My disciples... come before me.
Make yourselves known.
For it is time.
Simply post that you want to join the event, and which element's mono you wish to start with, and I'll add you to the list! Rules here:,17492.0.htmlList here:
1. majofa - Fire
2. Mark_Tran - Entropy
3. icecoldbro - Fire
4. Legit - Fire
5. $$$man - Entropy
6. 1world24 - Life
7. Kakerlake - Earth
8. Malignant - Death
9. thatnewguy - Death
10. mrpaper - Earth
11. korugar - Gravity
12. xdude - Light
13. 7wavemaster - Fire
14. ji412jo - Light
15. kitty45 - Life
16. Rebnerod - Fire
17. Higurashi - Aether
18. The Mormegil - Fire
19. OleMAa - Fire
20. Funkyvenom - Life
21. NoobieCakes - Darkness
22. Terroking - Earth
23. Guy_Fawkes - Fire
24. nilsieboy - Darkness
25. Neopergoss - Death
26. vinvick3714 - Darkness
27. jippy99 - Darkness
28. Appawesome - Water
39. killzdazombies - Life
30. lokiburn4 - Entropy
31. truddy02 - Air
32. MrBlonde - Death
33. Thalas - Water
34. RavingRabbid - Air
35. EvaRia - Entropy
36. kevkev60614 - Aether
37. Seraph - Air
38. Falcon4415 - Time
39. patchx94 - Water
40. Napalm Grenade - Fire
41. sklazinga - Aether
42. gavsword - Fire
43. Tichan - Light
44. Dm1321 - Light
45. volkers - Gravity
46. zyz1 - Earth
47. achangeofpace - Entropy
48. Troh - Entropy
49. ddevans96 - Fire
50. icybraker - Aether