Righto. I believe that my idea (Kitsune Trickster) is one of the more innovative ideas out there, as it will give the game an extra dimension of Mind Games to play. Currently there isn't much 'trickery' to play on your opponents. All the remains unknown is your foe's hand, and even that won't last long with precognition. So to keep your opponent guessing, more 'tricks' are needed. And who is more cunning than a fox?
The purpose of this card is to get your foe to waste valuable creature control on a seemingly powerful creature only to find their effort wasted on a ruse. This is useful as a distraction while you get another card set up. Need to get your lava golem powered up, but don't want it to be Otyugh chow right away? Play the kitsune and have your opponent panic trying to get rid of the 'dragon' that just appeared.
As a bonus, the card is not destroyed upon death, but 'escapes' as a sort of emergency Reverse Time on itself to put itself back in your deck. Note that this doesn't count as a 'death' and therefore won't give any death-bonuses to Otyughs, Vultures, or Bone Walls. And since it's not destroyed, your opponent won't know when it'll return, or what as. Play the kitsune and another powerful cards and try to have them guess which one is real! As a side benefit, you could also prevent decking out by killing it yourself repeatedly, in the same fashion as Eternity is used.
So in short, this card would be useful, make the meta-game more interesting, and let all the pranksters have some fun!