How about a easter bunny hunt ingame?
Like every AI has a few additional Easter Egg (creature) cards. When played, these eggs do nothing (0|1) but when won in a spin you get a nice reward. (either it sells for ~1500 electrum, is a relic, turns into a malig cell =), or whatever)
While that would be nice, we can't really do anything like that... at all. That's all on Zanz's part.
Well then, a few things you could do as an easter event are these:
- A quiz.
A few stacks of
questions and whoever answers every quistion in a stack correctly joins the tombola of that stack.
Higher difficulty leads to bigger rewards.
- something like "Essence's '7 Gods' Game".
The organizer will post a few FG's and a quest for each one (like beat this FG with EM). Players will have to beat as many as possible with the same deck (in the trainer).
Beating a FG gives 1 point, doing it with the quest gives 2 points.
Whoever gets most points wins.
- forum hunt
the organizer (preferably SG here) edits a couple of random post throughout the forum, adding something random at the bottom like: Bunny was here: %&975(.
or: Colory eggs lie around: 786ç&)5
shouldn't be too easy to find with the searching function.
the 10 folks with most codes, get a reward.
- get a highscore in the arcade (...meh)
- A combination of the above.
- additional rules: whoever distibutes answers gets a nice 1 day forum ban and is disqualified. Answers have to be sent by PM to the organizer.
how does that sound?