Just saying, unless you want the background to go over then entire forum, then the green area selected is basically a banner.
Also, I didn't mean any type of flash work. I meant an animated .gif image.
Also, again. The pictures used for the open and closed views are exactly the same....unless I'm just missing something.
When finished, the file will be PNG. But on this competition it doesn't matter because I'm not looking for a finished product.
Animated gif is terrible for web design. If we wanted animation, flash is definitely the way to go because it's smoother, can be bigger, and looks much more professional.
Yes, those images were the same. My mistake when uploading. No matter.. that other image is not really needed because it's the same green area.
Oh, and I don't call it a banner because I'm not looking for a banner. The point I'm trying to make that it doesn't have to be a rectangular image centered on the page. We can get creative and put different images/graphics on different parts of the page, just as long as they all are inside the green area.
Then SG has one big gigantic monitor, since that screeny was taken at max size for me
It's the screen resolution that counts, not monitor size. I'm using 1280x1024 which is the most popular resolution at the moment.
And yes, this forum uses a fluid size which means that the content resizes itself when you resize the browser window. That makes the image design a bit more difficult but not impossible.
A width of 1024 is at the low end, really. Even the tiny netbooks (or most of them at least) manage that.
Still something worth considering for would-be designers though; how small will screens be expected to be?
I put the green area so that designers wouldn't have to deal with all the technical stuff like different resolutions, although like I said, the image is incorrect and the green area should be slightly smaller than it is in the picture.
To everyone, dont't worry about images sizes too much. Just look at the shape of the green area and try to think about what kind of graphics would fit in the background. We can always tweak the sizes later.