Neopergoss | 18 |
plastiqe | 15 |
Malignant | 14 |
Kakerlake | 13 |
Mark_Tran | 13 |
Napalm Grenade | 13 |
kevkev60614 | 11 |
gavsword | 9 |
patchx94 | 9 |
lokiburn4 | 8 |
majofa | 8 |
Higurashi | 7 |
MrBlonde | 7 |
Legit | 6 |
Thalas | 6 |
The Mormegil | 6 |
Guy_Fawkes | 5 |
Terroking | 5 |
thatnewguy | 5 |
jippy99 | 4 |
volkers | 4 |
7wavemaster | 3 |
EvaRia | 3 |
icecoldbro | 3 |
ji412jo | 3 |
RavingRabbid | 3 |
sklazinga | 2 |
truddy02 | 2 |
Dm1321 | 1 |
killzdazombies | 1 |
mrpaper | 1 |
Seraph | 1 |
vinvick3714 | 1 |
1world24 | 0 |
achangeofpace | 0 |
nilsieboy | 0 |
4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 5bt 5bu 5bv 5c0 5c1 5c2 5c3 5c4 5c5 5c6 5c7 5c8 5cg 5oj 5lk 622 61r 5c9 5lg
7wavemaster4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 5f1 5f2 5f3 5f4 5f5 5f6 5f7 5f8 5f9 5fa 5fb 5fc 5fk 5l9 590 61t 4vj
Dm13214t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 5l9 5la 5lb 5lc 5ld 5le 5lf 5lg 5lh 5li 5lj 5lk 5ll 5ls 4vn 593 52s 5op 5lm
EvaRia4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 4vd 4ve 4vf 4vg 4vh 4vi 4vj 4vk 4vl 4vm 4vn 4vo 4vp 4vq 500 61r 590 593 5c7 55v
Guy_Fawkes4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 5f1 5f2 5f3 5f4 5f5 5f6 5f7 5f8 5f9 5fa 5fb 5fc 5fk 5l9 4vl 5ia
Higurashi4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 61p 61q 61r 61s 61t 61u 61v 620 621 622 623 624 62c 5f6 5fc 5f9 52r 5f4 52o
Kakerlake4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 58p 58q 58r 58s 58t 58u 58v 590 591 592 593 594 595 59c 5rk 4vj 5ia 5og 5lm 5up
Legit4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 5f1 5f2 5f3 5f4 5f5 5f6 5f7 5f8 5f9 5fa 5fb 5fc 5fk 593 4vl 58r 4vf 590 5lm
Malignant4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 52h 52i 52j 52k 52l 52m 52n 52o 52p 52q 52r 52s 52t 52u 52v 534 4vp 4vl 5oo 55v 5f4 593
Mark_Tran4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 4vd 4ve 4vf 4vg 4vh 4vi 4vj 4vk 4vl 4vm 4vn 4vo 4vp 4vq 500 5oi 55v 5rk 5lg 5f6
MrBlonde4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 52h 52i 52j 52k 52l 52m 52n 52o 52p 52q 52r 52s 52t 52u 52v 534 5f4 5oo 4vp 5uu 5un 593
Napalm Grenade4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 5f1 5f2 5f3 5f4 5f5 5f6 5f7 5f8 5f9 5fa 5fb 5fc 5fk 5ia 4vn 4vl
Neopergoss4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 52h 52i 52j 52k 52l 52m 52n 52o 52p 52q 52r 52s 52t 52u 52v 534 5oo 5i5 5un 5i7 5f4 593
RavingRabbid4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 5od 5oe 5of 5og 5oh 5oi 5oj 5ok 5ol 5om 5on 5oo 5op 5p0 52o 52l 5i5 5lk 5i7 5c6
Seraph4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 5od 5oe 5of 5og 5oh 5oi 5oj 5ok 5ol 5om 5on 5oo 5op 5p0 4vl 4vn 5f6 5lm 4vf
Terroking4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 58p 58q 58r 58s 58t 58u 58v 590 591 592 593 594 595 59c 5um 61t 5rk 4vg 4vn
Thalas4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 5i5 5i6 5i7 5i8 5i9 5ia 5ib 5ic 5id 5ie 5if 5ig 5ih 5ii 5io 5f6 593 5bu 5ru 5v1
The Mormegil4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 5f1 5f2 5f3 5f4 5f5 5f6 5f7 5f8 5f9 5fa 5fb 5fc 5fk 593 595 5l9 55q
achangeofpace4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 4vd 4ve 4vf 4vg 4vh 4vi 4vj 4vk 4vl 4vm 4vn 4vo 4vp 4vq 500 52n 5oi 5c7 55v 5c9
gavsword4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 5f1 5f2 5f3 5f4 5f5 5f6 5f7 5f8 5f9 5fa 5fb 5fc 5fk 5c2 5l9 593 52r 4vn 5lg
icecoldbro4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 5f1 5f2 5f3 5f4 5f5 5f6 5f7 5f8 5f9 5fa 5fb 5fc 5fk 5ii 52r 61t 621 596 5lg
ji412jo4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 5l9 5la 5lb 5lc 5ld 5le 5lf 5lg 5lh 5li 5lj 5lk 5ll 5ls 5oi 5rt 5rp 52o 5lm
jippy994t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 5ul 5um 5un 5uo 5up 5uq 5ur 5us 5ut 5uu 5uv 5v0 5v1 5v2 5v8 622 593 5c7
kevkev606144t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 61p 61q 61r 61s 61t 61u 61v 620 621 622 623 624 62c 5la 5um 5up 4vj 5ia 5us
killzdazombies4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 5bt 5bu 5bv 5c0 5c1 5c2 5c3 5c4 5c5 5c6 5c7 5c8 5cg 61r 622 61t 621
korugar4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 55l 55m 55n 55o 55p 55q 55r 55s 55t 55u 55v 560 561 568 58v 5oi 4vl
lokiburn44t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 4vd 4ve 4vf 4vg 4vh 4vi 4vj 4vk 4vl 4vm 4vn 4vo 4vp 4vq 500 55v
majofa4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 5f1 5f2 5f3 5f4 5f5 5f6 5f7 5f8 5f9 5fa 5fb 5fc 5fk 5l9 590 593 52o 5ro 5lm
mrpaper4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 58p 58q 58r 58s 58t 58u 58v 590 591 592 593 594 595 59c 5oi
nilsieboy4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 5ul 5um 5un 5uo 5up 5uq 5ur 5us 5ut 5uu 5uv 5v0 5v1 5v2 5v8 4vl 4vn 4vj
patchx944t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 5i5 5i6 5i7 5i8 5i9 5ia 5ib 5ic 5id 5ie 5if 5ig 5ih 5ii 5io 52o 55l 52r 621 61t 5f4
plastiqe4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 5f1 5f2 5f3 5f4 5f5 5f6 5f7 5f8 5f9 5fa 5fb 5fc 5fk 5l9 590 5ia 4vj 5rk 5oo
sklazinga4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 61p 61q 61r 61s 61t 61u 61v 620 621 622 623 624 62c 5l9
thatnewguy4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 52h 52i 52j 52k 52l 52m 52n 52o 52p 52q 52r 52s 52t 52u 52v 534 4vp 5f6 5ol 5f4 5rk
truddy024t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 5od 5oe 5of 5og 5oh 5oi 5oj 5ok 5ol 5om 5on 5oo 5op 5p0 5f6 52r 5fc 5f9
vinvick37144t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 5ul 5um 5un 5uo 5up 5uq 5ur 5us 5ut 5uu 5uv 5v0 5v1 5v2 5v8 622 4vn 61t 5li 5ia 5ll
volkers4t3 4t4 4t5 4tb 55l 55m 55n 55o 55p 55q 55r 55s 55t 55u 55v 560 561 568
The scores:Neopergoss | 18 |
plastiqe | 15 |
Malignant | 14 |
Kakerlake | 13 |
Mark_Tran | 13 |
Napalm Grenade | 13 |
kevkev60614 | 11 |
gavsword | 9 |
patchx94 | 9 |
lokiburn4 | 8 |
majofa | 8 |
Higurashi | 7 |
MrBlonde | 7 |
Legit | 6 |
Thalas | 6 |
The Mormegil | 6 |
Guy_Fawkes | 5 |
Terroking | 5 |
thatnewguy | 5 |
jippy99 | 4 |
volkers | 4 |
7wavemaster | 3 |
EvaRia | 3 |
icecoldbro | 3 |
ji412jo | 3 |
RavingRabbid | 3 |
sklazinga | 2 |
truddy02 | 2 |
Dm1321 | 1 |
killzdazombies | 1 |
mrpaper | 1 |
Seraph | 1 |
vinvick3714 | 1 |
1world24 | 0 |
achangeofpace | 0 |
nilsieboy | 0 |
I'm versus Napalm... Fire vs Fire... ???Also glitch, could you use user codes?
Also, Gl1tch, can you please use my correct name? It's Mormegil, not Mormigel. :P (don't worry, I know it's just a typo).
You PM them to me so there's no advantage to waiting until the last minute to learn cards. The learning phase is after the duel phase and lasts three days. I'll try to remember you posted this though =PThat's what I had figured at first but there was a bunch of stuff in the rules thread about posting them here. I'll be sure to send it to you once the learning starts :P
Your score is based upon the following table:The first player to 18 points wins the event. You cannot drop below 0 points.
Match Results Points earned 3-0 +4 3-1 +3 3-2 +2 2-3 -1 1-3 -2 0-3 -3 0-0 +1
Higurashi | 4 |
Legit | 4 |
lokiburn4 | 4 |
Malignant | 4 |
thatnewguy | 4 |
Dm1321 | 3 |
MrBlonde | 3 |
Kakerlake | 2 |
killzdazombies | +2 |
$$$man | 0 |
7wavemaster | 0 |
Appawesome | 0 |
Falcon4415 | 0 |
Funkyvenom | 0 |
Guy_Fawkes | 0 |
Mark_Tran | 0 |
Napalm Grenade | 0 |
NoobieCakes | 0 |
OleMAa | 0 |
RavingRabbid | 0 |
Rebnerod | 0 |
Seraph | 0 |
Terroking | 0 |
Thalas | 0 |
The Mormegil | 0 |
Troh | 0 |
ddevans96 | 0 |
gavsword | 0 |
icecoldbro | 0 |
icybraker | 0 |
jippy99 | 0 |
korugar | 0 |
majofa | 0 |
mrpaper | 0 |
nilsieboy | 0 |
patchx94 | 0 |
truddy02 | 0 |
vinvick3714 | 0 |
xdude | 0 |
zyz1 | 0 |
Neopergoss | -1 |
sklazinga | -1 |
kevkev60614 | -2 |
Tichan | -2 |
1world24 | -3 |
EvaRia | -3 |
ji412jo | -3 |
kitty45 | -3 |
volkers | -3 |
No....they(we) simply hit the minimum of zero and stop. This event isn't an elimination event, it keeps going until someone pulls so far ahead that they win(unless I'm severely mistaken about the rules).That is correct.
Learning phase has started! Go post in the thread!I thought we were doing this with private messages?
what if u miss learning phase?Then you don't learn a card
I suppose someones going to flame at me for being irresponsible in the first place, but:what if u miss learning phase?Then you don't learn a card
I'm facing the same person as last round.....Problem, officer?
I was going to try doing it, but it didn't work. Besides, it's quite easy to see if you've already earned a card. Simply count the number of non-other non-mono cards you have. The relic is somewhat redundant, and because of it's location in the deck list, harder to see than just leaving it alone. Either way, the relic was simply going to be a place holder to point out you hadn't learned a card yet, and would have been simple record keeping for my personal benefit. The relics would have been removed at the start of round 2. As far as getting two picks next round...I suppose someones going to flame at me for being irresponsible in the first place, but:what if u miss learning phase?Then you don't learn a card
can we get two cards next time?
Gl1tch alluded to this when he mentioned putting in relics for people who didnt ask for a card (even though I dont have a relic)
Do I get points? And I dont mind a bye, its good.3 points.
How is that 3 points, when I got 1 point because my opponent could not field a deck?Do I get points? And I dont mind a bye, its good.3 points.
You won your fight 0-0How is that 3 points, when I got 1 point because my opponent could not field a deck?Do I get points? And I dont mind a bye, its good.3 points.
I know it's already said and done, I just want a clarification for why the points are different
Thank you for the clarificationYou won your fight 0-0How is that 3 points, when I got 1 point because my opponent could not field a deck?Do I get points? And I dont mind a bye, its good.3 points.
I know it's already said and done, I just want a clarification for why the points are different
He got a bye.
The difference: He won due to my error. You won due to your opponents. Seeing as he didn't have an opponent, we assume he'd win 3-1, which is the average win ratio. Seeing as you /did/ have an opponent, we know for a fact you won 0-0.
can I drop out?=(((
Specifically regarding thalas/achangeofpace, I have evidence that thalas sent PMs, but they give the impression that achangeofpace responded, and a fight time was set. What's going on??I told him when I can battle him 4:30 GMT (21:30 MTS) and he responded
You know what, I think I'd rather just forfeit and get a good nights sleepI don't know why he did this, in the previous PM he said
Battles yours
MTS, 16:00-22:00
In the OP, I was underlined as the winner, but I got 1 point and 7wavemaster got none. What the...? ???Because you two didn't fight? I gave you a 0-0 win.
Yeah, I can understand that. But if it is so, why has 7wavemaster got no point? I thought it was 1 point each? O.oIn the OP, I was underlined as the winner, but I got 1 point and 7wavemaster got none. What the...? ???Because you two didn't fight? I gave you a 0-0 win.
Nope. It's 1 point to the winner, none to the loser.Yeah, I can understand that. But if it is so, why has 7wavemaster got no point? I thought it was 1 point each? O.oIn the OP, I was underlined as the winner, but I got 1 point and 7wavemaster got none. What the...? ???Because you two didn't fight? I gave you a 0-0 win.
*goes to double check rules*
When is Round 4 gonna start? 0.oDuels come out at 7:00 tonight. I'm trying to get the weekend duels schedule restarted.
I seems like it's been a while...
Borf. This round will be hard. But I feel like if I can roflstomp Death, I can move on to bigger and brighter day ;DYeah... I now have to go try and stomp Mr.Blonde odds are not in my favor...
you have last round's match between me and nilseboy still in there and we each have a match this round also..i sent you a pm. i felt like i activaly sent more pm's and tried to work out times for it but if you need to coin toss thats ok too.. or should we try and play this round?You can use BCC. While you send the PM, there's a slot sayin' "BCC". Input "Gl1tch" there, wait the box saying "Gl1tch" to show up, click on "Gl1tch" and there you have it. He will now know if you were making a effort to schedule a match.. (or not?).
You can use BCC.Glitch doesn't need to be copied on all communications. Instead when you PM your opponent, save a copy in your outbox. If a dispute occurs you can just forward that copy to the organizer.
you have last round's match between me and nilseboy still in there and we each have a match this round also..i sent you a pm. i felt like i activaly sent more pm's and tried to work out times for it but if you need to coin toss thats ok too.. or should we try and play this round?I apologize, I tried to edit the old list, and errors occurred. In the future, I'll just delete it and start from scratch.
Also not that it matters too much but would i get the 1 point for the 0-0 win it never got entered.. if not it's cool.. mean's i'll have 0 or 1 point.. after this roundyou have last round's match between me and nilseboy still in there and we each have a match this round also..i sent you a pm. i felt like i activaly sent more pm's and tried to work out times for it but if you need to coin toss thats ok too.. or should we try and play this round?I apologize, I tried to edit the old list, and errors occurred. In the future, I'll just delete it and start from scratch.
Gah, I couldn't find 7wavemaster on time...Eva we all do, no matter how low our scores are. There is no elimination except for inactivity.
We sort of both tried to contact each other, but he hasn't been on since the first couple days in the round...
Do I still get to keep playing next round?
I realize that, but does not playing a match count as "inactivity"?I dont think so, as you have stayed active just couldn't set up duel, I am not sure though so Id ask Gl1tch to clarify.
I realize that, but does not playing a match count as "inactivity"?If you miss your match, and never message me for two rounds, you will be eliminated. If I eliminate you wrongly, I can easily re-add you.
Eva we all do, no matter how low our scores are. There is no elimination except for inactivity.Lol someone beat Plastiqe! My fellow death mate in arms (Malignant) failed us and got swept by him. Loki being unavailable to play me in round 3 really does hurt the score. Only getting one point for something you have no control over is kinda meh.
Someone beat Blonde already, hes too bad ass.
lockiburn4, Troh, Guy_Fawkes, Falcon4415, Legit, and Korugar, I have no record of your fight.Glitch i wrote on forum , lokiburn didn't appear on forum for all this week, i have been allways around so i guess i take this win
Question: Do we get to use the newly added cards in the next round?Answer: Yes. However, if you started with that element as your mono, you do have to learn it.
Quick question:With the scores right now, no matter how plastiqe wins,thats 18 unless someone ties it so i would say take the players with 14+ score and make them fight since the players with 13 and below won't catch up at this rate
With war starting up, lots of drop out players, and me being a TERRIBLE tournament organizer, what would you say to making this the last round?
Quick question:I say no, if you don't mind. You might want to start a poll about it.
With war starting up, lots of drop out players, and me being a TERRIBLE tournament organizer, what would you say to making this the last round?
Quick question:When you get up and organize an event, you are meant to do it until the end. If there is a problem, you can always shoot it to me or another PvPOO and we can finish the job, but the event will not end prematurely
With war starting up, lots of drop out players, and me being a TERRIBLE tournament organizer, what would you say to making this the last round?
hear you loud and clear.Quick question:When you get up and organize an event, you are meant to do it until the end. If there is a problem, you can always shoot it to me or another PvPOO and we can finish the job, but the event will not end prematurely
With war starting up, lots of drop out players, and me being a TERRIBLE tournament organizer, what would you say to making this the last round?
I will not be able to play for a few weeks after tonight.Im having the same problem 10 days I will barely be online if at all.
At what point do they forfeit?Napalm forfeited today. Congratulations Neo.
Yeah. While I think this was wildly successful, and the players did have fun, I am a SHITTY organizer, and hereby relinquish organizing a sequel to whoever wishes to do so. The addition of further-learning already-known cards in order to upgrade them will be added. I'll get on making a cool icon.Yeah. Let the creative people keep creating, and organizers keep things organized so the players can play and the spectators can watch. I'm good at sarcastic remarks so I'll just stick to making quips every now and again.
And, very importantly, fix the points awarded for a win by walkover. Losing all chance of winning the event because your opponent hasn't shown up several times is out-of-this-world messed up. Especially when byes give 3 points.I totally agree. Especially if they drop from the tournament.
Yeah. While I think this was wildly successful, and the players did have fun, I am a SHITTY organizer, and hereby relinquish organizing a sequel to whoever wishes to do so. The addition of further-learning already-known cards in order to upgrade them will be added. I'll get on making a cool icon.There isn't an event out there you won't see me willing to volunteer to run.