1. Yucky Stuff
Design a card based on slime. (multiple pictures of slime provided)
2. Lots of Bugs
Over the span of a week, take a screenshot every time you encounter an in-game bug. At the end of the week, everyone posts the screenshots they took. Only one screenshot for each bug is allowed (so you can't just use the same bug over and over again). The person with the most screenshots wins. Ties are broken by the first person to post a bug that no one else has posted. This competition will help find bugs in the game so they can be fixed.
3. Legion Tournaments
This is a large scale and on-going PvP event. Sign ups are similar to tournaments. Once everyone has signed up, the masters become leaders of legions. Those who have signed up are randomly distributed to each legion. Each person is then randomly assigned an element. That person can use the element of their master and the element they received. The masters then decide the order of the members in their legion. Then the "lowest" person (it's a list, not a ranking) of each legion battles one from another legion (randomly, of course). The loser "dies" (eliminated) and the person above them in their legion then becomes active. Once a round is complete (a battle has occurred by each legion), the next starts by randomly assigning the lowest people in each legion to battle. This process continues until there is one legion left. I made it one battle for each round instead of best 2/3 in order to make it go faster, but best 2/3 works as well. Decks can be changed at any time. Regular legion members may use up to five upgraded cards, while masters may use ten. Any number of rares may be used. Hopefully I covered everything necessary.