Stuff updated. If you find a broken link, wrong mark code, or I've forgotten how to say my ABC's, send me a PM and I'll fix it ASAP.
I'll also note that there's a disturbing lack of upped decks for AI3 when people back in the day spent hours perfecting decks to farm elders like madmen that still work today.
Concerning stats: These will not be added to the opening post for the following reasons:
1) The decks in the first two posts are intended to generate a list of the top 5 decks that you'd expect to be recommended to someone if they ask "What's a good/fun deck to grind X?" and without bias as to what the #1 deck is. While decks with higher winrates do tend to become more popular than other decks of the same opponent grinding level, fun and ease of access (mainly for unupped decks) are also important factors. Therefore if people notice that a deck is missing a list of stats then that will most likely cause them to conclude that either the deck's winrate is too low for it to be mentioned or that the deck creator was just too lazy to record them. In either case, their interest in the other decks on the list is going to increase when the list is supposed to remain unbiased as far as outside influences go.
2) If stats are ever added to the opening posts then it will likely become required that these decks post their losses, wins, time/turns to win, etc. for at least 200 games. There's a terrible amount of variance that goes on in 50-100 games depending on the opponent level you're facing, and as such a person playing 50 games with a deck in Gold League may find themselves with a 90%+ winrate one day and then 60% the next. However, that doesn't really mean that their deck had a 90% winrate, and therefore that value would be very misleading to whoever is considering taking the deck for a spin. Even 200 games is still too few (in my opinion) to really get an accurate winrate estimate against FGs and Arena, but if we were to raise that requirement to 500-1000 then I suspect most people wouldn't bother with stats to begin with.
On a final note, to those who are considering submitting a deck in this section that have also done so in the past: Please make a new post rather than modify your older post(s). I don't mind if you post multiple decks at the same time, but if you're adding a new deck to a post you made over a month ago then there's a high chance that I'll assume I've already added it to the lists I have and miss it entirely.