That looks edited to me especially if you look at the yellow on green and bolts do each attack individually.
Wouldn't it still show yellow from last time it hit unless if it's mindgate + eternity loop with fire.
Couldn't it be the latter

As you can see in the screeny, the game took 107 turns (opponent has 99 entropy quanta, and has played an antimatter).
And, yes I have two accounts: "thedictator" and "the dictator"
And, the full picture: (isn't my entry, too big)

Looks edited. Because one - I made a firelance try. The game ended when I used my firebolt of 1400+ damage. No negative. If you look at it, too, the value you can see behind the - (Minus) 9010 there is a "0" . Also, the numbers aren't as big as they normally are and are a little more down then the original HP.
Those are SUGGESTIONS and THOUGHTS. Please do not take anything too personally.
Well, this isn't fire bolt, so the game didn't end (but as you see it is at 0 HP, so the game will end in milliseconds). That is also the reason the numbers are small, I had to act fast, before the game really send me to the win screen, and as you might have noticed, the numbers grow before they go down and disappear.
(and I don't feel assulted, but I have to react some time)