I got my ass kicked.Essence lost 1-3 to Jangoo.
I have to tell you all, the Lancealot Charge deck with the Phase Shields sideboarded in is absolutely BRUTAL.
Round 1: Unmodified. No Permafrost meant quck rapage from his hordes of Fractaled Brimstone Eaters, finished off by a quick Fire lancing.
Round 2: -1 Tower, -2 Crawlers, -2 Dragons, +2 Inundation, +2 Squids, +1 Permafrost. I got quick offense and knocked him down to 28 HP, and he started his Phase Shield spam while he tried to build up enough Fire Quanta to lance me to death. Fahrenheit came along and my SoGs didn't keep up very well as his quanta pool grew. I cursed my arrogance at not including any permanent control in my deck or sideboard. I got Fire Lance+Fahrenheited to death.
Round 3: original -1 Tower, +1 Permafrost, -5 Dragons, +5 Ice Lances. I figured I'd have to go for the fast creature damage and follow it up with Ice Lances for the kill. He led with a Fahrenheit, but let my Crawlers beat him down to 40 HP before he played a Phase Shield...and then, with me just one turn from death, his Phase Shield slipped, and a swarm of Crawlers and Lances took him down.
Round 4: Same deck. Early Perma kept his Fractaled Brimstone Eaters at bay, and I beat him down to 64 HP before his Phase Shields came up. Tough. Then Fahrenheit came long and started the hurting, but an early SOG made it not quite as painful. He built up the quanta much faster than I did while we say there not hurting one another with creatures, and his Fahrenheit powered up the damage into the 20-per-turn range pretty quick. The Fire Lance reaming came shortly thereafter.
Congratulations, Jangoo. Good games.
No screenshots from me, I was too humiliated.