4vk 4vn 4vp 52o 52p 52s 52u 55l 55q 55r 55t 592 593 5c3 5c8 5f5 5f6 5f8 5i5 5i9 5if 5ig 5lm 5oh 5om 5rj 5rk 5rt 5un 5up 5v2 61r 622 623
Compiled the above list of unupped/common cards that may help against Chaos Lord, perhaps it will inspire some ideas? Each card in detail:
:entropyMutation - destroy or Abomin-ize something big.
:entropyAntimatter - harness something big to heal you. He may Improve an Antimattered target.
:entropyPandemonium - unreliable, but stands a chance to incapacitate his entire field, more or less, for several turns.
:deathPoison - does not respect Dissipation Field!
:deathPlague - he rarely gets a quint, so this can destroy his whole field. 3 turns to kill a Druid.
:deathAflatoxin - Cells cannot be mutated, but this needs to be used with a shield or healing permanent - which he could steal or destroy.

:rainbowDeathstalker - must be used in conjunction with a buff, but again, poison is great against his shield.
:gravitySapphire Charger - passes shields, but a likely target for his Druids.
:gravityMomentum - an obvious choice, but Druids can't remove it.
:gravityOtyugh - only useful if Quinted or you can get one to 1|4 before he plays his first Druid. He may still cast Mutation.
:gravityGravity Pull - can be a godsend for killing large or emergency targets, but only if you have a creature out.
:earthEnchant Artifact - Earth splash to prevent PC...
:earthEarthquake - if you decide to go with bashing through his shield, this could be used on Quantum Towers to kill 9 quantum generation a shot.
:lifeThorn Carapace - probably the fastest way to kill a large creature. It doesn't need to stay out forever to kill everything he has.
:lifeForest Scorpion - until he gets the dreaded shield out, stick him with some extra poison!
:fireFire Shield - quicker than Thorns at destroying smaller targets, but much slower at destroying large ones, and needs to remain on the field.
:fireDeflagration - better than Momentum at beating his shield, but you need four of them to be sure.
:fireRain of Fire - will wipe his Druids and Rays clean, unless he Chaos Powers one.

:deathChrysaora - renewable poison that ignores his shield, and an unlikely Mutation target, but requires a specific duo.
:waterIce Shield - unbuffed Rays cannot be frozen, but this will still buy some time.

:aetherMind Flayer - obvious, but does not prevent Mutations from his hand.

:rainbowNymph's Tears - versatile but unlikely. In conjunction with Steal, can make renewable Antimatter... if you can Quint as well, which needs a trio.
:lightSanctuary - counter Discord and draw his PC away from other things.
:airThunderstorm - like Rain of Fire, but can't kill Druids. Mostly an early card to delay painful mutants arriving on his side.

:fireUnstable Gas - like Thunderstorm, but requires a duo and hurts him through his shield - and he can't heal.
:timeProcrastination - better than Ice Shield at buying time, and predictable enough to open a window where his Druids are unable to mutate.
:timeReverse Time - counter mutants with momentum or dangerous abilities, and stall him at the same time.

:rainbowDune Scorpion - if you can scratch him, it's worth many, many Forest Scorpions.

:deathParasite - requires a certain duo, but can bring down giants, and is not a likely mutation target.
:darknessSteal - unlikely to help against his shield if you run non-rainbow, as it will flatten your quanta, but still an option.
:darknessCloak - without a field spell, this will buy three turns of near-immunity to mutation and PC.
:aetherParallel Universe - I've never tried this against mutants, so I don't know if you will get their exact abilities or a new mutant.
:aetherFractal - mostly useful in conjunction with Rays for a Hope shield, but who knows? He might get a mutant of something you can spam.
:aetherMindgate - if it lasts, you can turn his whole deck against him. The good part is you'll probably get his Steals before he does.
I've colored red the cards I think most likely to be amazing against him. Death, Life, Fire, and Time seem especially promising.
Here are the most helpful rares:
:deathArsenic - more poison! Poison!!
:gravityTitan - every turn he doesn't make it go away is 7 more damage for you, and again, he can't heal it back.

:gravityPulverizer - counters his shield directly but requires a rather unhelpful duo to pull off.

:earthTrident - renewable, unlike Earthquake, and can completely bury his quanta... if you can keep it out.
:waterArctic Squid - more reliable than Ice Shield, but also more susceptible to mutations.
:airOwl's Eye - Snipe kills Druids and Rays in a single shot. Giants can also be brought low if he doesn't explode it.
:timeEternity - a bit heavy on the quanta, but capable of stalling him for quite a while if it works.
:aetherLobotomizer - a mono version of Mind Flayer!