ROCK - PAPER - SCISSORS - LIZARD - SPOCK"Bazinga!" Raj: I’ll tell you what, how about we go rock-paper-scissors?
Sheldon: Ooh, I don’t think so. No, anecdotal evidence suggests that in the game of rock-paper-scissors, players familiar with each other will tie 75 to 80% of the time due to the limited number of outcomes. I suggest rock-paper-scissors- lizard-Spock.
Raj: What?
Sheldon: It’s very simple. Look, scissors cuts paper. Paper covers rock. Rock crushes lizard. Lizard poisons Spock. Spock smashes scissors. Scissors decapitates lizard. Lizard eats paper. Paper disproves Spock. Spock vaporizes rock. And as it always has, rock crushes scissors.
Source: The Big Bang TheoryRULES OF THIS COMPETITION:- You've to create 5 decks. Each deck has to counter 2 decks and has to be countered by 2 decks, following this scheme:
Scissors cuts paper. Paper covers rock. Rock crushes lizard. Lizard poisons Spock. Spock smashes scissors. Scissors decapitates lizard. Lizard eats paper. Paper disproves Spock. Spock vaporizes rock. Rock crushes scissors. |
- Decks can be of any kind (monos, duos, trios, etc...), can have any size (from 30 to 60), can have any amout of rares and ultrarares cards, can be unupgraded or upgraded. The only limitations are that decks must follow Elements the Game rules and they have to be playable in game.
- You may only submit one set of decks.
- Please, provide explanations to how one deck counters the other deck within your submission entry (in spoilers).
- Use the deck BBcode to import decks here:
[deck]*deck code here*[/deck]
Send your decks via PM to
Dm1321 and Zawadx.
All regular submissions will be added to a final poll and the winner will receive a cool forum award
and an eternal seat in our
Hall of fame!
Feel free to contact a
Competition Organizer for any doubt regarding this competition.
To submit your works you have no more time!