better in the game.
I voted Dryad. It's the best one. Mass boost sounds great, especially for Life. And the art is great there too.
Well, I certainly hope that people voted for my card idea because of what it is, not because it looks cool (even though that can help...
You think? :)
Someone should really remake all the Elements cards using pictures created straight from Paint. It would definitely be a marked improvement in artwork.
I'm wondering if people aren't just voting for the 'shiniest' or Most Powerful card. But then again, how are we to judge 'best idea'? The most practical one? The most powerful one? The most innovative one?
Someone should really remake all the Elements cards using pictures created straight from Paint. It would definitely be a marked improvement in artwork.
Hey, don't reveal my idea for a competition!!! :)
I'm serious. We are going to have a Pain competition.
EDIT: lol, "Pain competition". Sounds painful.
I'm of course talking about PAINT.
Someone should really remake all the Elements cards using pictures created straight from Paint. It would definitely be a marked improvement in artwork.
Hey, don't reveal my idea for a competition!!! :)
I'm serious. We are going to have a Pain competition.
The best card idea is up to you to interpret, Phantomfox. For me, I like innovative ideas that add new dimensions for playing styles, decks, counter-decks, and strategies.
I voted Dryad. It's the best one. Mass boost sounds great, especially for Life. And the art is great there too.
Art there is not to be included in judging, especially not if it isn't his. (And no, it's not.)
Someone should really remake all the Elements cards using pictures created straight from Paint. It would definitely be a marked improvement in artwork.
Hey, don't reveal my idea for a competition!!! :)
I'm serious. We are going to have a Pain competition.
EDIT: lol, "Pain competition". Sounds painful.
I'm of course talking about PAINT.
I have a feeling our idea of "Pain competitions" are different >.> but that would be a cool idea.
hey maybe we should hide the image of the card and see how the voting goes till after u toe for it :P :time :light :life
Seems like voting has died down a bit. Poll will now run for 4 days instead of 7 (like on that Short Story competition thread).
One day left to vote. Last votes please.
Someone should really remake all the Elements cards using pictures created straight from Paint. It would definitely be a marked improvement in artwork.
Funny you should say that. My idea card was created in Paint on my XP laptop in the last 5 min or so of the comp because my main machine passed away.
The problem with this competition is that the idea is neutered down to what you see on the card.
Well, there are two sides to this.
On one hand I agree completely. This competition was only about the IDEA, and everyone knows jmizzle got tons of extra votes because of that very cool picture by Jason.
On the other hand jmizzle spent some time to make the idea look perfect. He used the template, made both non-upgraded and upgraded versions, and inserted a very nice picture. It's called marketing and it works, even if it's not "fair".
All other contestants could have done the same thing but they didn't. I'm sure now everyone knows what the deal is, and when we have the next competition, all ideas will look more like the one jmizzle7 submitted.
Note, the comment quoted was in regards to the request for information and was in no way a challenge to Scaredgirl. The rules had been stated and clarified even if thats not what people expect.
Personally I entered this competition with a view pertaining to my history and experience in game design and ccgs. This is not what the competition was tho. Even if you saw this in a similar light to myself you cannot challenge the competition and its result. It is similar to a Sculpter entering a Modern art competition and the result only being the best contemporary oil painting.
I would suggest that you politlely request Scaredgirl allow the inclusion of more detail from the submission in the next competition (if there is another) so that the idea presented can be evaluated better. Especially if your idea is something that cannot be enhanced by flashy presentation or has a complex directive behind the idea.
If this doesn't change and the same competition boundries continue, you will simply have to fall in and compel your voters with only a card representation of the idea.
PS. Don't Hate the Players or the Hate the game. Save your Hate for the luck and variations that put your skill at a disadvantage.
Well, at least I'm tied for 10th, so the idea has a small chance of becoming reality. Stupid Flying-Weapon-onna-stick...
Wow, these ideas are awesome, only most of them are over-powered and would probably destroy the balance of the game. The Crusader is good though. It's basically a flying weapon.
Actually, it's a more powerful and expensive- stealing flying weapon..
It's more like a counterpart of twin universe for weapons. Well, it's awesome.
Actually, it's a more powerful and expensive- stealing flying weapon..
If i understand, it doesn't steal the weapon. Whoever owns the weapon still owns it, just now Crusader has it's effects and stats.
Wow, these ideas are awesome, only most of them are over-powered and would probably destroy the balance of the game. The Crusader is good though. It's basically a flying weapon.
LQTM. There's no balance in this game...there are two-card combinations that make you win the game, and it's not like it's even difficult to play said combinations. If there's balance, it's that everything is so overpowered that it all cancels out.
You can't destroy what isn't there.
LQTM. There's no balance in this game...there are two-card combinations that make you win the game, and it's not like it's even difficult to play said combinations. If there's balance, it's that everything is so overpowered that it all cancels out.
You can't destroy what isn't there.
Be more specific.
Actually, it's a more powerful and expensive- stealing flying weapon..
If i understand, it doesn't steal the weapon. Whoever owns the weapon still owns it, just now Crusader has it's effects and stats.
Yes you're right soz ^^
Wow, these ideas are awesome, only most of them are over-powered and would probably destroy the balance of the game. The Crusader is good though. It's basically a flying weapon.
LQTM. There's no balance in this game...there are two-card combinations that make you win the game, and it's not like it's even difficult to play said combinations. If there's balance, it's that everything is so overpowered that it all cancels out.
You can't destroy what isn't there.
Em... that's a intriguing point. But, yes, be specific. What two-card combination are you talking about?
Thanks for all who voted for Main Gauche. I'm now tied for 4th with a whole bunch of other creators :D
Hey guys, how'd you like to carry both a weapon and a parrying dagger at the same time, just like in real life? Well, you can do that with my card, Main Gauche. It blocks ANYTHING in your weapon slot sans Titan (because it has Momentum) and deals 1 damage per turn. Very useful, and the upgraded version costs generic quanta, so you can put it in any deck for instant Fahrenheit protection.
harakirinosaru, please support your argument instead of spewing opinions. I'd like to say that Elements does have powerful combinations, but they all "Check and balance" each other.
Aww I was looking forward to "Which came first Abrasax or the Fate Egg" jokes and actually knowing that the Fate Egg came first. Would have been a great addition to my deck too. :(
There's nothing saying that Zanz won't look at the other cards as well as the winner, so Abrasax is still in the running. Or even that the card that wins (or any of the cards at all) will make it anywhere near the game, for that matter.
Sweet static electricity is now in second place with 15 votes!! ty to everyone that voted!
Just vote for Loki and I won't have to eat you with my cthulhu powers. ;)
The timers gone. By the looks of it
Crusader got first with 31 votes!!!
Static with 16 votes
Spellbreaker with 15 votes
Competition is over.
Winners will be declared officially soon.
omg, anyone that doesn't know that crusader will be the winner must be either blind or just really, really, REALLY dumb.
and yes, we have a winner. it's: dumb critter from critter is dumb! (evryone thinks "omg, and i tought it would be crusader)
Scaredgirl *reads everyones minds*: it is, i'm just pulling your leg
Everyone *gives +karma for yet another great joke*