burrowed graboids with titanium shields and BB and pulverizer
58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58s 58s 58s 58s 58s 58s 58v 58v 58v 590 590 590 590 590 590 594 594 594 594 594
-earth (element of rock) titanium shield blocks arsenic, uses pulverizer to crush shields and unflown arsenics, SS to outlast any poison, burrowed creatures can't be plagued.
Rock (Earth) is invulnerable to the scissors (titanium shield) and crushes (pulverizes) scissors.
adrenalined flying druid staves
5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5c5 5c5 5c5 5c5 5c5 5c5 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi
-life (element of trees) uses adrenalined flying druid staves (druid staff has to be made out of tree doesn't it?) to cover/smother rock by outhealing Rock (adrenaline staff healing) and decking out
Paper (life - the element of the trees paper comes from) covers/smothers rock by deck out.
flying arsenic and plague
52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52l 52l 52l 52l 52l 52p 52p 52p 52p 52p 52p 52q 52q 52q 52q 52q 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi
-skull shieldslows down staff damage, plague takes out adrenlined staves, flying arsenic (looks most like scissors to me, and the flying part is a play on that old saying about running with scissors) does the damage.
Scissors (arsenics) cut up paper.