Seeing as this isn't a PvP idea, I think this is the best place to post it. Deck-building School!
One deck-building challenge every week that forces deck-builders to think out-side the box.
Deck-building school!
Put your deck-building skill to the test!
Players compete to gain prizes for building original, well balanced and effective decks. The player who cultimates the most points wins.
1. HOW TO SIGN UP?Anyone with a forum account can sign up for this event.
You may sign up whenever you like by posting a deck for this weeks challenge. There is no requirement to post a certain amount of decks and nobody will be removed from this event or get any parisites from it because it is a peaceful competition and the only expectation of anyone who decides to take part is to learn something, have some fun and improve their deck-building skill.
2. GETTING READYEvery week every user may post one legal deck within that weeks deck-building rules which he/she may change at any point during the week. Take your time making you deck, but don't feel you need to take forever and don't feel that you can't ask around in chat for a little help.
3. ScoringEvery week there will be a deck-building challenge for everyone to complete. There are three catagories you can win: Original, Balanced and Effective. Winning any of these catagories will score you 5 points. 2nd and 3rd place in all catagories will get 3 and 1 points respectively. All judging will be done by someone responsible (Or me if I can't find anyone who wants to help judge)
4. Deck-building Hints and TipsDeck-building isn't easy as it looks: Once you have an idea, you have to make it as fast, balanced and versitile as you can.
You can find 9 general decks tips here, (,3329.0.html)
A brilliant QI calculator here, (
And lots of clever people here. (
6. WINNERThe player with the most points after 2 months wins, but everyone wins really as long as they come out of it a little bit better.
7. REWARDSThe winner of the event will receive the following forum award icon:
![Laugh :))](