I have been terribly bested by the Master of Earth. It seems like the defensive power of Water is unmatched, but there is little Water can do in the face of Earthquake+Diamond Shield+Shard of Gratitude.
Here are the decks, and matches:
Match 1:
I came up with a deck designed to survive a Shrieker Rush (like the one Terroking posted earlier) and slowly assure victory through building up poison. The theory was that SoGs+Permafrost+Congeal would halt any offense in it's tracks, and Puffer Fish would win on it's own in 17 turns and wouldn't be too difficult to save up for even through EQs. Splitting between Towers and Pillars would help.
Terroking played a Shrieker Rush...with a few extra cards, one of which was Diamond Shield. I had a solid defense up early, but his Shield came out before my Puffer Fishes, so I called this game on account of rain after only 5 turns.
Winner: Terroking
Match 2:
I switched from Puffers to Physalia and a Death Mark, figuring on getting around his Diamond Shield like that.
The match went well at first, as I got up a solid defense early again, and started poisoning quite well. Then, in a stroke of genius bad luck, I managed to go for four complete turns without my Permafrost Shield freezing any of his 4-5 Shriekers. Highly unlikely, but enough to finish me easily.
Winner: Terroking.
Match 2.5: We started the third match, and I saw that he had added SoGs to his deck in order to compensate for Poison. It became clear that I would deck out before I won, but we desynced, and I went to check the rules. I couldn't find any rule that said we had to play the same deck if we desynced, so I changed up and asked for a rematch.
Match 3: I figured on going for direct creature damage, but I knew that EQs would make it nigh-impossible to set up a Dragon, which left Abyss Crawlers. I also figured that Octopods would easily secure my victory, nailing down any Shriekers that didn't get frozen by my shield.
My shield waited a little while to show up, but his deck wasn't exactly on the ball either, so by the time his offense got rolling, I had a good thing going. But so did he. Diamond+SoG on one side vs. Permafrost+Octopus+SoG on the other meant that it went all the way to the deckout...and he had more cards.
Winner: Terroking.
Conclusions: There's basically no way for Mono-Water to defeat EQ+Diamond Shield+SoGs except by deckout -- which I totally could have done if I had learned my lesson earlier. If there's a rematch, I feel good about taking the win. But I totally give mad credit to Terroking for adapting quickly and intelligently to each new development in my decks. Good games, dude. Good luck in the finals.