C-C-C-Combomaker x3 : Inverted Voting
stop!Before you go all out clicking the poll options with all these cards that I admit, are amazing, take some time and read the next few lines. Did I get your attention? Yes? Good.
So, I know you're all used to going ahead and voting on the card that you like the most, but let's have things a bit different now. Instead, you vote on the cards that you
don't like. Meaning, you vote on the cards that you want to lose, and not on the card that you want to win. Simple, right?
Now that you know that, make sure you don't mess up. In case two (or more?) cards tie up, some certain beautiful unnamed CO will make another poll. Now then, let's check the submissions shall we?
Before we actually get to it! Do you still remember the pairings and the cards? Check them out:
PairingsPlayers | Cards |
Krzysiekxd - Zawadx | Guardian Angel, Acceleration, Fractal, Cloak |
andretimpa - Rutarete | Empathic Bond, Miracle, Voodoo Doll, Antimatter |
russianspy1234 - Pineapple | Fractal, Firefly Queen, Chimera, Graveyard |
skotadi phobos - eljoemo | Anubis, Quintessence, Vamp Stilleto, Nova |
karis - Terroking | Nymph Tears, Short Sword, Animate weapon, Titan |
~Napalm - iancudorinmarian | Shard of Serendipity, Mindgate, Ash, Holy Light |
theelkspeaks - Annele | Fire Spirit, Mindgate, Enchant Artifact, Otyugh |
Terran 3 - Hakamichi | Flooding, Deja vu, Shard of Bravery, Vampire |
timetock - ji412jo | Mind Flayer, Nightmare, Shard of Void, Silence |
Also, check out
the main topic of the competition if you haven't yet. The rules and what was meant to happen was there, so it pays to read the rules before voting.
Card SubmissionsPsst : Click on the cards and you'll be taken to the thread of the card.
Spoiler for Black Paladin | Black Paladin , by Krzysiekxd and Zawadx:
Our cards are: Guardian Angel, Acceleration, Fractal, Cloak |
| |
NAME: | Black Paladin
| ELEMENT: | Darkness
| COST: | 3 
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 3|4
| TEXT: | Healing effects also damage your opponent based on its potency (max 10) and this creature's attack.
| NAME: | Black Paladin
| ELEMENT: | Darkness
| COST: | 3 
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 4|4
| TEXT: | Healing effects also damage your opponent based on its potency (max 10) and this creature's attack.
ART: | No to art in such the competitions!
| IDEA: | Zawadx, Krzysiekxd
| NOTES: | Story: A Paladin drawn towards the dark side of the divine, the side of blood and evil. But the shift in his ideals has left him weak, and he can't do much alone. Now he waits, waits patiently under a Cloak for a Fractal's worth of fellows or a great Accelration to empower him. Once that's done, even Guardian Angels would become Demons and Lucifer's flashes will leave blazing scars. But he is still bound by divine law, so the amazing power of swarms and miracles baffle him.
Damage Formula: Healing*Attack/10 (regular rounding)
- Additional Damage works like negative healing i.e. it isn't stopped by anything. This damage is dealt after the healing effect is completed. - Black Paladin's ability does not affect healing in any way, i.e. player's or enemy's healing takes place normally - it is not reduced nor neglected. - Full Healing value is used i.e. Angel's heal is treated as 5 HP even when it doesn't heal fully. - BP's skill is passive.
Some calculations (Black Paladin (BP) has basic attack; given in the form X|Y where X is unupgraded damage while Y is upgraded damage):
- 1 Angel + 1 BP = 2 additional damage
- 6 Angels + 1 BP = 12 additional damage (Also 1 Angel + 6 BP)
- 6 Angels + 6 BPs = 72 additional damage
- 6 Angels + 17 BPs = 204 additional damage
- 23 BPs + 10 healing (max) = (3*23)|(4*23)= 69|92 additional damage
- Acceleration: +1 additional damage per turn
- Overdrive: Alternates between +2 and +1 additional damage per turn (if used on odd attack BP, starts at +1 and on even attack BP starts at +2)
Direct synergies with our competitions cards:
- Acceleration: Increases BP's attack --> more additional damage when healing is used
- Guardian Angel: Healing activates combo with BP; it also obviously synergizes with accel.
- Fractal: more BPs = more damage when healing is used (mind zero cost luciferin--> viable dark-aether duo)
Cloak... doesn't it have synergy with any creature? Definitely can help bulding combo with fractal.
| SERIES: | C-C-C-Combomaker x3
Spoiler for Shamanic Totem | Shamanic Totem , by Rutarete and andretimpa:
| |
NAME: | Shamanic Totem
| ELEMENT: | Light
| COST: | 2 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | If you heal 10 HP this turn, deal one damage to S random opponent creatures. S = stack size
| NAME: | Shamanic Totem
| ELEMENT: | Light
| COST: | 2 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | Totem : If you heal 10*S HP this turn, deal 2*S damage to the target creature. S = stack size
ART: | edited from http://images.wikia.com/wowwiki/images/8/8d/Draenei_Totem.jpg (WoW)
| IDEA: | andretimpa and Rutarete
| NOTES: | For years, the Light elementals carried on their righteous cause. But for so long, all they could do was recover; they had little means to reliably hit back. And now, they have this: The Shaman's Totem.
CC for 
The unupgraded always triggers if you manage to heal 10 HP. Making the stack bigger amplifies the effect.
The upgraded needs to be activated to trigger. Upon activation the player chooses the target that will receive the damage. Making the stack bigger amplifies the effect, but makes it harder to trigger.
The healing is counted on both yours and your opponent's turn and the trigger happens as soon as it reaches the minimum HP required. So it can trigger during your opponent's attack phase if he has an antimattered creature, for example.
Damage is not subtracted from the healing for the purposes of this card. So if, for example, your opponent has 2 -5 attack creatures and you have the unupped Totem, then it will trigger, even if you take damage between the attacks of these 2 creatures.
SoD, Stone Skin and Miracle count as healing the HP difference, for the purposes of this card.
This card stops working under SoSac.
If the targeted creature (upgraded version) is killed before the trigger takes place nothing happens (as if the permanent hadn't been activated).
We used all 4 cards: -Miracle (fuels the card) -Empathic Bond (fuels the card) -Antimatter (fuels the card when used on opponent creatures) -Voodoo Doll (can be targeted when using the upgraded Totem to deal the damage to the opponent)
| SERIES: | C-C-C-Combomaker x3
Spoiler for Lumin Engine | Lumin Generator , by team russianspynapple (russianspy1234, Pineapple):
| |
NAME: | Lumin Engine
| ELEMENT: | Gravity
| COST: | 5 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | : Shine Generate a Lumin.
| NAME: | Lumin Generator
| ELEMENT: | Gravity
| COST: | 5 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | : Shine Generate a Bright Lumin.
ART: |
| IDEA: | russianspy1234, Pineapple
| NOTES: | 
Clarifications: Prism is a passive ability (yay for lucifun).
Cards Chosen: Our four cards were: Firefly Queen, Chimera, Graveyard, and Fractal. We made our card to combo with all of our chosen cards (as well as a few others), but if we had to pick, the strongest relationship is a mechanic-based one with Firefly Queen (creature generation) and Graveyard (death effects, plus with graveyard, it generates extra creatures.)
Spoiler for Bio Protector | Bio Protector , by team elSkoPho (eljoemo, Skotadi Phobos):
| |
NAME: | Bio Protector
| ELEMENT: | Life
| COST: | 15
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 1 | 6
| TEXT: | Diverse Protection: The first creature of each new element to be played becomes immaterial.
| NAME: | Bio Protector
| ELEMENT: | Life
| COST: | 13
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 1 | 7
| TEXT: | Diverse Protection: The first creature of each new element to be played becomes immaterial.
ART: | Much like a female monastery, there is nun.
| IDEA: | eljoemo and Skotadi Phobos
| NOTES: | Team Cards: Anubis, Quintessence, Vampire Stilleto, Nova
To elaborate, the first creature card of each of the 12 elements to be played (from the hand) after this card becomes immaterial instantly. Any creatures played before this are irrelevant and do not gain immortality. This card does not become immaterial when you play it, but the next life creature will.
The effect does not stack with multiple copies. If you're protector dies, the effect will not take place for a new-element creature. If you then chose to play another protector, the old creature will not suddenly become immaterial, but the next creature of that element will. Basically, death merely "pauses" the effect until another one is present. So in any way or case, no matter how many protectors you have in play, only up to 12 creatures can become immaterial.
This affects both players. Firstly, so it isn't completely OP. And secondly, have you ever thought about how dreadful a quint could actually be. And now I'll just buff my dune scor... sh*t. Or just look here for more proof.
How is this related to Quintessence?
... Did you seriously... I don't even... I give up...
But how is this related to Nova?
It takes the mechanic of "one for each element" but applies it to immateriality instead of quanta. That's how.
This was originally gonna be an other permanent but then it got changed and now we have this. It does the same thing, but still has the cost. And the cost is that high to stop the OPness of a mass quint.
Got some questions? Fire away!
Spoiler for Phylactery | Advanced Phylactery , by team Terrokis/karroking/TK (Terroking, karis):
| |
NAME: | Phylactery
| ELEMENT: | Death
| COST: | 5 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| TEXT: | To play: Sacrifice a creature. Gives your creatures +2/+2. You can't play any creature cards
| NAME: | Advanced Phylactery
| ELEMENT: | Death
| COST: | 6 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| TEXT: | To play: Sacrifice a creature. Give your creatures +3/+3. You can't play any creature cards
ART: | Ti Santi (shutterstock)
| IDEA: | Terroking & karis
| NOTES: | A phylactery is, in mythology/fantasy, an object that a lich would seal his soul inside of, making him truly undead, and virtually unkillable. The card does something similar: You give up a creature in exchange for power, but lose your link to the living world, making you unable to play creatures. Instead, you have to use spells such as Nymph's Tears or Permanents such as Graveyard to get creatures, which as a result of your new power are much stronger. The effects are a persistent field buff, like Nightfall/Eclipse but only for your creatures. They do stack.
Effectively, this makes a combo with all 4 of our cards: Nymph's Tears, Animate Weapon, Short Sword, and Titan. (Since the two weapons+Animate work with this). For the purposes of the competition, though, we choose just Nymph's Tears and Animate Weapon, as they combo more directly, letting you bypass the card's restrictions and reap the benefits (Horde of super-powerful Nymph Queens anyone?).
It also retains use outside of just the specific combo cards, netting a Sky Blitz-esque effect in decks such as Fractal+Flesh Recluse.
| SERIES: | C-C-C-Combomaker x3 Competition
Spoiler for Encore | Encore , by team ~Napalmarian (Napalm, iancudorinmarian):
| |
NAME: | Encore
| ELEMENT: | Time
| COST: | 7 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | If a card would be generated by one of your effects, two are generated instead. Lasts 2 turns.
| NAME: | Encore
| ELEMENT: | Time
| COST: | 5 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | If a card would be generated by one of your effects, two are generated instead. Lasts 2 turns.
ART: |
| IDEA: | ~Napalm & iancudorinmarian
| NOTES: | Idea by me and ~Napalm. Our cards are SoSe, mindgate, ash and holy light. We chose SoSe and ash as our "two cards"., but this works for mindgate as well. SoSe generates 6 cards (like using it twice), mindgate copies the card twice and ash generates 2 phoenixes. This works on fate egg as well (just like SoR egg, a SoR egg plus this would generate 4 creatures). At first it didn't have a timer, but ~Napalm decided to use one, because it would be really OP.
| SERIES: | C-C-C-Combomaker x3 event.
Spoiler for Prophet | Elite Prophet , by Annele and theelkspeaks:
| |
NAME: | Prophet
| ELEMENT: | Time
| COST: | 5 
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 4 | 2
| TEXT: | : Prophecy Permanently gain +X | +0. X is equal to the cost of the top card of your opponent's deck.
| NAME: | Elite Prophet
| ELEMENT: | Time
| COST: | 5 
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 5 | 1
| TEXT: | : Prophecy Permanently gain +X | +X. X is equal to the cost of the top card of your opponent's deck.
ART: | http://www.sxc.hu/photo/346937 edited by Annele
| IDEA: | Annele and theelkspeaks
| NOTES: | Our cards were Fire Spirit, Mindgate, Enchant Artifact, and Otyugh. We decided to meld the growth aspect of both Fire Spirit and Otyugh with the use of the opponent's deck that is seen in Mindgate. This card has great synergy with mindgate and/or rewind, or it can be used without either in a great gambling funtime! You could potentially gain +15 | +15, but gaining nothing is far more likely. It all depends on your opponent, and whether you play it well. Permanently means like lycanthrope - once the ability is used, it can't be used any more, which means it's more of an all-or-nothing than if it could be used every turn. However, it has decent attack, so if you lose out it's not a complete waste of a card.
Spoiler for Conflagration | Conflagration , by Terran 3 and Hakamichi:
| |
NAME: | Conflagration
| ELEMENT: | Fire
| COST: | 2 
| TYPE: | Spell
| ATK|HP: | -
| TEXT: | Target weapon consumes
per turn and has the following skill.
: Cauterize
| NAME: | Conflagration
| ELEMENT: | Fire
| COST: | 1 
| TYPE: | Spell
| ATK|HP: | -
| TEXT: | Target weapon consumes
per turn and has the following skill.
: Cauterize
ART: | -
| IDEA: | Hakamichi, Terran 3
| NOTES: | So, what is Cauterize?
Cauterize is a versatile skill. It's main ability is to remove poison, and deal damage equivalent to twice the number of poison counters on the target, acting as a counter for poison and offense. With the consumption on the targeted weapon, Conflagration can act as a niche CC card in emergencies.
Linking Conflagration to our cards:
Shard of Bravery - This card focuses on getting out cards as quickly as possible. With decks such as Speed Poison Kamikaze, Cauterize can act as a finishing blow after being applied. It also shares the element and card type with Conflagration. Flooding - By applying Congflagration to a weapon, that weapon now consumes quanta at the end of each turn, and will be destroyed if the cost is not paid at the end of each turn, thus mimicking the mechanic of Flooding.
| SERIES: | -
Spoiler for Hot Potato | Hot Potato , by ji412jo and dawn_to_dusk (subbing timetock):
| |
NAME: | Hot Potato
| ELEMENT: | Fire
| COST: | 3 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | Your opponent loses 5 max hp if they don't play a card this turn. Cannot reduce under 1 hp.
| NAME: | Hot Potato
| ELEMENT: | Fire
| COST: | 5 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | Your opponent loses 5 max hp if they don't play 2 cards this turn. Cannot reduce under 1 hp.
ART: |
| IDEA: | ji412jo and dawn to dusk
| NOTES: | stacks. sanc protects this
cards where Shard of Void, Mindflayer, Silence and Nightmare it uses the ability of SoV (hp drain) while comboing with silence (preventing opponent to play cards) fun challenge this, i can see why it was so popular way back when. name is permanent. and great.
i subbed for timetock due to his inactivity and am posting due to ji's tiredness
To vote, you have no time left.