The Final
Designing is now OVER! Voting will be up shortly...
Please try to vote on the following two factors:
50% how well the card fits with the given art and theme
50% how original the card idea is in terms of execution
The battleground is littered with disease and desolation. Only two warriors remain.
Aves, the undefeated, stands smugly on a mound of corpses, and flicks the parasite, CleanOnion off his nose.
"Avessss... Your card must have synergy with a card designed in a previous round, by any player. Include a link to the card you are synergizing with, and a brief explanation of the synergy in the notes section of your card. You should try to make the synergy balanced, rather than some insanely good combo, or a gimmick that wouldn't ever really get played!" squeals the gnat as it flutters away, very slowly apparently.
His one remaining challenger, Linkcat, catches his breath, wipes his brow and grins a morbid grin. He has suffered in his path to the final, overcoming countless opponents and challenges in his pursuit of victory, but finally he has clawed his way back to face one last enemy. He kicks out at the rancid husk that was once mathman101, and barely winces as it screams..
"Linkc-c-c-cat! Your card must not use the letters R or T!"
Linkcat, too, decides to follow the creature's demands, for some reason.
All that is left, is the battle.
Your image for this round must be any image used by any player
other than you in a previous round.
Along with your Parasite rule, your card must follow
EIGHT of the following requirements, including at least, but not limited to, 1
Text, 1
Name and 1
Cost requirement. Include the requirements you chose in your Notes section.
- NAME RESTRICTION: The name of your card must not include the letters C, D, W, T or F.
- NAME RESTRICTION: The name of your card must be 8 or fewer characters (spaced and punctuation do not count).
- NAME RESTRICTION: The name of your card must have 4 or more words.
- NAME RESTRICTION: The names of your cards must not be the same, must not use the words "Elite", "Improved", "Deadly" or any color, gemstone, or name of an element.
- COST RESTRICTION: The upgraded card must cost double the unupgraded card. This means the upgraded card will always cost an even number.
- COST RESTRICTION: The cards must cost an odd number.
- COST RESTRICTION: At least one of the cards must cost zero.
- COST RESTRICTION: The unupgraded card must cost the number of matches you have had to play, including this one. The upgraded must cost the same as the number of opponents you defeated in your last match, multiplied by 2.
- TEXT RESTRICTION: One version (either upgraded or unupgraded) must have an ability that costs quanta. The other must have an ability that does not cost quanta.
- TEXT RESTRICTION: Must have 10 or fewer words ("+2/+2" counts as one word. Element symbols do not count as words.)
- TEXT RESTRICTION: Must have no way of damaging the opponent on the turn it is played, without the help of other cards.
- TEXT RESTRICTION: Must have an additional cost, or drawback, other than its basic quanta cost.
- If a creature, it must be
. - If a creature, it must have an ability which targets other creatures, or it must have an effect that is triggered by summoning or death.
- If a creature, it must have a beneficial effect to you or another creature. (Devourer gives you quanta, Archangel heals creatures etc).
- If a creature, it must have less attack than hp.
- If a permanent, it must be
. - If a permanent, it must be a weapon or shield.
- If a permanent, it must affect hands, quanta, or permanents.
- If a permanent, it must have an ability that costs quanta of a different element to its cost.
- If a spell, it must be
. - If a spell, it must not require targeting.
- If a spell, it must have an effect on a creature or creatures.
- If a spell, it must be ineffective, or usually less effective to use more than once in a turn.