Yes, substitution does mean 1-for-1. I'll clarify that in the rules as well.
SG, I added a clear 'just kidding' that should prevent anyone from trying to use the joke rule.
Also, while it may have options, most of them aren't (Or shouldn't) Be fueled by the mark, being better with stone towers. No matter how you place it, Mizzle will have the advantage among the masters with a speed rainbow that he can alter to his liking. No one should have an advantage. If the masters are limited, so should the rest of the players (To one mark).
Keep two things in mind:
1) This is not a competition. There is no individual winner, so one individual having an apparent advantage over his 'peers' is irrelevant. It would be far more important that, for example, there are more fully-upgraded decks on the World team than on the USA team than that one person has a "good" strategy at his disposal.
2) Masters are Masters, not 'the rest of the players'. If you can't show everyone a damn good reason to pick an Earth mark, you're not really saying much about your element, are you?
Match One. You MUST use your original deck. No using sideboard.
-It prevents automatically countering decks via sideboard... The original deck is forced to be more "balanced".
Good call, I'll add that in above.

If a person is smart, he will wait right until the signing up is over, look at what decks others have, and build a counter if possible.
That's true. And I'm not terribly worried about it. Each contestant only ever faces 3 opponents, so there's absolutely no guarantee that the decks these theoretical geniuses build to counter will actually be their opponents. Combine that with the fact that counter-decks generally epically fail against anything other than the opponent they're built to counter, and you've got a pretty good chance of going 1 for 3 even if your deck can theoretically beat 51% of the posted competition.
Also, I just noticed that my reference to the rounds being best-of-five got removed in my various edits. I put it back in.