Design a Competition - Vote For a WinnerContestants were asked to submit one idea in each of these three categories:1. Card Idea CompetitionDesign a card to be used in Elements.
2. Screenshot CompetitionPost a screenshot(s) that were taken in-game.
3. Other CompetitionAny competition not belonging to the above two categories
Now is your turn to vote for the winner. If you think 1st and 2nd ideas are great, but the 3rd one sucks, don't vote for that person.
All three ideas have to be great.
Take these things into consideration when making your decision:
50% How unique the idea is question is
50% How fun it would be to participate in such a competitionWinners:
1. PhantomFox
2. Gl1tch
3. EssenceThis vote runs for 7 days.
Voting is closed!You have 3 votes. You can change your vote at any time. Here are the 18 contestants:
1.1. Card Idea CompetitionThe Outcast: Design a card idea belonging to no element (the section "Other"). It can be anything you choose - a rare weapon, a creature, a spell, a shield... anything, as long as it does not belong to any element.
Remember, synergies are good! For more appealing cards, try to find synergies with other cards.*
2. Screenshot CompetitionHairsbreadth: Post a screenshot or several screenshots of the closest win or closest loss you have ever experienced. Multiple screenshots allow for an interesting story to be told.
3. Other CompetitionJellybean Jar of Members: In the span of a week, members post the number of people they estimate will join Elements the Forum** in the next week. After the guessing period is up, the number of people who join the forum over a period of another week is recorded. The member who guessed correctly or was the closest to guessing correctly, wins!
2.1. Card Idea CompetitionNymph? Nymph? Nymph!: Every elements has a nymph, but why not "others"? Design what you think should be the nymph for "others"?
2. Screenshot CompetitionMake a sentense: Over 1 week
Apart from the common english words e.g The, is, a, he, she etc. (you get the idea), make a sentense with the name of the cards, the most card used win.
It has to make sense (this will be approved by MODS)
Note: the card has to be in game screenshots...
3. Other CompetitionRock Paper Scissors!: I dont know why I wanted to call it that, but ibe it this competition or rock paper scissors, you will need to guess what others does
Over 1 week, guess how many post will be moved because its in a wrong section or its too old and needs to be archived. Simply posting a thread in the wrong section so it gets move deliberately to favor yourself will be disqualified
3.1. Card Idea CompetitionDesign a new Shard, which turns into an "other" Creature. Be sure its balanced and not a must in any deck.
2. Screenshot CompetitionWrite a word or a phrase with the first letters of creatures, (you can also use more rows), and make a screenshot. Smartness and Length are criterias.
3. Other CompetitionStart your PVP Career!
Register (if you arenĀ“t already) to one of the two PVP-Leagues ( or and play at least 10 games, use official chat to find opponents. If you win at least 8 games (post screenshot from your ranking when you start and when you end competition) you will be rewarded with 2k electrum (if it is ok with zanz) OR a "PVP-Player" award at forum.
4.1. Card Idea CompetitionThe new kid in town: Design a card with a new active ability, like growth or paradox. This ability must be able to be gained through mutation. Good cards will fit in their element, have synergy with their element, and make good mutations.
2. Screenshot CompetitionYou lucky devil! Post a screenshot of the luckiest thing that's ever happened to you (or your opponent) in elements. For instance, I mutated a graboid with burrow. I burrowed it, unburrowed it, and my rainbow opponent quickly fractaled it. Must have screenshot to prove.
3. Other CompetitionThe Biggest Loser: Design a deck that will lose as fast as possible. This could be used in conjunction with the weekly tournament, where the person who loses two of three matches continues.
5.1. Card Idea CompetitionFill Out Elements!: Design a card that is designed to fill out one of the Elements that has fewer cards than it's peers. The card should have definite synergies with at least one card in it's Element, and at least one card in an Element that it's home Element isn't currently commonly used with. (For example, if you design a card for Darkness, it has to plainly synergize with one other Darkness card and also one other element that Darkness is not often used with, like Air or Water.) This thread will be helpful in finding unused synergies.
2. Screenshot CompetitionQuanta Crazyness!: First person to submit all six of the following screenshots wins (all screenshots must be AI opponent):
1) You have exactly 13 quanta in each of your quanta pools.
2) You strike the killing blow on your opponent with entirely empty quanta pools.
3) The number of quanta in all your combined pools equals the number of cards left in your deck (must be >1).
4) You and your opponent have the exact same quanta pools.
5) The sum of all of your quanta pools is exactly equal to your current HP.
6) You have quanta pools that can be arranged in numeric order (i.e. 13, 14, 15, etc.)
3. Other CompetitionIcon Art!: Using only the small element icons, in your submission post, make an Elements-related picture!
6.1. Card Idea CompetitionHoliday Cards: Design a Holiday Themed Card. Card ideas may not be overpowerful, or too powerful (think along the power of Holy Cow in terms of attack and effect). Holiday theme can be from any culture, but please refrain from creating anything heavily religion based as to not offend anyone. Make the card strictly about the holiday, not what the holiday represents.
2. Screenshot CompetitionOHKO: Defeat a Half-Blood(Level 5) or a False God(Level 6) by a OHKO(One Hit Knock Out) with Drain Life/Siphon Life or Ice Bolt/Ice Lance only. The Half-Blood or False God must be at 200 health when you deal the blow. In order to due that, you need 1000+ Water or Darkness quanta. You may use any card you want. Any creature cards you use may damage the Half-Blood or False God, but in order for the SS to count, the opponent must be at 200 hp when you deal the final blow. You may use the trainer. You may not use the More Power button.
3. Other CompetitionElements Can Haz Photo?: Take a picture of an Elements card/logo in the real world. Print out some cards, or the logo and do something creative with them in the real world. Refrain from doing anything illegal with them, e.g. pasting cards over stop signs, stop lights, etc. Anything involving cards/logo done to anything that can be seen as graffiti or illegal will not be accepted.
7.1. Card Idea CompetitionDesign a card that works in a new permanent slot next to the shield. Submission must include the card you designed and a description of what the other cards designed to go in the slot would have in common with your card. i.e. what is the theme of the cards that will go in the new slot?
2. Screenshot CompetitionTake an ordinary screenshot and then edit it to create something funny/ridiculous/out of the ordinary. extra points for making the edits look like actual mechanics. The one that makes people laugh the most gets the votes.
3. Other CompetitionDo you see Jesus in your toast? How about an Otyugh in the stump in your back yard, or a Cockatrice in your ham sandwich? Get your cameras out and take a picture of an elements card taking shape in the real world. People will vote to see which real world object looks most like it's respective elements card.
8.1. Card Idea CompetitionComplement a Card: Design a card that complements the given card. (Given card = something the tourny organizers come up with... it could be an existing card or one they make up)
2. Screenshot CompetitionEmpowered Creatures: Take creature stats to the extreme. Muster up a creature with the highest stats possible. Person with highest total (Attack + HP) on a single creature wins.
3. Other CompetitionElement Makeover: Redesign an element using the current cards. Rules:
1. The theme needs to fit within the element. (Example: Life/Light will NEVER get a 'bolt'... Do not force things)
2. Card color/cost can change. That does not include ability cost.
2. Must be 10-15 cards.
3. Must include a weapon, shield, pillar and dragon. Nymphs are optional.
4. No cards from "Other" may be used.
5. Must have two abilities that use quanta from other elements.
6. Cannot contain more than 6 cards from original element.
7. You may rename up to 2 cards to better fit the element.
8. Black Hole/Steal/Explosion/Earthquake/Fractal/Precognition are limited to their elements to prevent abuse.
9.1. Card Idea CompetitionSynergy: Create a set of cards that work with each other or reference each other in some way that works nicely, like FFQ and rustler. Balance and creativity win the day as usual.
2. Screenshot CompetitionNOOOOOOO!: Post a screenshot/series of screenshots that depics the most embarrassing, close, or epic loss you've ever had.
3. Other CompetitionImprovement: Design a simple way to improve gameplay. For example, zanz's new info box in 1.22.
10.1. Card Idea CompetitionCostly, not Overpowered: Design a card with the cost of 12 or more quanta of any element. The challenge is to make a creative, costly card without it being overpowered.
2. Screenshot CompetitionJester's Photo Album: Tell a joke using one or two in-game screenshots. Any type of format for the joke is acceptable. Make a motivational poster, edit Cockatrice's name with ****atrice, etc.
3. Other CompetitionBuild-a-Creature Workshop: Build a model of an Elements creature using anything (legos, around-the-house objects, q-tips, etc.). Take a picture of it, upload it, and show everyone your true creative side.
11.1. Card Idea CompetitionDesign the next rare card! So far, Water, Time and Light have the only non-weapon rares. Let's change that! (You only need 1 card idea) It should be a good effect, but not overly powerful.
2. Screenshot CompetitionPost these screenshots:
1) You have 2 of each upgraded dragon on your field. You may have only 1 Phase Dragon.
2) You have a creature with 400+ hp and devour
3) You have a creature with 100+ attack and the skill "Vampire", it may not be Vampire, Minor Vampire, Vampire Stiletto, or Vampire Dagger.
4) Kill a false god in one turn, when it's hp is 200. You may not use Unstable Gas, Air Nymph, Blue Nymph, Fire Bolt, Fire Lance, Ice Bolt, Ice Lance, Drain Life, or Siphon life. The god must not have any Feral Bonds or Light Towers in play.
5) Win a game with the following conditions:
* You must have 0 of all quanta types
* Your opponent must have 0 of all quanta types
* You must have 1 card in you hand
* Your opponent must have 0 cards in their hand
* You must have 0 creatures
* You must have 1 permanent (Stack=1)
* You must have either 10 or 100 hp.
* Your opponent must have either 1, 11, or 111 hp.
* The number of creatures on your opponent's field must be divisible by 2
3. Other CompetitionThink up the best lvl 7 AI! For example, you may propose that they have 5x mark, 300 hp, 3x draw, and maybe one of those advantages that chris make for the JFF FG challenge.
12.1. Card Idea CompetitionCreate-a-spell-thingy!: Create a spell that would prevent buffing a creature (buff meaning: chaos power, bless, heal, butterfly effect, paralell universe, quintessance, grow, blaze, devour)
2. Screenshot CompetitionTake-a-screenshot-of-you-having-LOTS-of-quanta-thingy!: Take a screenshot of you having LOTS of quanta (and than use a spell whos power relies on the number of that type of quanta) LOTS meaning 200+
3. Other CompetitionCompedative-guy-or-gall-of-dude...: Participate in at least 3 competitions (excluding trials AND this one)
[Trophy would look like a little medallion]
13.1. Card Idea CompetitionYour Favorite Element? Prove It!: Look at your "Favorite Element" on your forum profile. If it's blank, do "other". Now design a card of that element. Masters must do the element that they are masters of.
*Note: Don't change your favorite element just for this. This is an honor system though; nobody will be able to prove it.
2. Screenshot CompetitionPainting With Creature Slots!: Take a screenshot of something nifty done with your creature slots, for instance: All mutant dragons in the first row, or all abominations in the top row. Or every other slot is a different mob creature (firefly, then scarab, then firefly...). Get creative! The winner will be the screenshot that gets the most votes, obviously.
3. Other CompetitionUndefeatable Beast-Mode!: First off, make a new elements account. Name it "undefcomp" followed by any numbers you want. Now your goal is to get a record of 111 wins and 0 losses with a score of at least 800. The first three people to post a screenshot of this win. You can try with as many accounts as you want.
14.1. Card Idea CompetitionAn Otyugh's Diet: As much as we all love to play Elements, sometimes (hopefully) we have to stop playing in order to get something in our stomachs to energize ourselves... and continue playing Elements.
So with that in mind...
Design a card (spell, permanent, or even a creature) that's based off of food or an object related to food for any of the elements (example: you can make a pseudo-like name for a special patch of berries with an effect, or put in a specialized butcher knife). The only restrictions are:
a) Avoid creating cards with names that have (or directly implies) a SIGNATURE brand name in them (Pillsbury Cake, Sara Lee's Apple Pie Crumble Fun Disaster, etc.).
b) Try to apply foods that would be available in a time before technology and food processing occurred (no junk food, or 'dieting' food, or artificial food) - there might be some exceptions to this.
c) Avoid putting multiple food items in a card (Big Feast cards, Happy Meal (this also breaks rule (a)), etc.)
2. Screenshot CompetitionA REAL Rainbow: Post a screen shot of a card battle between you and a *non-player opponent with your hand and/or the creatures on the battlefield being organized by their elemental color to form a typical pattern of a rainbow/prism. You must have at least 4 colors that are aligned accordingly, and the creatures can be in any 'direction' (if you're lucky, you can also align the colors vertically depending on how the AI has played his creatures, or diagonally - having a light dragon in your top left corner of your creature field, two fallen druids below and to the right of it, an ash eater to the bottom/side of the druids, etc.).
---A 'Rainbow' is designated in this order:
(and the cycle continues)
---You can have 'smaller rainbows', such as:
, or even
---'Other' cards are discounted. You may not use them in your deck/hand/playing field to provide spaces or boundaries of the rainbow [You can still use Quantum towers/pillars to gain quanta, but for less points]
---Your mark has no negative/bonus effect on the competition
---Permanent cards are ignored in scoring
You get more points for organizing your creatures/deck hands with longer stretches of the elements, if the computer plays the cards accordingly (or has his hand in a organized manner by color like above by seeing them with Precognition), or if you manage to make a rainbow in your hand and on the battlefield.
*This rule is here to prevent two players from coordinating this and winning the competition.
3. Other CompetitionRare Mythology: Write a short story regarding the background of the Nymph(s) or Weapon(s) found in-game. How is it that 12 maidens have barely any background on the old/new Wiki?
Only restrictions are:
a) Keep the story under X words [Novels are lovely, but a casual reader has to connect to the story of that/those particular Nymph(s)/Weapon(s), and vote on which story is the best, and longer stories may be avoided for that reason if they find it obsessively long]
b) Keep it age appropriate. No extreme violence or sexual material is needed to convey a message.
c) Proofread! Bad spelling and grammar makes people like SG and others like:
15.1. Card Idea CompetitionSuper Siblings: Design a set of two (or more) creature cards that both synergize well and are effective by themselves.
2. Screenshot CompetitionBigger is Better: Capture a screenshot of the biggest thing you can create. The biggest bonewall, largest Otyugh, strongest mutation, most powerful growth creature, etc.
3. Other CompetitionReal Life Elementalist: Take a picture of something exemplifying an Element, with the more things you include the better. For example, a campfire is nice for Fire, but what OTHER fiery things can you include to up the ante? If you'd like, you may also go Rainbow, but if so ALL elements must be present.
16.1. Card Idea CompetitionUseless Thing!: Design a card to replace the upgraded version of Relic. Something that would fit its theme, and give it a purpose other than simply being sell fodder.
2. Screenshot CompetitionMutation spree!: Find a mutation that's humorous, crazy, or just otherwise amusing.
(*Submits his Devourer with Devour*)
... What? It makes perfect sense!
3. Other CompetitionPrecognition Competition: Guess what's going to be included in the next update! Can be as vague as guessing at what a new card will do, or as specific as naming that card with hints.
17.1. Card Idea CompetitionDESIGN A SERIES
-create a series of cards that either match in name and/or artwork. (one from each element)
-create a set of cards that have a synergy together, as in they rely on each other to be effective. (one from each element)
-you must include a link to a separate thread where the series is posted (all cards in the series must be in the mentioned thread)
-artwork must be original or altered photos (such as the alchemy set)
-you cannot use a series that has already been requested in forums, you can however suggest that an idea previously be imputed with the acceptance of both the organizer and owner of the idea.
-all effects of the cards must be different in at least 1 clear way
-all competition entries must be marked with the message icon: exclamation point
2. Screenshot CompetitionHUMILIATE YOUR OPPONENT
-get a victory against an ai (at least ai2) with the weakest possible combo or card
ex: win with 1 skeleton (that is probably the best one out there)
-you must include a link to a separate thread where the screenshot is posted
-you cannot use a screen shot that has been used in the forum already
-all competition entries must be marked with the message icon: exclamation point
3. Other CompetitionREDESIGN A CARD
-you must post the original card along with your art rework in the form of an actual elements card (can only change the art itself)
-cannot use art from another thread in this forum unless it is your original art
-the art must be your own interpretation of the card
-you may use an interpretation from another user if given permission
-competition entries must be marked with the message icon: exclamation point
-you must include a link to a separate thread where the card and art will be.
18.1. Card Idea CompetitionYucky Stuff: Design a card based on slime. (multiple pictures of slime provided)
2. Screenshot CompetitionLots of Bugs: Over the span of a week, take a screenshot every time you encounter an in-game bug. At the end of the week, everyone posts the screenshots they took. Only one screenshot for each bug is allowed (so you can't just use the same bug over and over again). The person with the most screenshots wins. Ties are broken by the first person to post a bug that no one else has posted. This competition will help find bugs in the game so they can be fixed.
3. Other CompetitionLegion Tournaments: This is a large scale and on-going PvP event. Sign ups are similar to tournaments. Once everyone has signed up, the masters become leaders of legions. Those who have signed up are randomly distributed to each legion. Each person is then randomly assigned an element. That person can use the element of their master and the element they received. The masters then decide the order of the members in their legion. Then the "lowest" person (it's a list, not a ranking) of each legion battles one from another legion (randomly, of course). The loser "dies" (eliminated) and the person above them in their legion then becomes active. Once a round is complete (a battle has occurred by each legion), the next starts by randomly assigning the lowest people in each legion to battle. This process continues until there is one legion left. I made it one battle for each round instead of best 2/3 in order to make it go faster, but best 2/3 works as well. Decks can be changed at any time. Regular legion members may use up to five upgraded cards, while masters may use ten. Any number of rares may be used. Hopefully I covered everything necessary.