problem is i dont get anything.I try and try and try and dont get anything.
DEAL. WITH. IT. You don't always get what you want. If you really tried as hard as you claim, and still can't win, then give up.
while i see these randoms posting and boom they auto win
You talk as though you're the only important person in the world, and everyone else is "random" and insignificant. That's not the way to deal with people, kid. All those "random postings" by "random" people, they all took as much effort as you did. I spent more than an hour on my submission, and I doubt it'll auto-win. What, you think you're the only person to put any thought and effort into this contest? You think you're the only person that deserves to win?
Personally I don't like the ones with colors. Underworld icon should be somewhat like the 'other' icon, and therefore should be grey.
SG explicitly said that Team Underworld is Team Rainbow, which is why I used rainbow colors. Perhaps I should have made the gray parts of my icon more prominent...