Simulated ViolenceBecause normal fighting is too dangerous.

The year is 2640.
It is a time of peace, of prosperity. Unemployment is zero. Resources are in excess. The threat of climate change is a distant memory. Not a single person in the world goes hungry. The UK has been moved to the Moon.
Also - violence, all forms of it, has been outlawed. Including card games.
But not everyone obeys this law. In the underbelly of the Great City, every night, a group of criminals meet together in the basement of a grimy Amazon Foodstore, slip on their VR helmets and play a simulated version of a game so illegal, the punishment for playing is death. They play Elements......
.....but a shitty, simulated version.
Rules- Create a deck that could be used safely in the future!
- Your deck must obey the simple restrictions outlined below!
- The deck must be valid for use in Elements the Game.
- Post your submission in this thread!
- ONE submission per person.
- Your submission must fit inside one post.
Modern Technology is IncomprehensibleTechnology these days is so far advanced that you simply have no hope of ever truly understanding it... as a result, the following deck restrictions may
seem completely arbitrary at first glance, but they're actually extremely important for running safe simulations that won't be detected by the government.
All submissions must obey the following rules and restrictions.- Aether Pillars/Towers may not be used unless at least one Aether Pendulum is also present.
- If your username starts with a vowel, you may not use Fire. If it starts with a consonant, you may not use Life. You may ignore this restriction if you have at least 3 different cards that start with the first letter of your username.
- You may not include a Weapon without also including the Nymph of the opposite element.
- You may not include Quantum Pillars/Towers without explicit permission from a current Competition Organizer. This permission must be screenshotted and included with your deck. Permission will be denied if you ask for permission using any words that someone has already used to ask permission. You may not use more than 3 words to request permission.
- If you were born in the former Eastern Roman Empire, you may use graviton mercenaries without regard to any other rules.
- The above rule is to be disregarded if you were born on a day ending in "y".
- A card may only be upgraded if the card in the same row but two columns left of the upgraded card has a name of equal length to the card you want to be upgraded - either its unupgraded or upgraded name. (CLICK HERE FOR AN EXAMPLE IMAGE)
- All shields must be upgraded.
- You may only use a shard if you have an award on your profile (e.g. birthday cake, tournament wins, competition wins) that predominantly features that shard's element's colour. If you are legally colourblind and include proof with your submission, you may use any shard.
- You may not use Flooding if you have hydrophobia. You may not use Area of Effect cards if you are yourself an Area of Effect.
- If you have 6 copies of a non-quanta-producing card in your deck, you may specifically state that other participants may not use this card. This only applies to participants who post after you, and it only applies if you still have 6 copies of that card. Once you have chosen your special card, you may not change it.
- Cave Draconem: If you use dragons, all other creatures in your deck must have more HP than them.
- The number of cards you use must be divisible by 9.
- If you consider yourself a "cool dude", and are able to cite a reason to prove that you are, the number of cards you use may be any number so long as it's odd. This overrides the previous rule.
- You may only use opposite elements (i.e. Light and Dark) in the same deck if they are clearly separated onto the left and right sides of your deck. If your deck contains an odd number of columns, the middle column must not contain any opposite elements.
- You may not use a card whose name starts with the first lowercase letter of your username. This only applies if you have any lowercase letters, and it also only applies if you have edited your post at least once.
- You may not use the card Lord Highmoon, God Of All Elements And Commander Of The Realms unless you are a current Competition Organizer.
BANNED CARDSCrusader (dawn to dusk)
Reverse Time (InsignificantWeeaboo)
Black Hole (Submachine)
Dimensional Shield (CleanOnion)
Fire Bolt (Basman-1453)
Sanctuary (Kalinuial)
Graboid (CactusKing)
Poison (Vineroz)
Nymph's Tears (Naii_the_Baf)
Graviton Mercenary (shockcannon)
Blue Nymph (Vindilos)
Scoring- Submissions will not be voted on!
- Instead, xenocidious' Elements Game Simulator will be used to test each deck against one another!
- Each deck will face each other deck exactly once, and the simulation will be run 500 times per match-up.
- The deck that accrues the most wins will be the victor!
The winner will receive the following forum award icon, as well as a spot in the glorious Hall of Fame!
You have no time remaining.Want to get notified when a competition comes out? Join the Mailing List![/list]