Well, just think. You know what deck he's going to play, use that to your advantage. He's going to holy flash your creatures? You're going to need a lot then. Don't make it easy to pick the creatures to kill, and take creatures that he can't target. He's got guardian angels? That rules out parasites. He's got a fast deck? Slow it down. The answer, I think, is a devourer dragon spam. That'll stop his miracles. If you can pillar screw him, you might be able to stop his miracles. A couple drain lifes will give you the creature control you need to win, as well as life gain if you need it in a pinch. You also know you won't be able to steal his shield and sword and that he'll have no permanents, so you don't need to take any steals. How I would do it:
Mark of earth
Drain Life x 4
Devourer x 6
Dragon x 6
Nightfall x 2
Dusk Shield x 2
Obsidian pillar x 10
Maybe it's not the best deck, but it'll slow his miracles a butt ton, and he'll have to kill your devourers to do so at all. Even if he drops a miracle, it won't save him for very long. Once you get your Nightfalls out both of them will damage him, and the flash won't kill the dragons.
C'mon Blood, your the most logical person on the forum. Think this through, you'll win EASILY. You know the deck he's gonna play, and you know how to counter it. Now get out there and kick some ass, Darkness was always the best element anyway.