The Elements Forum Bar Fight The idea would be to have a monthly competition based in
The Elementalist, The less-than-friendly Elements Community Pub! The challenge for each month's competition will differ depending on the month, as will be explained later, but the prizes will remain the same:
"Landlord" Forum Award and Nymph/Mark + Electrum for winner
"Bought a Pint" Award and Electrum for runner up.
"Bought a Pint" Award for EVERY other competitor (Will be explained later).
Ideally as this moves on, people will rack up "Pints" So the award would show a number over the amount of pints that a member has racked up.
So, why does EVERYONE get an award?After talking about the forum funding crisis in chat, it occurred to me that $5 a month from 16 people would fund us indefinitely. $5 is about the cost of a drink, something which most people can afford. I think the trick with keeping us funded would be encourage MANY people to donate a little bit, rather than rely on a FEW generous doners. The chance of WINNING (rather than just buying) a nymph / mark for just $5, and even if you don't, a fun competition and a guaranteed forum award. All you have to do, is buy the Community one little drink!
So... What does The Elementalist Serve?Each Element has a potion. Twelve Elements, twelve months in a year. Each month, the rather hapless Barman has brewed us a little drink...
These actual event ideas are very rough and would need a lot of editing from people more experienced and qualified than I, but here it is in rough:
January: Antimatter Having... overindulged over the New Year, The Elementalist is offering a tonic for our sore bellies. A little Antimatter to return us to full health. Over the festive period we have fallen out with our Elements family. It's time for some New Year's Resolutions. Something to fix our problems...
A card design competition. Bring something New to the community! This new card should have a "Resolution / New Beginning / Problem Solving" theme.
February: Aflatoxin The barman has served us a tasty beverage. Only to discover a Deathstalker has fallen into the batch! Lying there at the bottom of the barrel, its viscous poison has tainted the brew! A fight ensues over the barman's limited stock of purifies!
This event is a mini-league. Each player plays each other ONCE. The match consist of 3 rounds, no more no less. Each round victory awards 1 purify counter, each loss one poison counter. Deckbuilding rules TBC.
March: Black Hole The barman is not happy. Sure it was his fault that the Aflatoxin was poisonous, but did everyone have to fight IN the pub... the MESS! And now it was last orders and nobody was leaving. Only one thing for it... in order to clear the bar he serves us a round of Black Holes! We find ourselves plucked from existence, in a dark nothingness. We must somehow create something to save us from this non-existance. But only one thing can CREATE from nothingness. A GOD.
Deck-building competition. Each player must build an original FALSE GOD style deck, and explain it's back-story.
April: Basilisk Blood It's a wonder we keep coming back here with the crazy barman's shenanigans. But we do. This time he promises his brew will make us twice as strong, adding a might 20hp to our frames. He's right! It even has the side-effect of reducing our urge to batter each other to death with bar-stools - we can't move! I suppose we'll have to entertain ourselves another way... it's story time!
Short story competition. Write a tale about element creatures / the community / an epic battle to brag to your bar-mates.
May: Adrenaline Well wasn't this a good plan? Give a bunch of powerful, rowdy, drunk elementals a bottle of Adrenaline?!
Tournament - Speed Building: RNG 2 elements, then your opponent gives you 2 cards you must NOT use. Make a duo in 5 mins. Best of 3.
June: Rage Potion You would think he would learn! As the last pieces of rubble from our crazed adrenaline-fueled battle are swept away, we celebrate with a bottle of... wait... what?!
Tournament. Decks must be 30 cards, no shields, permanent control or any non-pillar/pend cards which are not CAPABLE of dealing damage to an opponent. (Might need work for balance, but you get the idea)
July: Nymph's Tears The barman has served us a beautiful refreshing beverage, we clamor for more! As we push to get to the bar we notice a horrible sight! The crazy barman has captured a Nymph Queen and is serving us her tears! A cry goes out as we call to the Nymphs to rescue their Queen!
Deck-building Competition. Build a Duo deck including at least 2 nymphs, and at least 4 "potion cards" (the Nymphs grab them as they crash into the bar) and write a short story about how their deck rescues the Queen.
August: Luciferin The barman has temporarily had his licence pulled. All he can serve is holy water "Luciferin" (not to be confused with Lucozade). But this wonderful beverage clears our heads and we see the world clearly for the first time in months!
Photography / Photoshop: Take a picture from the web, or take one yourself, and (badly) photoshop something from elements onto the scene. This can be funny or beautiful, your choice. I like the idea of a Shrieker emerging from a penalty spot causing a scuffed shot for example.
September: Unstable Gas The atmosphere has been a bit low-key in The Elementalist for a while now, so the barman whips up some Unstable Gas. Cue fart jokes!
Comedy Competition: Submit a funny story, a joke, a re-written song lyric or anything else to combine elements with funny!
October: Precognition (Look at it, it is a potion, you drink it and have premonitions, just accept it!) This little potion is a trouble maker. Once drunk, we all have a vision of what we think is the future. Unfortunately we all have the same vision... winning a tournament!
Tournament: We have a little foresight. RNG a Duo. Your opponent gives you one card you MUST use at least 4 of. This can't be a card that is unplayable in your chosen duo, and can't be a card which you would never use 4 of (a shield for example). (This probably also needs work)
November: Liquid Shadow WHAT HAS HE DONE? We feel this hunger bubbling within us... all we want is... BLOOD!
Card Design for fictional Element: The new element is BLOOD. Imagine 3 cards which would go into this element, a weapon, a creature and a potion/spell.
December: Quintessence Christmas is almost here, and the barman is tired of all the fighting, so he lets us all know that any fights will be pointless, as we are all invulnerable. Once we settle down, we all have a little think, and write a festive elemental poem.
Poetry Writing: Write an elements / Christmas Poem!