Voted for the OTK deckbuilding guide. It's a specific guide that very clearly explains OTK deckbuilding, and doesn't contain any more or any less info than it needs. It is helpful to newbies and veterans alike, and is definitely a great addition to the Wiki.
Darkness Domination is, admittedly, the closest thing to actual 'journalism'. It's doing a great job of presenting its information, but my main gripe here is that the practical use of it is far more limited than that of the OTK Guide. While it's a great article, and I thoroughly enjoyed the read, I believe the Wiki needs practical information more than anything.
Then there's.. "furball's tutorial". It started off on the wrong foot with me already, because the article name is non-descriptive and contains an unrelated username. Sadly, this sets the tone for the rest of the article. While it's got some decent info, it seems to skim most topics it covers, and never really goes in-depth anywhere. Where it does, it seems to hand it off to popular forum topics to further explain the author's intentions, and that's just a bit sloppy. It has a lot of listings of decks, and while I'm sure some are useful, there's really no need for that many random decks to be in there. It seems like filler material to me. Lastly; the use of a meme image just seems completely awkward.
I know you put in quite a bit of effort, furball, but I simply don't think the effort paid off in the long run. While the article is written fairly well, it doesn't really serve a great purpose as of right now.