To quote SG:
1. Come up with a new and unique passive ability (along with a description).
2. Design a new card that has some kind of synergy (or is a counter) to that passive ability, and post it in the Card Ideas and Art (,6.0.html) section using the template provided.
3. Post both the passive ability and the card image on this topic. Link that image to the topic you started in Card Ideas and Art (,6.0.html) section.
4. Finally list some current cards that use the same passive ability as your new card.
The rules say there has to be a description, so why is almost everyone leaving that part out.
For airborne you could give the description: "Airborne creatures are flying creatures, most of them have wings on the card image. Because they can fly, they are able to attack a flying elemental." Or something like this.
Yes, precisely what I meant. I didn't mean that all the passive abilities had to do something, but they had to be described, that way we, everyone who is reading through this thread, won't get confused and start asking "Wait, what does this ability do? it doesn't say anywhere."
My issue wasn't with the abilities doing nothing, just acting as a sort of filter or label, just that no one really bothered to describe the ability, like is does say in the rules. Just let us know what the ability is, not just what it's called.
Like for the Insectoid one, a simple description like: Passive Ability: Insectoid- a creature that has insect-like qualities.
Or it can be more wordy and articulate or what have you.
I think what I really was nit picking about was rules themselves actually. It's a competition for Passive abilities, and then to have abilities that do nothing...then are those even abilities? They would just be traits. I guess I confused myself focusing on the wording too much instead of the general idea.