My short story. Written in MS-Word. Will edit it and make it more reader friendly in here!
--------------------------------Get Comfortable--------------------------------
There have always been Twelve.
There is He who governs all. And for whom the entire history of Mankind can pass in the blinking of an eyelid or for whom the very act of blinking can take an Eternity. It is He who gives all others being. Without Him there can be no others. He is Time, the First and in all likelihood the Last. It is in His Realm that all takes place, for without Him, there could be no Realm.
There are those who seek to find order and structure. They seek to chain chaos and tame the random into a structure more akin to Time. These are the primal beings. These are Earth, Fire and Water. They have no concept of time, existing only in themselves and for themselves. A Fire can rage within indefinitely or it can smoulder and consume very rapidly. Earth moves slowly and has a sense of permanence but can also fall and shatter immediately. Water flows gently and bursts forth with great force. For these there is no need for knowledge of Time. It is through the politics and allegiances of these that give us the others.
Fire and Water rage for centuries in very opposition to what can only be called their nature. Their battles and fierce resistance to each other have given us Air. Earth and Water have had a more constructive relationship, moulding together and flowing to give us Life in the presence of Air. Air prides itself on being above the petty squabbles of its’ parents and Life is a truly powerful being in that for Mankind and all other forms of being could not exist without it.
It is in the hearts and minds of men that morality and conscious gave birth, unwittingly to Darkness and Light. These two cannot exist, one without the other, and therefore are locked indefinitely in a struggle for dominance in the very souls of the Men they were born in. Light strives for justice, honour and order, whereas; Darkness seeks to corrupt, conceal and harm. It is the very morality and sense of balance of Mankind which in the early days of the birth of Mankind gave us the need to balance Life. Therefore we have Death, the omnipotent claimer of lives. He who grows in Darkness and wreaks havoc amongst Life using any means possible.
In the greatest minds of Mankind and in the weakest thoughts of all Life, there is knowledge of Light and Dark, of good and of evil. It is through the mind that knowledge and understanding have given us Gravity: the force which holds and sustains all Planets of Earth and Water, Air and Fire. For although there have always been Twelve, there is an growing infinity beyond even the understanding of Time. The intellectual thinkers, theorists and prophets grant us insight into this infinity. It is in looking through and past infinity to realise that there is nothing more other than infinity to be seen. However, it is in infinity that exists the Aether. The power of mystery and the very knowledge of the infinity that holds true that there must exist an Aether. The Other Dimension.
It is the legacy of mankind that False Gods, remnants of past religions, have made allegiances with the Elements. It is the legacy of mankind that leaves an untold number of planets littered with shrines and pillars to the Elements. It is the legacy of mankind that the very need for balance was created, through Light and Dark and Life and Death.
And so it was for millennia, centuries, years, months and days. Truthfully, so it was for an untold amount of time. All existed in the caring embrace of Time. Mankind came and went, bringing in its path untold destruction and death but also love and compassion. The balance of good and evil remains precarious at best. Life coexists with Earth and Water while Fire and Death rage on. And so it was.
For there have always been Twelve.
The Twelfth has returned. She who seeks to upset the balance, to tilt the scales; She whose motives are unknown and malicious. She who knows only chaos and unsystematic thought - rejected by Time – and cast into hiding for so long. She has returned. She is Entropy. Her very gaze and touch is enough to corrupt and send the most fortified mind into turmoil.
The Others now fight amongst themselves. Earth has rejected Life, becoming barren and unfertile. Air suffocates and leaves vacuums of nothingness. Light and Darkness seek now to overpower the Others and grow further. Fire rages on. The very being of Gravity has weakened and now seeks not only to maintain order, but to expand and envelop the Others. Water no longer flows, it has developed a mind of its own, it’s own agenda and motives, freezing at will and poisoning those it disregards. The Aether has made its presence known and Death has grown hungry. And that is as it is now. A Universe of war and turmoil, chaos and order. The End has never been nearer. A release from it all. Who will be victorious? Is it the end for all?
Only Time will Tell.
--------------------------------The End--------------------------------
Only 872 words. I'm used to writing essays and assignments which are 3,000 + longer! Hope you like!