My first (Second really, I'm not going to count my first failiure) attempt at making a card.
I know it may not be very good, but it is my first time and i wasn't using PS. Hope the actual concept is good, wanted to give earth some control.

And upped:

Threw one more together:


Flip at the end of your turn because we don't want mono-entropy to have 6 of these and not use them because he only has 50 hp left (all the healing from anti-matter could put you back at 100). It should be an actual chance of loss, not one where you have 3 and don't play the second or third ones because you lost the first flip. Hope its balanced, wanted 50 to be 20-30 but unstable gas covers that really.
EDIT: Now that i know you can only submit one (read the rules earlier, but only submitted 3-4 days after that) I'd prefer it to be gamble/gambit, hopefully I can just leave the Sand lion pics here. Btw like the changes to the forum, spell checker is nifty.