Essence wins over Kamiestu 3-1.

Deck 1: Figuring his creatures are all weak, and he would pack lots of Deflags, I went permanentless with Ice Lances to take his low-Toughness creatures out. IDK whether the permanentless-ness helped, but Ice Lances were GOD against Fire. I learned that Squids suck vs. Fire Shields, though.
Winner: Essence

Deck 2: Figuring he'd take some Explosions out after seeing my permanentless deck, I went all-in for tanking up after laying on some Poison damage. He went from a Dragonrush to a Lava Golem deck. My shields and SoGs kept up for a long time, against staggering amounts of damage, as a measly 7 poison worked him down...but a last-minute Deflag forced me to choose between recasting a Permafrost or casting a Dragon. If the Dragon hit twice, victory was mine -- if he killed it, he won.
I took the gamble and cast the dragon...and lost.
Winner: Kamietsu.
Games 3 and 4, I used the same deck:

The first of the two games, I got massive pillars (5 in opening hand, 10 by turn 8 ) with little creatures. I Congealed his stuff (having swapped Octopi out for Congeals after seeing what Fire Shield did to them), and just kept drawing pillar after pillar, with the occasional Ice Lance thrown in. I was surprised to see Kami not drawing many creatures of his own, so I let myself take some damage rather than waste my Lances. I was so paranoid about a Dragon swarm popping out, I forgot that I could Lance Kami directly until I had 84 quanta in my pool.
4 lances at 18 damage each = dead Master of Fire.
Winner: Essence
Game 5 was solid. I got out some early Crawlers and Dragons, he nuked them. He got out some Golems and Fire Spirits, I nuked them. We traded damage pretty well until I got out a pair of Dragons, and he didn't nuke them.
Winner: Essence
I suppose it's time to start figuring out how to beat Terroking.
