Orb didn't get my vote due to damage being covered by weapons (pshh, spell ain't sufficient diferenciation)
The Orbs do more than just 'damage'..... It would be boring if that's all they did.
Each has a unique ability that can help the user game an edge and overcome weaknesses.
Imagine an Orb floating beside the Elemental zapping the opponent and providing beneficial effects. If you look at it like that, then maybe your view of it will change. 8)
Same for weapon. Weapons have each their quirks that makes them unique.
To devellop on my post : the slots i have voted on have :
A) a bond. As in, if i put two *insert slot name* side by side, without having info about them being designed for same slot, i could know it's meant for a slot.
B) A quirk. Indeed, 12x the same card would be boring.
C) Not a repetition of in game mechanisms. (Which is where yours failed imo). (mine broadens an in game mechanism :3)
To justify specific choices :
Familiar : Represents *perfectly* the criters i used for selection. Bond : 3 quantum of *element* won this turn. Quirks are perfect, representatives of their element. Not a repetition of in-game things. Cards *could* get a cost reduction (watches water one) but the concept is excellent. Was this one to win i'd be happier than if my own submission won.
Rune : Bond : Trap-card : activates when opponent does ''x''. This is the weakest bond of all the one i chose, imo. Quirks are therefore easy. No trap-card in game, save (possibly) for voodoo doll.