The Deadly Sins Deck Challenge
Art by Marta Dahlig
Objective: Design up to three decks that represent three of the seven deadly sins!
Lust: "Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body"
Gluttony: "Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires"
Avarice: "Avarice... is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual"
Sloth: "Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work"
Wrath: "Wrath is the of seeking revenge outside of justice, such as... wishing to do evil or harm to others"
Envy: "Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation"
Vanity: "Vanity is an excessive belief in one's own abilities... It has been called the sin from which all others arise"
-Each participant can only submit a maximum of THREE (3) decks within this topic.
If a participant chooses to submit more than 3, their entry will be disqualified.-Each deck must be named after one of the sins; failure to do so will result in that deck being disqualified.
-The decks can use all card types; upgraded, non-upped, etc., and can have any mark. However, please make sure that the deck is realistic in that it shouldn't break any in-game mechanics (i.e. - no more than 6 copies of a card, has a minimum of 30 cards in it, etc.)
-Design the decks as a normal PVP opponent/computer; assume that you do not get triple mark, double health, and double draw for example.-
PLEASE post all three decks using the deck code format in ONE POST in THIS TOPIC.-
DO NOT provide paragraphs or extra images/media describing why your 'deck' represents the sin. You may add only
one sentence after the deck for any quick clarifications.
Note that the image used above doesn't necessarily have to apply to the elements in question - be creative! Look up sources of what objects, creatures, or symbols represent the sins, and go from there.

There are two stages of voting: Sin-categorized, and the 'final'.
In the first stage (1 week), all the decks are compiled and then separated into their sins - 7 polls will be created (one for each sin), and all the decks of a particular sin will be separated and voted against each other until the best deck that represents that sin is chosen.
For the second stage, the final 7 decks will be posted in a single poll for a week, and voters will then decide the best 'sin' of the seven is represented.
- An awesome award icon! - (Will depend on the winning 'sin')
- Internet hugs! (Guaranteed this time if you're in chat upon the announcing of the winner)
- ???
DECK DESIGNING PHASE:Voting will start shortly!EDIT: Credit to Svenningen for the competition idea.