Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game
Elements the Game => PvP Event Archive => PvP Events => Events and Competitions => Children of the Oracle => Topic started by: Glitch on December 12, 2010, 05:56:25 pm
Hello, my children. You have all grown strong under my instruction, and all of you have mastered your respective fighting style. But now, as the time comes for you to learn more styles, I wonder which of you are ready. I wonder which of you can truly handle multiple elements. And so, I shall have you spar, and prove you are worthy.
Children of the Oracle EVENT RULES
1. Joining
Who can join Children of the Oracle?
There are no restrictions. Anyone from a beginner or a seasoned veteran is welcome to join.
Swiss Fighting
The fighting between the Oracle's disciples will be randomized based upon score. Players with the same score fight each other, with a random number generator used to break ties.
2. Getting Ready
The Children of the Oracle, under his teaching, have learned every single card of an element. They may take any number of a card once they have learned it (pillars/pendulums/marks are free). As the children of the oracle spar, they will fight, best of five, to prove their greatness.
Once all players have signed up, fights will be randomized until a winner is found.
Learning Cards
Every round, the Oracle will bless you with his teaching, and you may "learn" one additional card, allowing you to take any number of that allowed card along side your previously learned cards.
Building decks
You may only build decks with the cards you have learned. The Oracle will keep a list of every card you've learned in the main thread, alongside the battles. This thread will be used for reporting matches, keeping track of learned cards, and displaying fights.
Decks are 100% UNUPPED
Winning a Match
Desynchs will be replayed unless both players agree that one player was clearly going to win the match. When a match is won, the winner will post the results to the main thread.
Finding an opponent
You are responsible for finding and arranging a match with your opponent. BCC a copy of all PMs intended to set up a match Gl1tch. That way, he can tell who is making an effort and who isn't. Players who aren't active will be automatically defeated by their active opponent (they will lose a point), at the end of each three-day round. Players who are both inactive OR both active and cannot agree on a time will both lose three points.
Changing your deck
You are allowed to change your deck (and mark) in any way you choose between any fight.
Your score is based upon the following table:
Match Results | Points earned |
3-0 | +4 |
3-1 | +3 |
3-2 | +2 |
2-3 | -1 |
1-3 | -2 |
0-3 | -3 |
0-0 | +1 |
The first player to 18 points wins the event. You cannot drop below 0 points.
Tie Breaking
In the event of multiple players breaking 18 points in the same round, the player with the highest score wins. A player who finishes with 21 points would beat one who finished with only 18. If multiplayers win with the same score simultaneously, a round robin tournament will be fought until one player has more points than the rest. During the tie-breaker tournament, no new cards will be learned.
If there is an uneven number of players, then the player in last place gets a free win worth 3 points. If there is a tie for last, the player who gets the bye will be randomly picked between the players in last.
Time Frame
Each combatant will be provided 4 days to make their fight happen. After four days, a three day period will be granted for the disciples to PM me the new card they wish to learn. A relic will be added to their card pool to signify you still need to PM me. If you fail to PM me before the 3 day period is up, your learned card is voided, and gone forever.
We take all kinds of cheating very seriously. If you get caught cheating, you automatically lose and will be banned indefinitely from all Elements community PvP and PvE events. So please play fair.
4. Other rules
Warning system
If a player quits mid-event for any reason, or disrupts the event in any way, he will receive a warning. If you get 3 warnings in a single season, you will be banned from all PvP events until the end of the NEXT season.
If you have any questions about the rules, please post them here. Thank you.
This event, if it gets chosen to be played, will be run by me, and I will act as "the oracle." It will start after the war dies down a bit.
sounds interesting, btu i dont quite understand the learning cards :s
Like Love it.
sounds interesting, btu i dont quite understand the learning cards :s
Let's say you started out having learned the art of death. You would begin the game begin able to make any deck as long as it was death mono.
After round 1, you would be able to learn a card, and you choose Shröedinger's cat. From then on, you may take any deck as long as it consists only of death cards and/or Cats.
omg, i thought i liked the idea, i love it even more now :)
this, if i understand correctly is too much RNG for my liking
is the oracle 'prediction' the same for everyone? or cater to each individual participant?
if its the former, isnt that gonna make the tourney a bit monotonous? or if its the latter, how would you make sure each person have the same balance in deckbuilding power?
how do you create the starting decklist? do you wait for the oracle to blabs each day giving you a card or do you start with an element like xdude said?
seems like it *could* be a great event, just need to flesh out the idea a bit more
this, if i understand correctly is too much RNG for my liking
is the oracle 'prediction' the same for everyone? or cater to each individual participant?
if its the former, isnt that gonna make the tourney a bit monotonous? or if its the latter, how would you make sure each person have the same balance in deckbuilding power?
how do you create the starting decklist? do you wait for the oracle to blabs each day giving you a card or do you start with an element like xdude said?
seems like it *could* be a great event, just need to flesh out the idea a bit more
Oracle's prediction? If you mean starting mono, the player is allowed to pick. The starting decklist is mono of whatever element the player chooses.
hmm. so the oracles blessing is 1 randomly (or not randomly) selected card for each player, each round? Just 1? And it may or may not not be of the same element as your mono r1 deck?
The player gets to choose which card they "learn". And of course it won't be the same element as your mono r1 deck, you've already learned every single card from that element.
You have no idea how much I love this event.
It even works against rainbows...at the beginning at least.
This might be the event that finally gets me to commit to a whole PvP event. If it ever comes to be that is...
Updated to explain tie-breakers and bys.
I've changed it to a swiss system now. To decide fights, I'll list all players in order of points. I'll randomize ties. Then I'll go down the line by twos. This means the better you are doing, the harder the opponent you have to fight. Byes are worth three points and go to the person in last, according to this randomized list.
to decide fights, I'll list all players in order of points. I'll randomize ties. Then I'll go down the line by twos. This means the better you are doing, the harder the opponent you have to fight. Byes are worth three points and go to the person in last, according to this randomized list.
Wow! your on it! this is a very thoughtful an fair method to go about TO duties!
Interesting idea.
Have you considered changing the scoring? Currently the difference between winning or losing in a 2-2 situation is very small (+1 or 0). This is bad because it will seriously hurt the "epicness" of final duels. Winner of the 5th match should always get something extra.
If you did something like this..
Match Results | Points earned |
3-0 | +4 |
3-1 | +3 |
3-2 | +2 |
2-3 | -1 |
1-3 | -2 |
0-3 | -3 |
(The first player to 18 points wins the event)
.. you would get a much bigger difference in winning or losing, making duels that much more exciting because you pretty much have to win!
You could even make 3-0 result a +5, and 0-3 result a -4 if you wanted to make flawless win more epic.
need to include score for forfeit (0-0) in the table
or else we'll be seeing similar issue as it happened in 12 lives event
need to include score for forfeit (0-0) in the table
or else we'll be seeing similar issue as it happened in 12 lives event
Yes, that's a good point.
+1 for forfeit (0-0) sounds reasonable to me.
While I want the difference between scoring to be nice, I'd also like the amount of points gained on average to be low.
Still... I see your point.
I guess I'll start an informal poll. Would you rather use this scoring system:
Match Results | Points earned |
3-0 | +4 |
3-1 | +3 |
3-2 | +2 |
2-3 | -1 |
1-3 | -2 |
0-3 | -3 |
0-0 | +1 |
(The first player to 18 points wins the event)
Or the one I have currently?
Match Results | Points earned |
3-0 | +3 |
3-1 | +2 |
3-2 | +1 |
2-3 | 0 |
1-3 | -1 |
0-3 | -2 |
0-0 | +1 |
The first player to 15 points wins the event.
While I want the difference between scoring to be nice, I'd also like the amount of points gained on average to be low.
How many points you gain on average doesn't really make a difference, unless you want to make the counting process easier. You can always increase the number needed for a win. If you double the scoring, you can just double the number needed to win, and the total time will be the same.
The issue with your system is that winning 3-0 gives you three times as much points as winning 3-2. Like I said, when a match goes to 2-2, it doesn't even matter much if you win or lose the last match because it's only one point. What I suggested makes the final duel most exciting because it's a difference between +2 or -1.
Hmm... fair enough. And a higher points per win average decreases the number of players with negative points... meaning less players will rage quit... Thanks for your help! <3
I'll update the main post.
I like the idea. I'd join if it becomes reality.
And a higher points per win average decreases the number of players with negative points...
Oh, and about that.. I suggest you make it so that 0 is the lowest numbers of points. If a player loses while having 0 points, his or her points will still be zero. Otherwise half the players will go to negative after first round, and like you said, there might be some rage quitting involved. With 0 as the limit, players will never drop down to below their starting point.
You are like a tournament making wizard!
i really like the idea <3 i hope it actually happens :)
This is currently 3rd in the list of upcoming events.
The event is on! Sing-ups here: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,20027.0.html
Players with the same score fight each other
I'm a little concerened about this. My score is about 1.5k, but my experience is far greater than this suggests. Simply put, I could easily thrash the average player with this score.
Players with the same score fight each other
I'm a little concerened about this. My score is about 1.5k, but my experience is far greater than this suggests. Simply put, I could easily thrash the average player with this score.
The score he was talking about here is the one you get from the event.
So if two players have a score of 4 (both did a 3-0) they will likely matched up for the next round.
But in the first round it doesn't matter since everyone has a score of 0.
Players with the same score fight each other
I'm a little concerened about this. My score is about 1.5k, but my experience is far greater than this suggests. Simply put, I could easily thrash the average player with this score.
The score he was talking about here is the one you get from the event.
So if two players have a score of 4 (both did a 3-0) they will likely matched up for the next round.
But in the first round it doesn't matter since everyone has a score of 0.
Ah, right. It's all good then :)
What about marks? May we use any mark at any time, or do we need to learn a mark like we learn a card?
What about marks? May we use any mark at any time, or do we need to learn a mark like we learn a card?
From my understanding of the rules, you may use any marks, pillars, or pendulums. All other cards must be learnt.
When does this event take place? (sorry if I missed a detail on this) And how will the time of battles work? Because player X and I might be in a conflicting timezone, so there might be 8 hours of my life (sleeping), plus work, of not being able to battle?
And also, can the "Blessing" be a card that is upped? Because if not, then an SoG will be useless.
This time around, it will be entirely unupped.
Wait. You said we have to use Mono decks, but can the Mark be different?
Oh. So I can have a Mark of Time with a Light mono deck, or something like that?
Oh. So I can have a Mark of Time with a Light mono deck, or something like that?
i have a question about starting decks (i haven't find any infos about it)
we got to choose an element for a mono...
but, who decides the decklist? are there limitations? (for example : Entropy->Discord)
Uh how do u 'learn the cards' exactly?
At the end of every round, you'll post which card you want to learn in the main thread (which will house deck list, matches, and current standings). I'll update your decklist accordingly. If you forget, I'll add a relic there to remind you.
This is my first event so may I ask: What exactly is in store for us after a round is over? I looked at previous events and see people posting their (or is it their opponent's) deck to report the battle results. How exactly does that work? I have yet to find a set of rules/instructions on what you're supposed to do after each round.
i have a question about starting decks (i haven't find any infos about it)
we got to choose an element for a mono...
but, who decides the decklist? are there limitations? (for example : Entropy->Discord)
Glitch do you have any infos about my question?
There are no restrictions. If your deck would be considered mono, sans pillars, pendulums, and marks, you may use it.
In the main thread, I will post (in spoilers) the exact deck list of every player, which will be updated as players learn new cards. Cards the player has learned but not picked will be represented by relics.
This is my first event so may I ask: What exactly is in store for us after a round is over? I looked at previous events and see people posting their (or is it their opponent's) deck to report the battle results. How exactly does that work? I have yet to find a set of rules/instructions on what you're supposed to do after each round.
Seeing that you seemed to have missed my question, may I ask again? :)
Ok. Then i wanna join =)
This is my first event so may I ask: What exactly is in store for us after a round is over? I looked at previous events and see people posting their (or is it their opponent's) deck to report the battle results. How exactly does that work? I have yet to find a set of rules/instructions on what you're supposed to do after each round.
Seeing that you seemed to have missed my question, may I ask again? :)
You simply post your deck and the results. There will be a forum section where you post the results, and I'll update the scores in the main thread.
At the end of every round, you'll post which card you want to learn in the main thread (which will house deck list, matches, and current standings). I'll update your decklist accordingly. If you forget, I'll add a relic there to remind you.
Greetings from the drafty side of the events section.
I would suggest you handle this with pm's. Otherwise there's an incentive to delay posting until you've seen other players choices, adjusting your pick accordingly.
At the end of every round, you'll post which card you want to learn in the main thread (which will house deck list, matches, and current standings). I'll update your decklist accordingly. If you forget, I'll add a relic there to remind you.
Greetings from the drafty side of the events section.
I would suggest you handle this with pm's. Otherwise there's an incentive to delay posting until you've seen other players choices, adjusting your pick accordingly.
Excellent idea!
At the end of every round, you'll post which card you want to learn in the main thread (which will house deck list, matches, and current standings). I'll update your decklist accordingly. If you forget, I'll add a relic there to remind you.
Greetings from the drafty side of the events section.
I would suggest you handle this with pm's. Otherwise there's an incentive to delay posting until you've seen other players choices, adjusting your pick accordingly.
Excellent idea!
along these lines, may i wait to PM my card choice until after i find out which element my next round opponent will be using? (it would sort of have to be this way unless there was a deadline to choose, and those who do not don't get a new card...)
If the answer is no, then I suggest that people pm you with their new card choice before the round clock is over, or forfeit their choice.
They may not know.
Rounds are a week long, the first four days are for dueling, the last three for picking your learned card. I will add a relic to your deck to signify you still need to PM me your card choice. If you fail to do so in three days.... tough shit.
Players who are both inactive OR both active and cannot agree on a time will both lose three points.
Your score is based upon the following table:
Match Results | Points earned |
0-0 | +1 |
/confused. How do you get a 0-0??
Players who are both inactive OR both active and cannot agree on a time will both lose three points.
Your score is based upon the following table:
Match Results | Points earned |
0-0 | +1 |
/confused. How do you get a 0-0??
By opponent's forfeit or inactivity.
By opponent's forfeit or inactivity.
So if I a match, both of us gain +1? We both got 0-0.
By opponent's forfeit or inactivity.
So if I a match, both of us gain +1? We both got 0-0.
If your opponent forfeits, you gain +1, he gains nothing.
I choosed card learning with 14 hours delay. Can I use the deflag?
sorry my delay.