Essence wins 3-0 over the Master of Light.
Round 1 - unmodified -- 2 SoGs mostly kept up with 2 Glories (screenshot 1 below), Miracles didn't keep up with 4xCrawler, 3x Arctic Dragon. I did get down to about 60 HP, though, which made me uncomfortable.
Round 2 - minus one crawler, plus one Permafrost.
I wanted to make sure that I didn't ever get that low on HP again, so I made sure that this time, a Permafrost would show up early. Low and behold, Permafrost out on turn 3 plus an early SoG kept his limited offense at bay. Eventually, 4 SoGs and a Permafrost warded off 2 Glories and a Light dragon while 4 Dragons and 3 Crawlers overcame the many SoDding Miracles (screenshot 2 below.)
Round 3 - as above, minus one Tower, plus one dragon.
I had so much quanta in the endgame of last round, but came relatively close to decking out -- so I figured I'd better go for the long run offense and add another Dragon in to make sure I finished him off faster.
Permafrost on turn 3 again, and the SoGs all came out pretty early, too -- I responded to his 2nd offensive card (Light Dragon) by putting out my 3rd and 4th SoGs (screenshot 3 below.) A steady stream of Dragons ate through massive piles of HP like only they can, and in the end, a sudden lack of Miracles was XDude's undoing.