Goddess of the Night. Zeus wouldn't mess with her, and neither does Hermes and Hecate
Why shes a badass: Zeus straight up wont mess with her. Like her kids POISON him, so his wife and mess with his BFF Hercules, and instead of wiping those kids into next Wednesdays Zeus doesn't do a DAMN THING. Why? Because nyx will turn him inside out. Her kids are all intense as heck too, being the gods of Doom, Death, Sleep, Revenge, Fate, and a few others. Shes the goddess that would turn you to dust and care exactly 0%.
Shes the daughter of Chaos.
Winrate in game simulator sits at around 85% on both
Spoiler for Hidden:


The deck is low quanta, Nyx gets her pests out, and uses her mark to supplement her low draw. The mulligan offers a decent chance at 2-3 tower start, vagger will help stability, and dusk offers better than average protection. Cloaks will save from CC and let vampdrags do what they do best. Eat face. 10ttw average against 200 hp is pretty decent, not a whole lot could get faster. Its got enough utility to deal with really any situation that could arise beyond the counter to hect and herm