Designing A New Slot CompetitionOriginal Idea by EmeraldTiger and casthegamer | Art by Kamietsu

Competition has endedDesign a new slot with an appearance and a function, along with 3 cards that fits into that slot.OVERVIEW & RULESEach competitor is to design a new card slot and give it a new function.
[A Weapon lets you deal additional damage, and give you some extra affects. A shield protects you against incoming creature damage, and occasionally, spell damage.]
This new slot will have to be different in some way than the two slots already in use.
Competitors will also have to design 3 cards that will go into that slot, to show us more specifically how the slot works and what kind of cards might go there, and write a small(minimum of 100 words) description to explain your new slot.
1. One submission per person. You may change your submission as often as you like until the submission phase is over.
2. Competitors may have a similar submissions as long as they are different enough to warrant their new slot.
3. Each Submission must have 3 cards submitted with it. Posting both unupgraded and upgraded images is not required but encouraged.
4. Each of the 3 card submissions must be different ideas. Posting the unupped and upped versions off one card will be considered as a single card submission.
5. Your new slot may not take use of any 'new type of quanta' or 'psuedo-element', only quanta/elements available in the game are viable for use.
6. Do not post any example images of your slot in use in the game. Such images will be removed.
7. You may not use any New Slot that has already been created on the forum. The most obvious case of this is the Helmet Slot. You can create a new Helmet slot, but you cannot use the already created one on the forum.
NEW SLOT CREATIONTo create a new slot card, please use the following image and the card creator found:

You may create your own Slot symbol(similar to the weapon and shield symbols), or ask someone else to create one for you. Just use the above image as a background to create your symbol.
Once you have your symbol created, save it to your computer and use the "Load Card Image" button on the card creator. Fill in all information, and make sure you select 'Permanent' in the drop down menu. Make sure you leave it as an 'Other' card. Use the following text in the 'Ability' section:
You can equip only one **Slot Name** at a time. This slot is currently empty.
Competition has ended
Vote for the Best New Slot Idea!
VOTINGVote for the 3 ideas that you think are the best. Remember, this is about the New Slot as a whole, so try not to judge solely on just a few specifications.
Each person gets three votes and may change them at any time until the voting period has ended.
These permanents deal spell damage, meaning they aren't blocked like normal damage. They can be reflected by damage reflection shields and would deal damage to the owner of the orb. They all have secondary abilities as well. Here are 3 examples of Orbs.
Life/Jade Orb - has trouble with permanents. Too often are their swarms of creatures stopped by an opponent's shield. With this Orb, they can now swarm the opponent and still be able to do damage.
Light/White Orb - This Orb can keep your damage going even if your opponent puts out a damage blocking shield. It boosts all lower damage creatures. The creatures must have at least 1 attack for the Orb to affect them.
Water/Arctic Orb - Continues with the theme has of freezing everything. Now it can freeze pesky permanents. Your opponent will think twice about using a permanent with an ability. Even a pesky Pulverizer will have to freeze itself to destroy your Orb.
We completed the whole set of 12, but here a just 3. After the competition, we'll release the rest of them. |
The slots (there are meant to be two) are shared, in between each player. First two field cards played cumulate. Every field card played after targets one of the two field (you choose which) and replaces it. Those cards are meant to affect the whole field (think : flooding). I think we need more field effects. A potential problem of those would be cumulation, hence : slots.
 Burning Aura: Each creature hits for 1 more damage. This doesn't really sound particulary strong, but there are a few benefits of this: Adrenaline: Since the Aura doesn't affect the attack of a creature, a creature would still attack 4 times when it has 3 attack, but would deal 4 damage with each attack. Also, since a 0 attack creature attacks 5 times, it would deal 5 damage combined with this aura. Shields: Sometimes, a shields can block more damage than your creature can deal. But with this aura, 1 damage still goes through (even for Wings, Gravity Shield and Dim Shield but not Sundial). What could fit better than more damage? - right, even MORE damage!
 Lightning Aura: Funny thing about air is, that they sometimes have flying weapons, giving your opponent quite a headache when being attacked. A delayed permament won't lose a counter (like sundial, wings) when delayed, and acts as if it weren't there. A delayed stack of permaments (like SoG, Pillars) only produces half of whatever it would produce (round down).
 Retribution Aura: Losing max health doesn't count as recieving damage. So if each player has this aura, it doesn't trigger a loop that leaves both players with 1 health. Anything else that lowers your HP is considered damage. So if you cast Lightning storm on a field filled with 23 Voodoo Dolls, you lose 23 health and your opponent loses 46 max health. Works great together with the shard, as both cards reduce opponents health.
Bras, originally intended to be made as Armors, are undergarments equipments that support a blob of fat and goodies Shields. They are much cheaper than Shields of their respective elements, and also do not directly block damage like most Shields do.
G-Cup With Gravity Shield played alongside, the opponent has a rather narrow choice of creatures to use, since lower HP creatures that bypass Gravity Shield tend to also have low attack power, blocked by the huge G-cup.
Strapless | Nude Bra Facing these make attacking creatures.... panic! A cheap but potentially powerful damage avoiding technique.
Bikini Top Looking at Bikinis make attacking creatures get mesmerized by the cute patterns. Effect virtually doubles with Ice Shield | Permafrost shield on, since frozen creatures always lose attack power.
A pendant is a small piece of accessory an elemental wears. It is not as powerful as a weapon, nor as defensive as a shield. Instead, pendants offer other types of special bonuses to elementals when they wear them for they are more in touch with the powers of the pendant. You can only wear one pendant at a time because it's either heavy or because of typical RPG rules where you can only have one item equipped in a slot at a time despite breaking logic. The reason why pendants should deserve their own slot is that each pendant is tied with an element and each one grants such a great boost that you can only have one at a time. Would you want healing every turn or stronger creatures? Picking the right pendant can make all the difference!
 The pendant of flight is a pendant that grants all the wearer's creatures and weapons to bypass the wings shield. Additionally, all your creatures being airborne can tie together with sky blitz for synergy. Upped version grants the ability for all your creatures to gain dive for 
 The pendant of piety is basically a purify on a stick. It allows the casting of purify for 2 each turn as a defense from poison. and already have some synergy so why not have some more? Also ties into life's healing theme. Upped version would cost less to heal.
 The pendant of souls lets you regain health whenever you damage an opposing creature. You gain however much health the enemy creature lost. You do not gain health from your own creatures dying (to prevent gravity pull abuse)
Text: You can only equip one mount at a time. This slot is currently empty.
Notes: Like weapons and shields, playing a mount when you already have one in the mount slot will cause the one in the mount slot to be destroyed/replaced (without activating death effects). Mounts are creature cards, and can therefore be targeted as creatures, unless otherwise stated. Your mount is "scanned" after your non-mount creatures attack, just as your weapon attacks after your non-weapon permanents are "scanned." All mount card texts begin with "Mount: Does not attack; weapon deals bonus damage." This means that your mount itself does not attack, but your equipped weapon (the one in the weapon slot) instead deals damage equal to the weapon attack plus the mount attack. This also means that if you have no weapon equipped, playing a mount doesn't increase the amount of damage you deal per turn.
Tri-Pulse Destroyer
Text: Mount: Does not attack; weapon deals bonus damage. : Detach - Lose -2/-0, generate a Pulse Cannon .
Pulse Cannon
Text: Weapon: Deal 2 damage per turn. : Pulse - For 1 turn, delay weapons and shields.
Notes: You cannot use Tri-Pulse Destroyer's skill if its attack is less than 2. If you have a weapon, it will be replaced by Pulse Cannon if Tri-Pulse Destroyer's skill is used. Pulse Cannon's ability only affects equipped weapons and shields, so it doesn't affect flying weapons. Delayed shields cannot block, reflect, etc. and are treated as if nonexistent by attacking creatures.
Text: Mount: Does not attack; weapon deals bonus damage. Permanents you discard are played instead, paid for in HPs.
Notes: This means that any permanent you discard is played (as if from your hand) when you discard them, given that you have the space available. When you play a permanent through this effect, you lose HP equal to the numerical cost of the permanent, so Eternity would cost 6 HP to discard, Hourglass would cost 4 HP to discard, etc.
Text: Mount: Mount: Does not attack; weapon deals bonus damage. : Shine - Activate your weapon's ability.
Notes: The ability/skill of your equipped weapon will be activated. This means that activating the ability "shine" will either do nothing (in the case of Morning Glory, Titan, Arsenic, Discord, Jade Staff, Vampire Dagger, Fahrenheit, etc.), cause a targeting sequence for creatures (in the case of Owl's Eye, Lobotomizer, Eternity, etc.), cause a targeting sequence for permanents (in the case of Pulverizer, etc.), or cause a targeting sequence specifically for pillars (Trident). The selected target will be affected by the mechanic that corresponds to your equipped weapon.
The Familiar Slot works exactly the same way as the Weapon or Shield slot. It represents one special creature companion, linked to the elemental summoning it with a bond of pure energy. Each familiar has an ability that is activated when energy of the familiar's element flows through the bond. Since the Familiar's slot is put in one of the last checked places in the permanent sequence, pillars and pendulums are activated before the Familiar's ability and provide their quanta. If the quanta is enough to power the familiar, it will glow brightly for a brief moment and its ability will be activated. Familiars are permanents, you can only have one and are thought as a way to increase the overall effectiveness of monos while not being as useful for duos and especially rainbows. Pendulum based duos and rainbows without a huge quanta production cannot easily or reliably benefit of familiars every turn, while monos can easily reap their benefits, although due to the game's programming the Mark doesn't help. The familiar's abilities are supposed to keep the theme of the element and play on the element's strengths. While these concepts may seem somewhat unoriginal, I feel like both Byakko and Nergal are useful additions, both limiting the power of Discord (especially Nergal, who can come out as fast as turn 2 and with an average-to-good quanta flow can negate discord and also devourers easily). Byakko also helps Water stalls greatly by stopping weapon damage while Water's arsenal stops creatures and possibly quanta through Trident. Bastet is possibly the less useful and inspired of the three, being redundant with Hourglass, Precog, Nymph, Sundial and also forcing deckouts more easily, but what can I say, I loved the art. 
Your resolve dictates what you fight for, strengthening and weakening you in certain aspects to help you achieve it.
These permanents do not have any specific mechanics that tie them together, or even differentiate them from other permanents. However, they are unique in that they have powerful effects that symbolize the personality and style of their respective elements.
The entire series hasn't been planned out yet, but when it's finished I think it'll fit nicely into Etg. On a thematic level, all of the elements have permanents that are within its theme, but there is yet to exist a set of that is literally the essence of each element. The Resolve series will aim to fulfill that role. On a mechanical level, they are similar to weapons and shields; the elemental can only hold one at a time, but they often have powerful effects to make up for it. These powerful, non-stacking permanents can help save deck slots, leaving a deck with more room to add other cards.
Each element will have a different style and thus their own preferred way to win a match.
Pact for Carnage  Fire is the element of destruction. The elemental's resolve is to utterly obliterate the enemy, the creatures, or even him/herself. Pact of Carnage will bring this destruction, although at a cost.
This card buffs your targetable creatures; the creatures do not get the power to buff themselves. Therefore cards like Adrenaline or Freeze/Delay effects do not increase or stop this effect.
Unbound Energy  Life is the element of energy. The elemental's resolve is to live, and never stop moving. Unbound Energy fills the elemental with this unlimited energy and stamina to help him/her survive against the enemy's attacks and retaliate back harder.
Weapons in hand attack twice and have passive skills (ie Regeneration) occur twice, but active skills like from Pulvy or OE are not affected. This also does not affect flown weapons. Shields have their blocking effected applied to enemy creatures twice (ie a Fire Buckler will deal 2 damage instead of 1, Solar Shield will have 2 DR).
Vow for Vengeance  Darkness is a sly, mysterious element. The elemental's resolve is mostly unknown, only that it is meant to bring benefits to the elemental at the cost of the demise of the others. Vow for Vengeance allows the elemental to use the opponent's damage against him/her.
Damage counters are recorded whenever your HP drops, rounded down for every instance of damage. They are recorded similar to how Bonewall shows you how many walls there are. Once the ability is used the Damage counters are reset.
An emblem is a magical marking that an Elemental puts onto their body that can change the fundamental nature of that Elemental. They are attuned to a specific element as far as the effects they give. however since they are a part of the Elemental that uses them, they are also dependent on the players mark. These emblems allow Elementals to channel the powers of other elements into creatures of their preferred element, or they allow one to simply fortify their creatures by better attuning them to their elements. Spells and permanents can also be given a boost of extra elemental energy.
Notes: Second Life upgraded has a greater chance than unupped. "Mirror Quanta" would definitely help save space.
No two elementals are alike. Some will specialize in different talents of their element, while others attempt to immerse themselves in a wide variety of them. Over time, these specialized powers begin to manifest themselves as Crests, symbols that manifest themselves over the other entities the elemental summons based on the emotions and personality of the user.
As implied by the backstory, Crests base themselves on various concepts that may reflect the user's personality - for example, a Leader could use a Crest called "Morale" that inspired weaker creatures into an extra attack, or a Tyrant could use a Crest called "Narcissism" that hurts creatures to heal himself or improve permanents. Usually, you can only have one Crest, though this rule may be ignored by some of them based on the theme.
The Cards
Freedom | Independence 
A theme that fits with Air's carefree nature - creatures that aren't crowded gain an attack bonus from being able to maneuver more effectively. Works best in decks that focus on singular diving creatures, or decks that rely on high attack like LS Black Dragons.
Generosity | Benevolence 
A theme based on giving - it never hurts to give more to allies, which is reflected by the card's stacking nature (similar to Bonewall's counters). A good counter against creature poison, damage CC, and an interesting card to combo with HP-reliant cards (such as Acceleration) that is based on Life's healing abilities.
Respect | Honor 
A theme of respecting each other's possessions - the Elemental(s) are made to respect each other's Permanents and cannot meddle with them with PC or otherwise. Light is the element of quality, and thus values it's cards. Upgraded, the opponent no longer needs to follow the "code" of respect the wielder has set, but must still honor the sacred permanents the wielder uses.
How does this fit in Elements the Game?
The most straightforward use of crests is to benefit your cards in a "field effect" similar to Nightfall and Shard of Patience, but they can be used for other purposes such as protecting your cards, maintaining damage output against shields, harassing your opponent, and other purposes. Like Weapons and Shields, they can function completely on their own and could potentially have uses ranging from being the key card in a deck to filling a niche that other cards can't in the element.
Special thanks to Hyroen for inspiring Freedom, and to patchx94 for inspiring Respect.
Pretty straight forward in operation. Each player can play one tune at a time which will last until the card is destroyed or another tune is played. The idea comes from warcries, anthems etc. that trigger emotions to benefit your cause. I thought of naming them 'songs' but 'tunes' seem to work better with the nature of the game. The naming is in a similar fashion to Nymphs.
The Green Tune fits in well with Life's healing properties, which only lack a creature heal.
The Grey Tune adds fodder for bonewalls etc and also plays on the theme of creating a mosh pit of skeletons that are attracted to the 'Death' Metal music.
The Red Tune is a similar effect to a Rage Pot, yet on a smaller scale. I realise this may be quite a powerful way to kill 1hp creatures, but no more than any other cards in the game at present (Plague, Fire Shield etc.).
The pictures are all from a free domain website, however they are just placeholders at this stage. Cards for the other elements are a work in progress also.
The coin slot (the alt. name for this slot can be referred to as the token slot) is there for each element to have a single situational card at no cost, other than the space in the deck. The cards in the token slot are to be suited to each of the elements own theme or niche. Tokens are designed to effect each player equally, but it is up the the players to try to take advantage of the tokens in play more than their opponent. The tokens can simply be recolored quanta icons for each element, to appear silver, bronze, gold or some other metallic hue, combined with other tones where necessary. The key to these cards is that they are all zero quanta cost, and while strongly tied to a particular element, it is possible for them to be applied to others, as well, albeit at a more limited capacity (to varying degrees for each token).
Converting pools are put into this slot via the "your deck"-screen, just like the mark. You also have the option to add no pool at all to your deck, since they all provide a passive negative effect, but also grant you the ability to convert unneeded cards into some useful effect. Converting pools can pe chosen independant of the Mark, so any combination between these is possible. The abilities of converting pools can be activated only once per turn, just as those of regular permanents. It should also be noted that all the negative effects are somehow related to the positive ability of the respective pool.
Pool of Healing: Discarding triggers Obsession and your turn immediately ends after activating its ability to prevent drawing cards afterwards, so that you can't get a full hand and have to discard an additional card at the end of your turn. Decreased HP and MaxHP values also affect healing and MaxHP increase, therefore Druidic Staff will heal for 4 on each attack, Shard of Divinity will increase your MaxHP by ~19 HP with a Mark of Light and Pool of Healing will also heal for only 12 on each activation, etc. Furthermore this decrease only applies to you (i couldn't fit that on the card anymore). ART: modified by FlareGlutox
Pool of Infection: Removing a creature doesn't kill a creature, therefore death effects won't be triggered. If you play mark cards and your Mark becomes 2x or 3x, it will produce 1 or 2 quanta respectively. ART: modified by FlareGlutox
Pool of Directness: All your creatures and weapons will deal one less damage on each succesful attack (they are meant by physical damage sources). Pool of Directness, Catapult and any other non-creature and non-weapon damage is not effected by this. You can only sacrifice pillars on your side of the field and pillars and pendulums CAN be used for this. ART: modified by FlareGlutox
P.S.: If these three pools are somehow imbalanced, please don't take that fact into consideration, since I put most of my effort into developing the converting pool mechanic and had little time to balance the actual cards.
P.P.S.: Colors of the card images may or may not show a certain elemental affinity.
The basis of gems is that they affect your weapon and shield slots - the idea is that you 'socket' the gems into your equipment. They provide powerful bonuses such as making your weapon deal extra damage, making your shield reduce extra damage, or even protecting both slots.
Similar to weapons, there is a gem for each element, which all represent the theme of their element. For example, the gem for Fire shows the theme of power, Earth the theme of defence and Darkness the theme of, umm, darkness.
I think they would make a good addition to the game as they strengthen the theme of elements and give the player more of an identity.
Ok, I tried a lot of options but they never felt like "slots" but only mere permanents, when i come out with Runes. In mithological history and in a lot of fantasy games, they are usually used as traps. Indeed, once in the battlefield, they activate their effect whenever a condition is fulfilled. They activate the effect and become silent again..till next time! They have effect kindred with their elements, but it does not mean they can't be just one per element.
Growth Life is the elements of nature and of big creatures that explode along with it. Rune of growth punishes opponent who play big creature, because Life has BIGGER bad asses. Revenge Death is element of.. Death xD So it gets dark energy from the death of a creature and channel it infecting an opponent creature. Rage Fire is the element of Fury, Rage and Recklessly. This Rune backfires the opponent as a reaction of dealing too much damage. Pretty simple
The soul is an incorporeal essence of every Elemental and the eye is regarded as the window to the soul. Until the slot has been filled, an Elemental's soul is still unfocused and immature. The soul is a major influence in the world of Elementals and can have far reaching effects that can even enhance the Elemental itself if nurtured and amplified. A soul has no form, so it can not directly damage the opponent or prevent damage to its Elemental, but it can affect nearly everything else.
Ageless Soul - A time elemental has the distinct advantage of being able to influence its deck, and its soul can enhance this ability if developed. The mechanic has two powerful effects that help during specific circumstances. A fast, aggressive deck can draw an extra card each turn by playing every card it draws. In a long match, Ageless Soul can keep time itself in check and save you from decking out by drawing. The skipped draw occurs at the beginning of the turn and the extra draw occurs at the end of the turn.
Heavy Soul - The weighty nature of gravity Elementals make them knowledgeable and wary, improving their resilience and at times their offensive ability. Heavy Soul brings out focused strength by toughening creatures and sometimes even granting them penetrating power. The chance of gaining Momentum is 160/(ATK+1)%.
Soulless - The truly sinister Elementals of darkness eventually refuse to embrace the idea of the soul, but in this clarity, their nature is revealed and soullessness becomes their defined essence. Soulless Elementals can take advantage of the power of their soul's void, using their own devoid permanent field to keep the opponent's setup at bay and control the field.
Notes: You may ask why Soulless doesn't reduce in cost when upgraded, and the answer is that I didn't want Supernova/Nova rushes pushing a Soulless out with very few other permanents out. Admittedly, these ideas have not been thoroughly balanced. I apologize if others have created similar cards before, I've been gone for a while and haven't read many of the ideas around. I've brainstormed for the other Elements' souls as well and I may post them eventually.
weapon is a thing to deal damage and shield is a thing to defence yourself. for me, new slot mean new kind of mechanic for permanent. and i made this
it can help you do anything great. generate some dangerous card, generate much quanta, or other epic ability. but all ability have it own cost. whenever you transform from your normal form, you will gain some great ability but lost something other than card cost too. this is how my slot work.
Blazing  Blazing Form will do damage to you each turn (after your weapon attack) to generate 1 fire bolt(fire lance when upgraded). easy concept for destructive element.... and becareful for your hand. you will gain nothing if it already full but still make 7 damage. 
Illuminus  Illuminus Form stop all your pillar and pendulum to generate quantum... but itself can generate much quantum.... i know this card can't improve rolhope deck... but who care? 
Hematite  Hematite Form work like SoD + SoG but a bit slow. in can't do anything ultil your next turn (the turn you cast it still be 0 turn played..) but if you can stall enough it will be hard, harder and hardest to kill you 