For my submission, I will refer to the following images:
Note: The images are illustrations, so they have worse quality than what the actual game should have. For example, when implemented to the game, the introduced borders would have a blur effect.
1. Hand Effects1a.) Silenced
Reference: Image 3, bottom right. Each card in the hand has an indicator on its left. If the indicator is red, the card is silenced.
Note: The example given in Image 3 is just an (incorrect) illustration. Silence would make all cards have a red indicator.
Image 1 (bottom right) shows an alternative solution by surrounding the entire hand with a red border.
1b.) Sanctuary
Reference: Image 1, top left. When Sanctuary is in effect, the entire hand is surrounded by a white border.
Reference: Image 3, bottom left. An alternative solution is to have a special card slot reserved for the Sanctuary and Singularity effects. When Sanctuary is in play, Sanctuary's card art fills out the card slot during the opponent's turn (because Sanctuary is only active during the opponent's turn). When Sanctuary's effect activates, a wave animation would play (as I shoddily tried to illustrate it in Image 3).
1c.) Playability
Reference: Image 3, bottom right. Each card in the hand has an indicator on its left. If the indicator is gray, the player doesn't have enough quanta to play the card. If the indicator is green, the player has enough quanta to play the card.
2. Quanta Pool Effects2a.) Sabbath
Reference: Image 1, bottom left. When Sabbath is in effect, the entire quanta pool is surrounded by a red border.
An alternative solution is to highlight each quantum's border with red. (not illustrated)
2b.) Sanctuary
Reference: Image 1, top right. When Sanctuary is in effect, the entire quanta pool is surrounded by a white border.
Reference: Image 3, bottom left. An alternative solution is to have a special card slot reserved for the Sanctuary and Singularity effects. When Sanctuary is in play, Sanctuary's card art fills out the card slot during the opponent's turn (because Sanctuary is only active during the opponent's turn). When Sanctuary's effect activates, a wave animation would play (as I shoddily tried to illustrate it in Image 3).
3. Field Effects3a.) Flooding
Reference: Image 4, top. The affected rows on the field change to a different background. The cards are played on top of this background, without a transparent image covering the cards. The flooded rows are visibly separated. (The flooded field would look like 3 rivers instead of 1 weirdly shaped lake.)
3b.) Cloak
Reference: Image 4, bottom. A darkly colored image would cover the creature field, the permanent field and the equipment field separately (and any other field too that the developers want to hide). The deck's mark would stay visible.
3c.) Singularity
Reference: Image 2, center. When a Singularity is about to be summonned, a placeholder creature card appears on the field. If a Singularity is summoned, it replaces the placeholder creature. If the Singularity is not summoned, the placeholder creature makes a death effect and disappears.
Reference: Images 2 & 3, bottom left. An alternative solution is to have a special card slot reserved for the Sanctuary and Singularity effects. When a Singularity is about to be summoned, a warning image fills out the card slot during the user's turn. (The same card slot can be used for Sanc and Singu, because Sanc can only activate on the opponent's turn, while Singularity can only be summoned during the user's turn.) When a Singularity is summoned, the warning image disappears.
4. Card Effects4a.) Silenced
Reference: Image 3, center, a bit to the bottom. The silenced card has a red indicator on its bottom. If the card is not silenced, the indicator is not shown.
The top right of Image 1 shows an alternative solution, where the silenced card is surrounded by a red border instead of having an indicator. (Just imagine that the card in the image is Unstable Gas or something.)
4b.) Cumulative Effects + 4c.) Singular Effects
Reference: Image 3, center, a bit to the top right. Delay, Freeze and Poison are the cumulative effects, because they can have values. (6 turns of delay translates to Delay=6.) All other effects are singular effects (Adrenaline, Airborne, Wise, Immaterial, Momentum, Ready, Pulled, Bubbled). Each effect would have a small symbol, which would show up on the card slot upon activation.
Note: Poison, Aflatoxin and Purify would occupy the same slot. The color of the symbol would depend on the effect:
- Poison: Medium Purple
- Aflatoxin: Dark Purple
- Purify: Blue
4d.) Hovering
Reference: Image 3, center, a bit to the top right. When the player hovers the mouse over a card (either in the hand or on the field), the full card would show up to the top of it. At the same time, cards on the field also slide out an expansion field below them. When the mouse no longer hovers over the card, the expansion field retracts. Cumulative symbols would be on top, separated with a horizontal line from the singular symbols.
Note: The example given in Image 3 is just an (incorrect) illustration. All effects listed on the expansion should be also shown on the card itself.
On the bottom left of Image 3, there is an Information button. When hovered over (or clicked), a new field would slide up from out of bounds as seen on the bottom of Image 3. This field would contain the meaning of the symbols mentioned in
4b.) Cumulative Effects + 4c.) Singular Effects.
5. Health Effects5a.) Poison, Neurotoxin and Purify
Reference: Image 3, top right. Between the health and quanta pool, a circled number would indicate the amount of poison the player has. The circle would be colored based on the poison's type:
- Poison: Medium Purple
- Neurotoxin: Yellow
- Purify: Blue
5b.) Sacrifice
My submission does not contain a suggestion for the Sacrifice status.