ROUND 1 voting has now ended! Check the spoiler below OR the following link for what you should do if you lost (i.e. - became a ghost). Have fun, and again, please ask questions if you're confused:,36747.msg492759#msg492759GHOST PHASE:
Round 1 is now over; the losers of the Round 1 have now become ghosts. (Check the brackets to see your standings)
HOWEVER, because of Death's reign, the fallen have now become temporary ghosts to haunt their victorious enemies! Players that have lost who still wish to participate in the Card Design War (as a ghost) must do these two things:
- Guess how many votes their opponent will receive the following turn
- Choose from one of the following 'Curses' that the opponent must also deal with the following turn
- Quanta Hexing) The winner’s card CANNOT have a cost value of these numbers (type 4 numbers):
- Elemental Fury) The winner’s card CANNOT be one of the following elements (name 4 elements):
- Species Taboo) The winner’s card CANNOT be of the following card type (creature, spell, or permanent):
I'm guessing that zanzarino will get 1 vote the following turn.
Quanta Hexing: 10, 11, 12, 13
Post your 'Curse' on this topic before the deadline ends, otherwise, sit back and congratulations to all the players who won!